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Having this type of support in battling Clark Kent's goons is definitely gonna be a good thing!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach  




HA FIRST, that means i get to goosh goosh everyone below me xD

Miklar Sihn

While it may be good to see them all, Rangiku has a special place (I have not seen your reaction yet as this is the second one i watch, but i know that i speak for us all with this one)


I don't think it's spoiler territory to ask if someone can control their Inner Hollow at this point, seeing as how Shinji (newsboy hat guy) and the rest of the Vizards all do exactly that. Ichigo's conundrum is choosing between the devil he knows (his own Inner Hollow) and the devil he doesn't (the Vizards). Of course, at the rate things are going, sooner or later the decision will be made for him.

Miklar Sihn

I like that the leader is also the one that will be seen as the youngest person.


God damn josh grobins forces are a pain in the ass


Don't title something "Goo", I keep thinking it's gonna be a Goosher 100 :P


"I like little coochie." - Curtis As do I ... Oh, you meant the character? ... Yeah, that's what I meant, too....

Mighty Snake

This reunion is great and all but why did rukia come through the window? That's a cool entrance and all but really being kind of extra, and speaking of extra, Rangiku has so much chest she has enough to spare for others.

Ultra Power

You have to admit, Rosy Cheeks has some amazing sideburns

Miklar Sihn

What can i say, she knows how to make an entrance. She is also already well established in the school, so being seen with the new kids would be problematic, as a ton of stuff would need to be explained.


Just like the man himself, I’ve always found it both cool and silly that Ikkaku just walks around with a bokken (Wooden sword) in the human world like it’s normal. It’s Japan yeah, but it’s not that 1800s either

Cetacean Needed

"Now stand aside, worthy adversary." "'Tis but a scratch." "A scratch? Your arm's off!" "No, it isn't." "Well, what's that then?" "I've had worse." "You liar!" "Come on you pansy!"


Curtis:- "I like little coochie." Brother coochie:- *draws zanpaktou* scatter senbonzakura.


It’s very interesting to me that we’ve jumped 50 episodes through filler here but they still keep some filler characters, reference the length of time it’s been, as well as concepts that came up in filler. Also, those two arrancar always gave me Nappa and Vegeta vibes, yoruichis eating like Luffy or goku, they now have senzu beans, and Orihimes making the falling down stairs excuse. At least she didn’t die like Zoros friend did


The kid with the white hair kinda looks like Koichi from JoJo's Bizarre Adventures lol


I love the group they sent in. They're all fan favorites and it reunites Rukia with the human crew. I don't ship them, but I do think the Rukia and Ichigo relationship is a big part of why the initial arc is so charming.

The Gimpster 101

Don’t wanna spoil anything but I really wanna see our Demented Ol Codgers reaction to the upcoming fights.


You can tell Ulquiorra was a hardcore smoker in his past life given the placement of his hole. Also I know you asked about controlling the inner hollow, that’s exactly the offer Shinji (cabby hat) was making Ichigo. Forget the Soul Society and join us instead, in exchange we’ll teach you how to control/maintain your sanity. You should do so before it’s too late and you lose control forever. Oh and as you’ll see there are quite a few differences between the Visored and the Arrancar even though they’re both hybrids. Personally I think the Visored got the better end of the deal, but I’ll be curious to know later on which one you would pick if you had the choice?


Honestly one of the most annoying things about going back and watching Bleach is because of all the side tracking fillers, I can never keep the order of events straight in my head. I think I know which fights are coming up, but I can never be sure once we get to this point.


LOL! I hadn't thought about it, but you're right: Ulquiorra's hole placement definitely smack of - as Jimbo from "South Park" would say, "A cancer Kazoo!" :-D