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Who would ever have thought that Geass suggestion would come back to bite Lelouch on the ass?!

I WATCH CODE GEASS AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/code-geass/  




"It was at this moment, when Lelouch Realized... he fucked up."

Rogue Agent

"Big daddy bitch". That was great phrasing.


(Suzaku playing video games): God this level sucks ass, who made this boss I'm just gonna kill myself and restart. *Suzaku approaches the cliff* alright here we go. *Red circles appear around his eyes, the musis starts to play, "I ORDER YOU TO LIVE" is heard echoing far away, Suzaku pulls off a crazy ass combo on the boss and Killa him* as Suzaku fades back into lucidity "LELOUUUUCHHHHH" Suzaku yells as he slouches over and cries for 7 minutes.


You thought the universe was done kicking Lelouch in the dick after Shirley? Nope, it's never done! It just spent a few episodes winding up for a real kick. If only Lelouch had thought to have Jeremiah Geass Canceler Suzaku from inside his mech, they might've had a chance.


Couple of good swings there, between these two episodes. "You go to ask your friend's help. He believes you, but you get captured and outed as Zero because he was followed, and you don't believe him." "Because you think he betrayed you, you ignore his warning about the Fleija. Then, because you mind-fucked him previously, he unintentionally unleashes a Fleija on the Tokyo Settlement, killing your sister, who you were doing all this for in the first place. GG."


A nuke? Oh no no no no... no... That thing is WORSE than a nuke. You see, if you nuke a city then it might be rebuilt after all the fallout has settled and the radiation has reached livable levels. Hell, there might even be survivors. Disfigured survivors that might not last too long but survivors all the same. The F.L.E.I.J.A. will VAPORIZE anything and everything within the blast radius, not even leaving the ground the city was built on. There are no survivors. There is no city to rebuild. All is gone in the blink of an eye. And with that, I say: FUCK NINA! Not only did she design the damn thing, but she BEGGED Suzaku to launch it several times!

Rue Surnameunimportant

MAN. I CAN'T. As fucked as he is in the head, I feel for Rollo and naturally it's impossible to not empathize with Suzaku. This will be a heavy burden... Lelouch has dug on deep ass hole here. Callen better have booked it out of there, too!