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This will be REALLY interesting to see how the gang does against a top-5 team... If they survive the bus ride!

I WATCH HAIKYU AT VRV:  https://vrv.co/series/GY8VM8MWY/Haikyu  



Richie Roberts

Sounds like Curtis needs to do a food run to Japan. But you live in NY you could get them in NYC if you look around for it. When it comes to food it pays to be adventurous and try new things. I don't like raw octopus, but cooked is good, and I love squid jerky.


My whole problem is that my tastes are SO limited! It annoys me sometimes... But I'd walked past Japanese restaurants hundreds of times while down in Manhattan, but then I never had the urge to try them. :-)


I’ve actually tried red bean paste which is a pastry in America too and it tastes really really good. Definitely worth a try. Haven’t gotten the chance for pork buns yet


I got researching a little more when I finished recording this, and I need to try a beef bun! :-D


Haikyuu, to me is amazing how it makes u love the characters and because of how human the characters are. Like i cried at a certain big moment later on that is probably top 10 anime moments