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Things have been looking grim in these fights pretty much all along. At least now, though, it seems as if we'll get some tag-teaming!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach  




As an Official FBI agent; Female Body Inspector, not to be confused with the other beta FBI, we came to the conclusion that tiny titty bitches need love too


To give you a bit of context for the whole "princess" bit, the "hime" part of Orihime's name translates to princess. In the original Loly and Menoly (the two arrancar girls) are calling her Hime as a combination nickname/insult, adding an extra level to their bitchery that doesn't really come across in the dub.


And then, as things progressed in that scene, it seemed as if the one chick's boobies got bigger!... Unusual, but I'm not complaining. :-D


Idk if it's mentioned in the show or not, but all 10 of the arrancar represent human aspects of death. Guess all 10 correctly and you get a free sundae!

Miklar Sihn

It seems we now know Ulquiorras fighting style. He bitchslaps people through walls, that is his whole thing.

Miklar Sihn

Get your filthy hands off Renji you damn dirty Arrancar.

Miklar Sihn

Ichigo saving Renji is so nice. (Yes, from now on Uryu/Quinces nickname is Ichigo, this will cause problems, but it is too fun not to.)


If it makes Ichigo feel better, at least he managed to make Ulquiorra use both hands instead of just one. Still hasn't gotten him to even draw his sword yet though.


That's right, we getting Teddy Long up in this bitch, it's a tag team match playa!

Florian Krause

Isnt princess Orihime redundant?