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Damn, the feels are taking a beating here!... But Luffy finally gets to see his brother, as he plummets towards him!

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece  




Even in the one piece world, that’s gotta be bizarre as hell for everyone watching 🤣😂


Garps face explains everybody's reaction through out the war


You gotta give it to oars though. He got attacked by 3 warlords and still almost got to ace. If that's not awesome idk what is.


I guess Luffy just felt like dropping by :P Also, its raining men, hallelujah.


: ( video isn't loading for me. Damn you mega!

Miklar Sihn

Ahh, now we have increased the number of factions in this battle. Never has it been so convoluted.

Brother E

By the end of the arc, Whitebeard will be one of your favorite characters in anime. You both have similar views when it comes to family. So you’ll relate to him as the arc progresses.


Doflamingo's speech pretty much sums up the world of One Piece. What constitutes justice morality and history is basically decided by the victors - as seen in the slogan of "justice" employed by a pretty corrupt navy and government

Mighty Snake

Honestly, I think the Garp cosplay would be perfect for you, you just need a suit and hair, you've already got the grandpa thing going, and all Garp really does is sleep, eat, and occasionally punch his kids. Plus he's got a mostly stocky build so it doesn't even require working out much.


"I've got no sympathy for pirates... but for family I do." That line gets me every time.


is anyone else just not able to watch this episode ive tried on multiple devices and no luck im gonna keep trying but usually if It doesn't load I can download it but that's not working either


Are you guys able to play the video?


it's loading endlessly ;(


I was like 80% done watching the reaction when MEGA just died on me lol RIP


Also it seems to only be this video as the other 2 work just fine for me. 🤔


Been messing with it for 2 hours and havent figures it out. Downloading is slower than dialup right now too been doing that the whole time as well.


Been trying to watch this one all day, the other two shows worked for me and I'm caught up with everything else


over 800mb!?


Hold tight, Gang... It was working okay earlier, but I'm on it now to try and figure out what's going on.


Okay, Gang, should be good to go now... I have no idea why that other file corrupted, but the link now should be fine... Sorry about the inconvenience.


Yes, Doflaming is scary, but also my favorite character in One Piece. He always has amazing speeches, and his character is made to give us always some important info.


Being scared of Doflamingo is a perfectly rational, and arguably the correct, response.


He has a bit of hisoka energy. I definetley enjoy his charecter


I wonder if gave his wife his “fist of love” before conceiving Dragon. 🐉🐉🐉


God dammit, who put these tears on my face? Seriously though, if by the end of this arc, Whitebeard isn't at least in your top 5 favorite characters in OP (If not in all anime) then the series has failed you. When he spiked that giant Vice Admiral's head and just obliterated him with one hand, it almost felt as satisfying as when Luffy introduced that Celestial Dragon to a haymaker (and that's saying something).

Gabriel Phipps

In the dub after white beard throws the giant they added a line where a random marine just says “ok, uh everybody just leave white beard alone I guess”. Smartest marine in the series right there

Tony Gilbert King

This speech by doffy made him one of my favorite characters and you just gotta feel bad for garp. Oh hi luffy