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Koro Sensei's badass abilities saved both himself & Principal Douchebag... But it was his acting that stole the show!

I WATCH ASSASSINATION CLASSROOM AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/assassination-classroom/#videos  



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I like how this show portrays a lot of different kinds of teachers: you have the young debuting hopeful teacher (Koro-sensei and Principal pre-douchebag), the old still hopeful teacher that does what he can (the old man), the old teacher crushed by the reality of teaching (principal Douchebag), the puppet teachers (all the other teachers of the school, who just obey the principal), even people who aren't teachers but still enjoy passing their knowledge (Kurasuma, professor bitch, the assassins, even E-class when they replaced the old man). And as a future teacher, this episode always terrifies me, just the thought of losing a kid is nightmare fuel.


If I recall correctly, the play at the end is a parody of a famous story (made depressing because Hazama doesn't write anything else), but I can't for the life of me remember which one. Someone else will know, I'm sure. The manga expands slightly on that father-son moment between the douche family. The car ride home consists of them discussing how much they intend to sue each other for (Son thinks he can get 5Mil for the assault. Dad says 3Mil for Slander.) And it ends with them deciding to make a day of going to the courts together to file their complaints. Things start picking up next time, and I'm really looking forward to it.

Schmul Sjifris

In the manga they showed a bit more. For example: Showing him actually being a good compassionate father when his kid was young. Is Junior doing something wrong? Taking your father to court for childabuse doesnt seem bad. I mean his attitude might rub people the wrong way a bit, but are his actual actions really all that bad? I dont really think the kid really needs much reedeming since I dont really think he's ever really been all that bad, even better now given the last episodes where he protected his comrades and weny against his father.

Miklar Sihn

It was a dark version of Momotarõ. Though in the original the parents stay together and the animals were friends he met on the way to fight Oni.

Miklar Sihn

Yup, it is part of a list of teacher nightmare fuel. I happen to be involved in teaching the sciences. So i also have the one where i either make a mistake or am inattentive and then a kid is suddenly on fire. Bunsen burners are nightmare fuel.

Schmul Sjifris

Also: Different strokes different folks. I felt very sympathetic towards the principal, though too be fair I think the manga is a fair bit better than the anime. I dont think he's right necessarily, but isnt he actually doing what he actually thinks is best for the kids? If he thinks he's actually helping them I dont think he's really evil. And if coming from a place where your understanding empathetic approach led to your student killing himself, I feel its quite understandable why he would take the complete opposite approach. And as Koro-Sensei said here: The E class could actually only grow the way it did because of the system in place, Korosensei didnt say he opposes the system as a concept.


The problem to me is, he also genuinely thought he was doing what was best for the kids when one of them ended up killing himself. It's not that he might not have the best of intentions, but it's unfortunate that the experience didn't make him understand that extremes are always likely to create volatility.


this is one of my favorit episode due to good writing, they made it so that you can agree or disagree with the principal BUT while some agree and some disagree EVERYONE understands WHY he is the way he is in the "present time", a villan without a belivble motivation, without a belivable reason to turn from good to bad is a week villan, i understand you, but i don't like you, i understand your actions and why you do it, but i don't agree with you good writing right there :)

Phillip Ribbink

To clarify the play they performed to be something of a parody of the old Japanese Fairy Tale of Momotaro. A story where a woman finds a baby inside a peach floating down a river. Who eventually grows to manhood to fight demons, assisted by a Monkey, a Dog and a Pheasant. With a plot-twist of a divorce and a vengeful husband/step-father thrown in.


Hey Curtis! Remember a few episodes ago when the principal went to a park to give a homeless guy gambling money? That was the same kid that you find out in this episode that the principal ruined with a gambling addiction. After all these years he's still making sure that guys life stays fucked up haha


Asano was trying to overcome his failure with the student who killed himself. He overextended his grip over students and over-emphasized having strength to overcome obstacles. His main problem however, stems from associating that cram school house and Class E as his original failure. He wants to bury it so that he never has to experience losing a student like that again. It's a dissociation with where he failed, basically a psychological defense against a traumatic experience. Both Asano Sr. and Asano Jr. are "redeemed" in terms of their old personas. I understand why you dislike him, but I hope you at least respect him.


The fact that the Principal still has the pin from his first students shows that he still has a heart under that cold shell. I honestly see him as a tragic character. Sure, he's a dick, but his world was thrown upside down with the death of what is essentially a son (reminder that teachers have a MUCH closer relationship in that culture. Almost as close as parent/child) and the shock drove him to more drastic measures to make sure he wouldn't lose another student. Sure, he went overboard, but deep deep deep deep deep down, he still cares (as you can see with that pin on his tie).

Oh This Guy Again

I like how the show doesn't try to redeem the principal, but instead shows that by the end of this episode, we can have hope he will go back to the way he was before eventually by starting off being a better father. His backstory isn't really a "cry for this man" type of thing, but more of a different perspective to the way he does things. I dont know about anyone else, but if my student killed themselves with my current teaching methods being a factor, I would probably change things up as well (obviously not as extreme as the principal though).