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Damn, Tom Petty's lessons on resolve produce some pretty badass results!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach 




Don't fuck with ichigo boys


"I was rooting for an Ichigo win...now I'm hoping for an interference on his behalf" Oh my god, I've never heard it put so perfectly hahahaha!


I never noticed Ichigo's pupils change color! Maybe he is going ultra instinct? 😂 (Goku's pupils go silver-ish too when he goes UI) (Granted manga doesn't have color and when I watched Bleach anime I wasn't as knowledgeable about anime and stuff as I am now, so I didn't pay attention at all to small details)

Miklar Sihn

You have forgotten something very simple. While the soul reapers may damage things, they have squad 4 to repair it ;) (To be clear, i do not know who actually takes care of it)


I think the most impressive part of that whole fight is that Ichigo hadn't even touched Renji that entire time until the end. Ichigo literally one-shot him.


ichigo powers up and releases his spiritual pressure while mean-mugging his opponent with dem silver eyes * ultimate battle starts playing out of fucking NO WHERE *


Just a question How is everyone watching the reactions now? Im watching on moble and everytime i click on the link it takes me to my cloud drive which is empty. Do i have to pay for a mega subscription?


Hi, I have an Android phone and I can open the link with Google Chrome as a web browser app. Everything works fine. I can watch his reaction on mobile too.


Thank you kazuya you saved me i owe you. It looks like the mega app is trash

Miklar Sihn

The mega app is just for people who want to download stuff from mega.


It's ok, Renji, it happens to lots of guys as they get older.


Curtis with all do respect your wrong ever since you started using Mega I've been using the app to watch everything but ever since you started doing these links I can't use the app all it does is take me to an empty cloud drive, kazuya is right you have to go through it using your browser.


I cant speak for pc users but i use an android phone


I use a android phone and it works just fine. Its likely on your end not curtis's. I use the patreon app click the link and either the Mega app or chrome works just fine for every single link. Works just like before.


I’m just telling you that the links are all the same. If you click one of the big “M” vids in a browser, you’ll see that you are taken to a URL with the exact same design as what is linked in the description of these. All I’m telling you is that the destinations are exactly the same... That’s not “wrong” it’s a simple fact. Whatever has gone wrong on your end, I have no idea.


Ooh I like the new thumbnails, that's badass Curtis!


don’t forget Ichigos only 15 during this


idk bout you guys but when i was 15 i wasn’t getting sliced and diced


Just a reminder that Renji was shocked when he heard about Rukia's planned execution. It's not that he was fine with it, it's that he knew that there was absolutely nothing that he could do to stop it. If he tried, he'd just wind up either getting killed or right behind her for execution... neither of which Rukia would want. Now that he's found someone stronger than himself, he begged for Ichigo's help to save his childhood friend.


Curtis it doesnt show your reaction videos after this bleach episode. Is it suppose to be that way? Theres no video to click on, just a link to watch the episode but not your episode