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Clark Kent and Angle Face have ascended. I have no idea what their next move will be now, but the are intimidating!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach  



J Johnson

I remember when the manga first had the shot showing Aizen with his glasses off and his hair slicked back, everyone was going crazy over "Sexy Aizen" heh.

Miklar Sihn

I love the look on Gin's face when he says bye to Rangiku.


For once he wasn't grinning, actually seemed sad for a second there

Miklar Sihn

Remember, Byakuya was shown to ask Rukia about her life and what happened in it. He did show interest, but he was not the most emotionally articulate person. It seemed threatening or degrading in the flashbacks, but this shows that he was attempting to bond with her and failing hard. That together with the dueling vows does show off that he is a kinda good guy. Also, while Byakuya doesnt make the laws, he is of the class that does, he is royalty, that also makes it more important that he follows the law or he would be corrupt. All in all, i really like the way they characterized Byakuya.


Just wanted to say that sound is too low. And awesome reaction as always.

Some guy named Chris

It’s interesting when you talk about the “two smug fuck-nuts” you leave Blindy McNoose-neck out of it. I guess he just didn’t have a smug look you’d want to punch off his face huh? And yeah, big turn around for Byakuya. Though he was still following the law, only realized that the judgements give regarding Rukia were no longer valid. Given that they were enacted by traitors. Who slaughtered the actual law makers.


Yo Curtis, this is kinda important. There is a trio of characters from the upcoming filler arc that manage to sneak their way into the canon episodes. There's hat guy, who can copy people's appearances, mask guy, who can warp people, and little girl, who can make illusions. They are mod souls that Tom Petty made to detect the presence of the filler villains. Like Kon, they also have stuffed animal forms.


Yeah who wouldn't want to be rangiku's captive.

Ultra Power

The thing with Aizen is much like Madara. He’s insanely smug, but he also has the skill to back it up 100%


After tomorrow episodes 63 the next cannon episode is 110 Not 109 like some guide say its only 2 mins worth of cannon at the end, the rest of the episode are just finishing up the previous filler arc.


I see what you mean about vowing that you follow the law. In byakuyas case, or probably any senior 13 court guard member, it comes with the job. And he's from a noble family too. What precedent does it set if people who are meant to uphold the law, just twist it to suit their needs?


thier laws are kinda stupid for being so absolute. ofc it does look bad if they change the law like this because it looks like they bent it for the rich. hard sich but they needed to overhaul all those old laws way before.


From now on, we must call him "Evil Superman"


Rangiku and Gin are a intresting pair.


I love how you went from wanting Brother Coochie to get his head cut off to asking "He's not going to die, is he?"

Schmul Sjifris

A bit of a significant misstranslation for what Gin said to Rangiku. The "maybe next time" is actually supposed to be "Im sorry.". Thr last thing he said to her before they went away was "I'm sorry."

Daniel Gonzalez

Forgot to mention it last episode but ichigo is a tank the whole arc he was only ever 100% at the very beginning ever since he's been bloodied bandaged and yet he got in more fights than anyone


Weirded cause in episode 309 the says that in the dub :/ Well to be specific he says: "sorry about that"


It's funny in the beginning Curtis is like will someone please kill brother coochie and now he's saying he's not gonna die is he?😂

Anthony Iacobucci

I like the fact that Byakuya is a nobleman that actually takes pride in being one and understands the responsibility that comes with living up to that title. He's not perfect, but if all the nobleman in our own history had been like him, I feel like the world would have been a better place to live throughout history.


When you nick named Aizen Clark Kent all I could think about was this moment. It is funny how he puts on this persona as the mild mannered captain, and then bam! He turns out to be evil Superman. Complete with the strength to back it up


You know when ichigo was down in that hole trying to awaken his soul reaper powers? He had reached the end of his soul chain and started to transform into a hollow right? Funny thing that huh? That's not how a soul reaper gains hollow powers. Just something to think about 🤔. By the way, the next canon arc is amazing and has some of the best fights in the series, I'm so excited for you 😁👍


You can't imagine seeing either of those two smug fucks ever redeemed huh? 🤔🤔 Interesting. Well we'll see.


Byakuya fully redeemed himself here, I love it. Yeah the promise on that grave was a mistake, but I think he made it because of his status as nobility. In Soul Society it's taken very seriously to where you would be completely ashamed of yourself if you broke even one law. So when he did, he swore at his parents graves. Which granted was a bad idea but is understandable from his point of view. I would never do that myself but I can see why.

Sean Nelson

Aizen looks similar to me when he slicks back his hair (similar nose same hair even down to the one strand that always fights it's way free to be forward) its always made me root for him and chuckle that I had villian hair

Sean Nelson

Plus Aizen is so popular that they put his hair style in lots of Japanese games so I can self style more lol


Another part of it was also that he was running away from the memory of his wife. He was still grieving from her loss which pushed him into making such a promise