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I was in agreement that there's nothing left for Lelouch to live for... But I forgot about this one small daddy matter!

I WATCH CODE GEASS AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/code-geass/  




Do we know what your going to be watching after code geass? I'm not a big fan of it [I not a big fan of mecha type anime] so I havent been watching the reactions to know if you said what you are gonna be watching.


I love how Lelouch leans into the theatrics and does what he can to make Kallen abandon him so that she can live, he had already accepted death after all. Everybody losing their minds over the weight of everything they've done, it's just so great. You've finally heard the single greatest Lloyd line, "I didn't have to, I'm a sociopath."


He hasn't as far as I can recall, at least not during the reactions.


Lloyd you fucking legend. And Rollo, going out like a damn boss. Also yeah, just like the guy above, since CG is going to end soon, what will replace it? ....pleasesayblacklagoonplease......

Lewd Angel

Pretty sure after this we're going back to watch new seasons of anime that have come out, DxD, MHA ect

Miklar Sihn

The combo of Lelouch saving Kallens life in what he believed to be his final moments and Rolo then dying because he loved Lelouch unconditionally, even though Lelouch hated him... This is an amazing episode. It hits deep.

Jose Ferrer

Even though Rolo killed Shirley seeing his character arc in this series shows all the shades of grey that exist in each one of us so that we are not inherently evil or good but that every choice we make pushes us to one side of the spectrum

Miklar Sihn

Lelouch did prove how much he cares for Kallen, she was also pretty much the only thing left to him that he cared for. C2 is no longer the same person and who she is, is not someone the current Lelouch would begin caring about. Rolo killed the girl he was actively in love with. Nunnally died. There really is only Kallen who knows him.

Harrison Wardle-Millar

Always loved that they can make everyone in the world hate Rolo for killing Shirley... and then make everyone love him for saving Lelouch despite knowing that he was only being used


Lelouch is the ultimate Itachi with what he is going to do Curtis. Also, I don't why but the Black Knights betraying Zero always pisses me off. After everything he did for all those shits, they betray him? they were nothing more than small fries before he came along and it was only because of him they accomplished everything they accomplished. yes, Zero did some bad things but I personally believe his good deeds outweigh the bad. I know some of you will mention the princess massacre but we all know it wasn't his fault but that of his geass. yes, he could have avoided saying those words but it was simply a horrible mistake and all that he had left since doing it was just go with it. Lelouch, in my opinion, is the ultimate opportunist. it is his end goal that drives him. for me, he is such a tragic and complex character. Lelouch will always be my favorite protagonist in Anime simply because of his genius mind and unending charisma. Get ready Curtis because the demon will soon arise hehehehe. sorry if this sound like a spoiler and if it does tell me and I'll delete it but "ALL HAIL LELOUCH!!" hahahahaha!!!!


I personally can't stand Lelouch and was actually rooting for Schneizel at this point back when i first watched Code Geass myself. I was pissed at the Black Knights for blindly following Lelouch up to this point, and not even questioning why for example he abandoned them in the battle at the end of season one. He has demonstrated multiple times that he doesn't give a rats ass about any of them as soon as he sees his own goals in danger, and views all of them as expendable (again, referring to him abandoning them mid battle at the end of Season 1 without a second thought). I just think it's fascinating when different people watching the same anime can have such vastly different opinions on a character, to me that just shows how good the writing of this show is.


and he pretended he didnt care about her to save her


Everyone else has their own opinions, and they've been rather vocal in the comments of the last few episodes, but allow me to throw my own hat in the ring for Nina. She has one of my favorite character arcs in the entire show. She's not a psychopath building a nuke because she wants to see people die. She broke after Euphie died, tried to end everything, and the person who brought her back was, unfortunately, Schneizel. Under his watch, she was able to focus on the science without ever realizing just what that would mean. As she said, it was all just numbers. Only now does she realize just what that bomb does, and you saw the look on her face at the start. Her conversation with Lloyd drives that home. She doesn't' want to cause that kind of damage, but continuing on as she has REQUIRES her to accept some responsibility for what she's created. Lloyd's fine with knowing his Lancelot murders people. But it's up to Nina whether she can accept the same. Her name might be Einstien, but she's much more in line with Oppenheimer. Anyway, since I've probably lost all credibility, I'll end it there. More on Nina going forward since I've seen a lot of opinions about her that I quite disagree with, but couldn't defend without spoiling.


I agree with you. Nina is a rather fascinating and complex character but I personally don't like her. My reason being fleija. I agree with you saying she didn't know but when they tested it for the first time and she seeing it destructive capability should have raised some red flags in her mind imo. She is a sociopath in the making. Yes regret was evidently on her face but only after it detonated. Remember she was begging susaku to use it to kill zero, not even caring of all the lives her weapon was going to take. I don't buy it that she couldn't have known all the destruction her weapon could cause. She created it, she tested it, she should know it destructive capability. Remember she was also planning to kill everyone in the Ashford school just to kill zero. When all was said and done is when she "realized" just what she had created. Yes there was regret but regret won't bring back all the millions of life she inavertadly took. Again this is just my opinion. Sorry if I offended you.


Lelouch DID kill japanese on purpose not everything was a accident. He purposely suicide bombed a whole tanker of japanese soldiers like sacrificing pawns. Also the flaya incident was Lelouch knew they had it and threatened to use it but he told no one else and purposely threw the lives of his soldiers into that battle just to get his sister from Suzaku. The soldiers that died in that battle who were loved by the others where thrown into a wall of death by Lelouch for self intrest.

Miklar Sihn

The Fleija incident is somewhat excused by the fact that he didnt believe Suzaku. He was told they had the Fleija, but he didnt believe it because of what just happened.

Rue Surnameunimportant

Poor Suzaku. Also, fuck, man. I knew Rollo's end would be heartwrenching and there we go. I an feel for Lelouch sometimes but damn, he totally deserves all his heartache as he has caused much worse.


LOL heartwrenching. Because his heart... sorry ill head out