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Well, it seems we'll be getting a real idea of just how potent a force Clark Kent is creating!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach  




Every time I see Ulquiorra, I just can't help but think of L from design and personality


"Are you kidding Yammy? We're stealthy as all Jazz."


I love Ulquiorra so much, I'm so ready for your reactions to this arc. Curtis did you notice Ichigo stabbed the dumbass guy's hand but it didn't cut at the end?


Does anyone get nappa and vegeta vibe from these two?


No, I didn't... I thought his sword had stopped just short and didn't actually make contact... Interesting. :-)


So, in the manga, Chad's arm was actually ripped clean off.'


And...one of my all time favorite characters ulquiorra is introduced


Yammy: Hey ulquiorra are we there yet? Ulquiorra: Godamitt yammy

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

Ulquiorra is probably the main reason I decided to read bleach. Got a sneak peak of this arc that convinced me to check it out when this was the most recent arc, cause I got my hands on a monthly Shonen Jump magazine and decided to read it all regardless of having read any of the series before. Funnily enough, this was also at the same time that the most recent arc of One Piece was still in that middle of Impell Down, and where most other One Piece content hadn't really captivated my interest, the preview of Impell Down got me completely hooked, and I immediately went back to the start and binged it all, and have stayed caught up ever since


Ulquiorra, my favorite character in bleach, has finally arrived! Im hyped.


Ulquiorra hype! I swear, I love his design more than just about any other character in anime. I've always loved color schemes that involved black and green or black and blue, the way he shows absolutely no emotion to anything adds to the intimidation factor and that eerily calm voice. I may not be a fan of WHAT he does, but I'm a huge fan of just about everything else.


Oh hey, it is Vegeta and Nappa.


Being hype for new characters is great and all, but let's talk about these new ost's. That song that played during Orihime's monologue was so good. I'm looking forward to the Vizard theme, Escalon.


There's so much awesome music coming up. Besides number 1 and it's variants the music for the Arrancar and Espada are my favorites


My Zanpakuto is ready


My favorite villain has arrived.


Finally Ulquiorra is here bring in the hype train!!! Also i used to think the bount arc was cannon because of how many references they make in this and other episodes.


They screwed up Orohime's design. Her offensive power is supposed to throw up a rejection Shield on both sides, making it unbelievably thin and as strong as her normal shield. They only nerfed her offensive power so that she wouldn't be considered a fighter, as she would be OP.


I mean, it's been pretty consistent that her offensive power is hindered more than anything by her own kind nature. She doesn't want to hurt others, so the barrier it creates to cut them is weak, unable to break through the skin of a high level Arrancar. Protecting others or healing them are both things she wants to do, and you can see her barrier stopped Yammy's punch no problem. She just doesn't like to hurt others. Besides, OP is a bit much. Even if her power worked as it should, there's still multiple ways around it. Targeting the faeries themselves when the barriers aren't up, attacking Tsubaki by moving out of the way and attacking from behind (his barrier leaves the area behind him exposed), or just blitzing Orihime and moving around the shield and cutting her in half. Her powers are strong, but under no circumstances is she even relevant against Yammy. That's just asking her to punch way above her weight class. Now, I'm not saying that she isn't as strong as she could be, but I don't really mind since it's an established part of her character that she's kind and doesn't' like fighting, which has always made Tsubaki's inclusion weird to me. I feel like it would've been far more appropriate for her to have some like using all six to enclose an enemy in a barrier that teleports them to another dimension for some period of time. Not hurting them, but ending the fight and saving her friends.


This is also the beginning of overhauling censorship compared to the manga. Still don't understand why.


Anyone else getting vegeta/nappa vibes from these two? They even got the same "scouter" schtick