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I like keeping you guys updated on everything around here, particularly when it affects our anime conversations, which are the highlight of my day!

We're going on vacation for a week, starting December 12. Before we go, I get videos prepared for The GOOSH and the YT channel, so there's no days without uploads. It takes me a month to get that many videos prepared beforehand, as I squeeze in extra ones wherever I can on a given day.

So, over the next few weeks, I will be increasingly ahead as far as how much of a series I've seen, as opposed to the most recent episodes I've posted.

I just like giving you guys a heads-up, as when we're having our conversations in the comments sections, it makes it easier for you guys to know where I am and what I've seen. As of right now, I'm 1 2/3 days ahead of normal.  :-)



I gotta know, What affects you more, the pleasure of getting to see more great episodes than usual or the resulting suffering from the week long drought from our shared addiction?

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

Thanks for the update good sir! On that note, just a quick reminder for whenever you watch the next gen:lock that you'll probably want cc on, as there is a character who's dialogue can be incredibly difficult to make out.


Honestly, it's amazing to me that - despite how much I enjoy spending time with family on vacation - I actually do get withdrawal symptoms from not seeing anime!!... The thing that helps is, I always have my phone with me to monitor things here, so I still get to interact with you guys, but the separation anxiety from not getting to see new episodes is a real thing!

Zachary Provenzano

Goosh grinding to enjoy time with the family. Have an awesome vacation next week! You deserve all the time in the world!


It's great that you let us know so far in advance :). Thanks Curtis!


It’s that time of year to spend with the people you care irl. If I wasn’t an anime-“crack”-addict, I would focus most of my energy on setting a reselling business for gym equipment (specifically barbells and barbell plates).🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️


...As well as chronic masturbating to hot chicks[young(legal) and old] on Instagram, Twitter, Reddit,etc.