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I'm a bit intrigued by Andrew Yang. In fairness, what I know of his policies would make me unlikely to vote for him, but he does seem to be a bright young man, and I think it might be fun for us to, in real time, take a look at his policy proposals and whatever other information is available at his website.

#HotGirlsForBernie was trending this week... I've got a number of thoughts about this particular hashtag!  :-D

Plus, lots more, much of which will likely come up between now and the live stream 18 hours from now.


CURTIS CANDY'S GOOSHTASTIC PODCAST #2 - Dissecting Andrew Yang, #HotGirlsForBernie & More! - Crowdcast

Register now for Curtis Candy's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Saturday January 25, 2020 at 2:00 pm EST.



I'm not sure if he still has that $1000 a month plan or not but that is a killer to me. It's an outrageous amount of money to hand out and will likely cause some massive inflation as demand increases for many products and services that were once too expensive.


UBI is a terrible idea. A government that has the power to give you everything also has the power to take it all away. BTW I use to be a yang gang for a bit but he doesn't take candidacy seriously


Checkout Yang's interview on Shappiro's podcast. Must watch! Will give you more perspective on Yang's policies and his though process.


I like Yang, I think he's alot more productive and kind compared to other politicians.


sadly I will be unable to attend the stream as I am seeing slipknot tonight in london

The Gimpster 101

Wish I could be there for the streams but I'm on a 12 hour night shift schedule right now, this sucks.