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It is gonna be really interesting to see how the world takes shape with Endeavor as the number one!

I WATCH MY HERO ACADEMIA AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/my-hero-academia/  




Great reaction man. Seriously cant wait for your reaction to the finale hopefully you find it just as good and hype as everyone else. Also wanted to give you a cool little fact, that boy with the pink hair saying he was an Endeavor fan that's actually the same voice actor as a different anime character named natsu and they drew him to look exactly the same as Natsu down to the pink hair and scarf. The coolest part is that in the anime Natsu uses fire based attacks and well the kid also likes Endeavor who is a flame hero. Just a cool little thing they did


i pray mirio gets back into action some day, pleeeeeeaaaaaase


I'm curious how Curtis' impression of Endeavour will change in the next episode. Will he start to warm up to him (pun intended, sue me) or will he still be as cold as always? Guess I'll have to check back tomorrow to find out.


Endeavor is unironically my favorite person in this show, though Hawks honestly comes in second. Bunny hero is my third, just had to mention cause of how badass she is!


In case you missed it, Wings is the hero the bird kid did his internship with.

Ted Cali

I love how, even in a “divisive” season like this, literally 100% of the anime community is united in having the exact same reaction to Mirko: “can bunny hero please crush me with her thighs?” Welp, one more day until the best episode of the series. 🔥👁🔥👁🔥

Christopher Johnson

The only reason this little redemption for Endeavor in becoming #1 works for me is that he isn’t asking Shoto or his mom for forgiveness. He just recognizes that he has a duty to be number one and be the new symbol that protects the country. He hopes Shoto can someday be proud of him, but he wasn’t pushing it.


It seems they're trying for a redemptive spin on Endeavor. That's a ballsy move. I'm also interested to see jusy how much of an effect it will have on me. :-)


I agree on that part... I think him doing anything but moving forward would be out of character for him.


Ok ima say 99% lol. I personally dont see why she is such a big deal. I honestly dont care for her. which I'm gonna say is actually surprising for me. I'm big into dark skinned tomboys in anime/manga yet for some reason I just cant seem to like her.


All I'm saying is that I'd let Bunny-Girl do unspeakable things to and/or on me.


I became an Endever fan from this fight


Ah yes Kamino, the home world of the Clone Army 🙃


Man, i hope curtis already watched the next episode, only because y'all's comments are too spoiler-y for my taste. Why preshape his opinions by throwing around ideas like redemption or changing his opinion of endeavor. Let the man watch the climax before trying to discuss it!


From what I remember, Curtis recorded a bunch of episodes in advance for his upcoming vacation.

Lewd Angel

The overall opinion on the Bunny girl hero is the absolute opposite of annoying, she has every right to crush me between her thighs at any point


Hawks gives me a real Matthew McConaughey vibe, also you gotta figure for him to be in the number 2 spot at 22 and to have cracked the top ten at 18 he's gotta be pretty sharp.