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Whitebeard is truly one of the all-time great characters and badasses of anime!

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece  




Ready for the manly tears 😥

Brother E

Throughout the Battle of Marineford, Whitebeard received 267 sword wounds, 152 gunshot wounds and 46 wounds from cannonballs — adding up to a total of 465 injuries at the time of death. Despite this, there was not a single scar on Whitebeard’s back showing cowardice. Imagine how strong Whitebeard was at his peak and also how much stronger Gol D. Roger was in comparison. Luffy has a LONG way before he can get on the level of those two behemoths and I’m sure when the time comes to get on that level, Blackbeard will be there waiting for him.


I can't blame black beard for acting the way he does. It must hurt just thinking about getting hit by an earthquake at point-blank range.


Wan Pieceu Wa....

Brother E

Another importance to this episode is now we have a clue to what the One Piece can be, as Whitebeard said once that great treasure is discovered it will turn the world upside down. Also a little back in Sabaody, Rayleigh also said that his and Gold Roger’s journey to discovering the One Piece involved knowing some sorts of “secrets to the world”. So adding the clues revealed from this point in the story we can conclude that whatever the One Piece is, it’s a treasure that threatens the World Governments’ power. As Whitebeard mentioned the discovery of One Piece will cause a Great War, possibly far greater than the one we are witnessing now. This means there’s now become a even greater significance to obtaining the One Piece.


Rip Kinryu Arimoto for all the good Whitebeard years you giving us. A legend died voiced by a legend.


Actually it was never stated roger was stronger than whitebeard. In their prime they both considered each other equals


Whitebeard boss among bosses and proof that old men deserve respect. The man's death and talk with Roger gave me chills seeing it the first time


I also want to point out that the world heard Whitebeard's last words because of Captain Buggy's little pirate commercial still running. So he ended up playing a bigger role than the prisoners expected


The scene describing whitebeard at the end with all the sword wound gun wounds and cannon shots yet his back is clean is for me personally my favorite scene in all of one piece and anime. It just gets to me really hard.


Akainu's a massive asshole but at least his took his beating from Whitebeard with dignity. Blackbeard was a total coward from the moment he realized Whitebeard could still fight back.


If you didn't catch it Curtis, Whitebeard just confirmed the existence of the One Piece to the World. Also, in the manga, Blackbeard comes off as even more of a pussy because he never actually shoots Whitebeard. Whitebeard grabs his head and quakes it in, but there right after that, he just calls his goons to step in and attack Whitebeard. If he didn't call for help, he would've been even more damaged or potentially killed.


That is one of the most badass and fulfilling deaths I've seen any character have. I've re-watched it countless times. I can only hope my death is 1/10th as honorable as Whitebeard's.

Tony Gilbert King

That is a massive amount of wounds but it doesn't count punches, kicks, getting half his face melted off, getting two punches from magma fists into his torso, frozen in ice and lasers through his arm on top of being a sick old man living on life support all of that for such a humble down to earth ambition Whitebeard truly is a man among men. rest in peace Oyaji


props to buggy and the gang for keeping the camera rolling hence the world has seen whitebeard's message


I mean, shouldent the two holes in his torso alsa have exit wounds in his back? kinda makes no sense really, same as when ace was ran trough. Say what you what about blackbeard but he is a fucking tank, one sturdy fucker, and hes a pirate, and pirates dont fight fair. I love how in the show all the "bad" pirates get alot of hate, but they forget most of em are bad guys, with a few exeptions. Even the pirate king could be a monster sometimes.


Who else really wants to see whitebeard kicking ass in his prime days?? A spin off for that would be awesome

Jake from SF

All Whitebeard wanted was a family. He got his family. This community here is part of your family and since shirohige literally means white facial hair and you have white facial hair, I think that means it is confirmed that you are Whitebeard Jr! So, Whitebeard will live on through his son Whitebeard Jr!


Whitebeard was always an amazing guy through and through no matter what it was.


Probably one of the best deaths in all of anime


RIP The Legend! Going to pour one out for Whitebeard!


I like the translation "One Piece.. does exist!" better than "...is real"


I'll have a drink for the good old man tonight


Despite everything he is ultimately responsible for, and the way he acts, I can never find myself hating him. As he, unlike so many others in the series, acts like you would expect a pirate to. His more cowardly side when his plans aren't going the way he expected, is probably the only part I dislike.


Very sound reasoning. So, if Whitebeard Jr replaces 'Sons' with 'Gooshers', what should we replace 'Pops' with?


In Blackbeard's defense, acting like a cowardly bitch and begging for your life is very much the appropriate response to Whitebeard trying to kill you. The bravest man would find his pants wet in the face of that man.


"Look at him begging, what a little bitch" lol, I never even considered how similar Blackbeard and his crew are to Shawn Michaels and D-X until you said that....except a lot less sexy of course


i have so many questions still, about blackbeard's planning. coz initially he intended on capturing luffy to become warlord, i wonder how everything would have panned out


And here we can clearly see Blackbeard's duality for the first time. Some aspects have yet to be shown, others are pretty obvious: He's super strong (scarred Shanks(!), defeated Ace), but also super weak (got punched by Luffy, 1shot by Magellan, etc.). He can be an absolute goof and idiot, much like Luffy, but as you probably have seen in the next episode he concocted a complex plan to acquire immense power and a strong following, so he's also kind of a genius. He's super confident, but also super cowardly at times. There are actually theories that he has a split personality, for various reasons. I don't know if that's true but he's clearly very unpredictable, much like the real Blackbeard is said to have been.


LOL! I first thought you wrote "It just get me really hard" which would also have been kinda understandable.


It isn't as action packed as some moments, but the Whitebeard flashback when he says all he's ever wanted is a family is probably one of my favourite scenes in the entire series.


Akainu and Blackbeard are definitely way up on my gated lists, but I think they’re phenomenal characters and antagonists. Still want them both to get curb stomped though


I almost snorted out my drink when Curtis remembered Teach’s full name 🤣🤣


And “The One Piece is real” moment is my single favorite moment in the story up to the current chapter. Gives me chills every single time


Whitebeard is more badass while dead than most anime characters will ever be while alive. Not even death could make him fall and with the entire Navy attacking him, admirals and vice admirals included, they couldn't so much as give his back a bruise. Also a reminder that he was missing like 1/3 of his head ever since he threw that magma brat down a ravine.


One interesting thing about Blackbeard is when he's facing the prospect of death, he doesn't smile. Meanwhile every other D we see has. Roger at his execution, Ace just a bit ago, and Luffy when he was about to die at Lougetown. I also love how big of a "fuck you" announcing One Piece is real is. The marines tried so hard to wipe out Roger's legacy by killing Ace, but now the fervor will grow since people know One Piece actually exists.


pour one out for the old man!


god, I fucking love the family scene. I think the reason why I like Op is that it is so real. (disregarding the 5'7 140lb kid who can punch through feet of solid steel). Pops are super badass but also a bit vulnerable. He loves his sons. He's always wanted a family(which makes us assume he is an orphan) and when he gets it he protects it. WB's character is talked about a bit later but I think the scene where he is talked about recently in the anime was really awesome and grows his character. Also, Luffy doesn't get a magical demon mode asspull power and defeats the villain and wins, he just kinda drops which I think is really something that makes sense to me. Also, the counting wounds scene was badass, we'll have to do that for you Curtis. "Two knife wounds, Choked on 5 hot dogs, 231 chairs slammed into his head, 12 clogged major arteries, 3 bb pellet wounds, and 22 scabs on his penis from yanking it to the Seras poster behind him"


Yeah WB has a tough as hell back. Or maybe his back just cannot grow scars idk


i like how different the 2 deaths are. while Aces was hard to swallow (thats what she said), whitebeards is a lot more appreciated in the sense you cant think of a way for a character to go out more bad ass. plus i think the difference in age plays a big part in that.


Little remix I made. Lyrics may be a bit of a stretch in a few parts, but I think it works. And who are you? The proud man said That I must bow so low Only a beard of a different hair That's all the truth I know In a beard of white or a beard of black A pirate still has claws And mine are long and sharp, my lord As long and sharp as yours And so he spoke, and so he spoke That man of the white beard But now the rains weep o'er his hull With no one there to hear Yes, now the rains weep o'er his hull And not a soul to hear


Completely agree! Ace's was pure tragedy to me, and Whitebeard's - while sad - was a fitting end for a badass warrior. It's similar to the way I felt about Jiraiya's death.


True enough. Akainu is willing to die for what he believes in. I can at least respect him for his convictions.

Lewd Angel

OP is many things, but i can't say 'real' would be one of them, lotta emotions and motivations feel exaggerated for the plot sometimes. Regardless, the family scene is bar none one of the best in the series


You might hate Akainu and that's totally deserved, but at least he wasn't a bitch like Blackbeard, begging Whitebeard to not kill him


Always keep the camera rolling. Even if your kid falls on his face, keep that MF steady so we can laugh


Whitebeard's death and Roger's death are the most badass way to die. Like true chads