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What the hell, Rolo?! If this is actually the end for Shirley, I'm gonna be bummed!

I WATCH CODE GEASS AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/code-geass/  




This links to Bleach for some reason.


I think you put the wrong link curtis


Ya this link is incorrect


Whoops! Sorry about that, Guys! Should be fixed now. :-)


I've been dreading this moment.

Ultra Power

And now you know why Rolo is my least favorite character

Miklar Sihn

With all that happens in this episode, Shirley takes the show. It might also be important to look at what she said before Rolo stabbed her. On the whole ability for her to be affected by Geass again, her Geass was cancelled, so it is atleast theorized that it can be reused then.


Rolo is a bitch, but i understand why he did it

Miklar Sihn

If you look at orange boys actions through the lens of him having failed in his first job, in defending someone who he idolized, it does change his actions pretty heavily. The purebloods were all about ensuring loyalty by reducing the potential members of the army. He was also focusing on getting into a powerful position, which would put him in a better position to reach any goal.

Miklar Sihn

Rolo is a fairly complex character, who seems fairly obsessive. He did try to make Lelouch run away with him.

Killua Zoldyck

lol rolo did lelouch a favor by killing shirley as she would get in lelouchs way


I understand why Rolo went with the choice he did & honestly, I don't blame him Shirley would probably still be alive if she had never said nunnally's name.


What a mind fuck


Haha sorry everyone but I don't think I could have put it better than you

Rogue Agent

What the hell do you even say after watching this episode? It was a doozy.


Shirley just got RICKED-ROLO’D as she told Lelouch in her dying words “NEVER GONNA GIVE, NEVER GONNA GIVE, GIVE YOU UP”.🕺😇🕺😇🕺😇


Jeremiah Gottwald, 50% Man, 50% Machine, 100% Orange, 200% Motherfucking Loyalty. Now, some of you may think my math doesn't add up, but look at that man and tell me i'm wrong.


God fucking damnit, Rolo! You should have shot Nina! Also, Orange Boy IS best girl for a reason. And that reason is LOYALTY!


In case you haven't figured it out, the universe exists to kick Lelouch in the balls over and over again. "You want to join with your half-sister's plan to actually bring peace to the Area? Oops, looks like you just accidentally turned her into a mass-murdering psychopath." "You finally resolve your relationship with Shirley? Oops, looks like she gets hit with a Geass Canceler and remembers everything." "Shirley comes to terms with the memories, realizes what Lelouch is fighting for, and accepts Zero, and wants to join and help him? Oops, she said the wrong thing to jealous fuckboi and now she's dead."


Surely you can't be serious


Wow it's a bad show to be Shirley's family. I mean the dad died in episode 12 of season 1 and the fureneal for him was episode 13. Now the daughter dies in episode 13 of season 2 and a fureneal for her will be in episode 14 if I was the mother I would be shaking in my boots if there was a season 3 cause then she would die in episode 14 and a fureneal for her in the 15 one but hey we get best robot orange so yeah. Poor lelouch never getting a break with Euphemia, Nunnally, and now Shirley. The world loves kicking while his down or up. I mean really shirley you can't be serious world leave him alone already.


Oh man I always hated Shirley dying. They actually released movies that retold the events of the series, with some changes. Shirley's death is one of them. So for any fans of her, at least there's one version of the story where she lives.

Miklar Sihn

To me it is just a really important story beat. It is part of why i am having a hard time watching the movie.

Schmul Sjifris

Rolos Japanese voice is actually quite cold and not at all "uppity" so you cant trust that part of his voice to much as for who he is. The original voice actor gives of a much stronger vibe of being competent and being able to deal with problems as they arise.The dub Rolo also sounds quite a bit more wobbly and insecure and clumsy than the Japanese Rolo. Not my favorite choice of voice. But note that the trigger that pushed Rolo over the edge here was not her having a gun or her question. One could speculate it was because she spoke as though she knew Lelouchs secret but the much more likely answer: "I want Lelouch to be together with his sister Nunna" is what made the push. Rolos love and loyalty is good to have, except that he's obsessive and fully willing to kill people and manipulate Lelouch himself to protect their relationsship and his place in the world. I might say more on this later. Jeremiahs english voice is cool though xD

Schmul Sjifris

Her eyes glowed red so this theory is pretty much 100% confirmed. Nobodies eyes have ever glown red if the Geass didnt take, we actually see that it wont. So cancelling the active Geass on her turned back whatever part of her mind had been warped leaving it influenceable by Geass again.

Schmul Sjifris

Lelouch tried and Geass Shirley to keep her from dying. But even though the Geass took effect (her eyes glowed red meaning its cancellation made him able to use it on her again) it didnt work. Because Geass is a solely psychological power, as we've seen with other Geasses as well. Get information from the mind, stop someones sense of time, order anyone to do anything. At least all the ones until now have been like that. Meaning, it cant alter any physical reality or make the impossible happen. He cant use his Geass to save a dying girl, his Geass can only affect her mind. And he is probably quite aware of this but is really desperate. He can only affect people, not reality. His absolute power just showed how useful it can truly be when it comes to his wish to protect people he loves. Not in the slightest.

The Gimpster 101

Romances in this Anime tend to last a lifetime, however long that life expectancy is varies from person to person.

Rue Surnameunimportant

Man, Lelouch is feeling what he did to Suzaku. I wonder whether he'll even acknowledge that fact. Poor Shirley-- though she oddly adjusted pretty fast??

Sean Nelson

the various people in this show have many loyalties. to countries to causes to living false lives but it's nice oranges cause is Loyalty and that is absolute. Orange is best not ots girl


jeremiah best waifu outthere, who doesnt love a loyal waifu 😥


And here we have the biggest obstacle whenever I mention that I love Rolo's character. ^^' The thing is... Shirley's death was never really about Rolo, to me. I'm not saying he acted in any way that was out of character here, but to me, killing off Shirley was always more about the writers, and it's just so frustrating! Here they have this ordinary, kind of ditzy schoolgirl with a crush on Lelouch, and they take steps to make her more interesting and important-- getting her more involved with the war and the geass happenings, and I loved that. But then it felt like they just didn't know what to do with her after a point. I mean, she loses her memories and goes through this dramatic recovery from that, making the viewers wonder if she's about to seriously fuck everything up for Lelouch, TWICE. But as soon as she commits to supporting Lelouch in spite of all he's done, they kill her off. There's just no follow-through with Shirley. She had the potential to be such an important character, but after she was set up, it feels like the writers realized it would complicate the story too much to actually DO anything with her, and I hate that.


Difference of opinion, I suppose, but I really like Rolo's English voice. The more I think about it, the more fitting it feels to me. Being all high and young-sounding makes him just a little more disarming, and up until now his role was purely that of an assassin. Along with his childlike appearance, it helped him get in and out of places without ever raising suspicion. And a lot of the time during their operations here, he does come across as confident. But that wobbly, insecure edge feels fitting too, because his whole story here IS about that emotional weakness. It's always struck me just how easy it was for Lelouch to convince him that his feelings were real. Rolo is as pathetic as he is formidable, and I think his English VA does a good job of representing both sides of him.

No Consequence

But the series is all about Lelouch's changing mental state and how he changes himself and his plans based on the mistakes he makes and the pain he suffers through. Shirley's death firs right in with that