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I see a number of you have been experiencing issues with MEGA here and there... I wish I could go to a better alternative, but there really aren’t any that are safe for us.

However, I have been experimenting with some compression settings that may be able to bring the file sizes down a bit without a huge loss in quality. I’m a couple days ahead on vids, but starting with the one I’ll edit tomor row, I’ll try those out. 😊



I don't know what options everyone else has... But I select "Preview Content" And it allows me to watch the video without downloading anything... I suggest doing this instead if you have the option. (On mobile)


I had this issue too, been having some srs withdrawal from not being able to watch the my hero episodes. (Stuck on the one where we learn more about Eri situation)


I don't have any issues while I'm home (250Mbps internet), when I'm at my parents place like once a month there's 5Mbps (at max on good days) and then the Mega might buffer if I watch on browser. But I never have had any issues with downloading the videos. I don't watch videos on app or phone (why would I use 4" screen when I have 24" next to me?)

Mighty Snake

I've only had issues once or twice but they are usually never constant so I think it should be fine, my experiences with vrv on the other hand is something I'm sure you go through as well


Good Luck Curtis! While it sucks when it breaks on us, it must be much worse for you, the guy that puts all the work in.


if you download the file to desktop it should resolve a lot of peoples issues

Anime Wulf

I posted this on the original comment from todays My Hero Academia episode but just gonna repost for everyone to see here. "Streaming a video is the equivalent of downloading the video, except without the download, so when files sizes for videos are large, more buffering occurs because the video player has to grab all the extra data for it. This is often because people like uploading their videos in HD, and as a result this causes much higher file sizes. Now you could do video encoding on a HD video to decrease the file size and try to maintain the HD (works quite often), but the process is rather time consuming as the trade off. This video was 900MB large, so that takes a drastically longer time to stream for someone who doesn't get fast internet. (I get 300Mb/s so converting the bits per second to bytes, I get about 37 megabytes per second, meaning I can buffer this entire video in 24 seconds.)"

Anime Wulf

There's a work around for this (at least for me on most videos), where on the mega video page, if you dont go fullscreen the page collects more streams of data continuously. This is tested with the chrome inspect console ctrl+shift+i under the network section, you can see the individual streams of data collecting as the video plays. These streams stop more often when in fullscreen. The problem at its base: Large file size for videos Mega video streaming algorithm


My only problem is that mega pauses the video sometimes when in fullscreen but continues as soon as i move the mouse


As i said before. it's completely fine when i'm at my house (which is the case most of the time).


Starscream has Mega issues too. :P


My only problem with MEGA has been that the video on site refuses to play without buffering every two seconds. Downloading worked fine unless a new issue came up since Code Geuss ended.

Chris Curran

I have any buffering issues is when i try to watch on my phone even when connected to wifi, but when i watch it on my computer it i dont have any issues.


personaly i would say that it is allways better to downolad insted of watching on mega, if i remember well i tested it out once and it turned out that it used more "mega alocated data" (for free users it has a 5 ish gb limit / 5 hours if i remember well, so you can get to watch more videos by downloading them insted of watching them online, my internet is phenomenaly good 1500 mb/s (Romania internet speed :P) yet somehow i also get the buffering problem on mega when i want to watch it on the site insted of downloading them i know it can take a while to download since not everyone has a fast internet speed but, start downloading them, than go make yourself a cup of coffe, or prepare something to eat than by the time your meal / drink is ready your vid should be finished with download / or close to finish, this way you get an unintrerupted vid + a snack ;)


This is exactly what I do, and it works really well (I watch on an Iphone, in case anyone is wondering).


it's gone back to normal ie okay to me

Sean Nelson

that's what we do it works 95% of the time. it's just 5% is aggravating so you tend to hear about it more.