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Damn! First I was bummed because C2 was going to die, and now it's sad seeing her seeming to have gone full circle!

I WATCH CODE GEASS AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/code-geass/  




Nina perfected the bomb she was trying to use in season 1 to kill Zero.

Miklar Sihn

I always took the fact that c2 was surrounded by blood when she became immortal to mean that the woman who gave c2 her geass attacked her, forcing c2 to either kill her or die.


Annnnnd another kick to the balls. "You want to save C.C.'s life, and let her know that you've come to truly understand her and her wish? Well, she's alive, but she's mentally regressed to the slave girl she was before she ever came into contact with Geass. The woman who stood by your side through everything, who promised to stand by your side no matter what, as long as you granted her wish. Your confidant, the one who granted you power and helped you through everything, is gone. Oh and also, your dad's immortal now, kthxbai"


It says a lot about C.C.'s character that, despite death being her greatest wish, willing to give anything to end her endless experience, she refuses to trick someone into fulfilling the contract. She left Mao when she realized he'd never do it, and she moves to protect Lelouch when she realizes he won't, either.


It's an interesting bit of lore about Geass that we learn in this episode. When a Geass user is basically fully realized, they can take the Code from someone like C.C. or V.V. That's what Little Charles did to V.V. which is why V.V. was able to die and Charles was not.


My sadness for C2 is overshadowed by an unyielding rage for Nina. She dun done it, now. She somehow managed to make her own list. She is. Worst girl.


XD I love that Charles's official nickname has become Big Daddy. I'm never going to be able to think of him any other way from now on.