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I knew Usopp was going to take news about the Merry badly, but I never thought it would lead to this!

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece 



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Alright, so I'm probably not in the majority here, but I seriously cannot help but dislike this specific part of the arc. I can understand feeling sentimental towards an object you've had for a while. But at the end of the day, this ship is a pile of wood who's only purpose is to carry them to different islands. Usopp is willing to abandon his crew and/or risk their safety just because he can't let go of this pile of wood. I understand Oda needed to address the fact that Usopp is a weak coward who needed to develop more, but this situation seems so forced. It's like if your family decided to get a new car, but you really liked the old car, so you chose to keep the old car for yourself and abandon your family. It's really dumb and made me dislike Usopp's character for this arc.

Brother E

So Going Merry is destroyed Nico Robin is missing And Usopp is leaving the crew Is it appropriate to say shit just keeps hitting the fan on this island?

Schmul Sjifris

Usopps action might seem a bit over the top, but note something he said here. "If youre going to cut off Nakama that are useless to you then leave me behind as well", this just after an event that made him feel useless and like he completely failed the crew. How much of this is really about the ship is a question to ask.

Benjamin Myers

So most of the sanji haters think sanji was disrespectful and hateful towards luffy with that kick (not me hes my favorite strawhat) what's your take on the whole situation


I dont hate sanji, but hes not I'm my top favs of the crew, I'd say hes around like 5ish, but my take is that what he did was correct.

Zachary Provenzano

agree with samuel ussop felt a strong connection with the ship


No doubt about it... But the other side of that is, Luffy's gotta make the call that is best for the whole crew; he really doesn't have any other choice. It's just a bad situation all around.


He and the ship came from the same place. He had already been worried about being a weak link, and abandoning the ship felt symbolic to him that HE would be abandoned. Plus, there's that whole thing from Skypia.


really don't like Usopp, he's a whiny self aggrandising cowardly liar, he goes through the same god damn character arc on repeat and doesn't really do anything too improve himself while complaining about how weak he is, here's an idea, TRAIN TO GET STRONGER! it's all about him, Robin's missing meh not important, Usopp's deflated ego needs stroked, chopper tries to help him and he tells him they're not friends anymore, he's so tiring.


The cognitive dissonance is strong with usopp


I can't really comprehend how you can feel this way after watching the whole series (assuming you have, because of the comment you've made). Usopp has been shown to have very low self-esteem, so I don't really get how you can say that he is "self aggrandizing" , unless you don't get the jokes. I would assume you are a pretty intelligent person, which is why I don't believe that. Usopp didn't get the info about robin and given his low self-esteem he would probably be the first one to put her importance above his own. Please elaborate.


As a translator myself, this is the time when "nakama" shouldn't have been translated as friend. Usopp quit the crew, not his friendship with them. He told Chopper that they were no longer crewmates, not that they stopped being friends. -.- Translations need to be contextual, and within this context it was a mistranslation.


Usopp is way out of line here. It's not like the ship was just fine and Luffy randomly decided to get a new ship, and even if he did, it's his right as the Captain. His word is what goes. Usopp is of course emotionally attached to the ship, we all understand that. But it's a difference between being hurt and being destructive to those around you and yourself. He's the latter here. He lets his emotions run amok, incredibly selfish. Only considered himself and the ship in this choice. Everyone else had accepted reality.


Dude he is leaving the crew because of that ship. If he was to be selfish he wouldn't allow luffy to get a new one. All he wants right now is his ship back.


I think usopp was still over the top on his reaction. Luffy and the others had all day to ponder about it. Whereas the news and the decision came as a sudden revelation to usopp after he's had a tough day. He really said his comment in a way as if the others felt nothing about merry. In the contrary, everyone was quite affected by it. That being said, this might have been avoided if usopp was informed in a more considerate manner


I can understand where usopp was comming from. It was honestly luffy's way of telling usopp that was the most problematic. He announched that they were getting a new ship before he even explained the situation to usopp. Although it IS in character for him. I absolutely love luffy but tact isnt exactly his strongsuit. As a side note, the next episode is incredible, but you probably already know that.


You're gonna find that Luffy has absolutely zero sense of tact or poise when it comes to delivering news. Pretty much any time you can think that Luffy saying something would make the situation worse, he goes right the fuck ahead and does. Love him as a character but my God.


Wait, what happened to my comment? I can still see it on mobile, but on web-browser it's nowhere to be seen?? O_O


Hmm I'm on mobile and I don't see it. This has happened to me as well, in the past.


Ussop disrespected Luffy as a captain and is completely irrational here. Luffy delivered the news as best as he could but Ussop couldn't have it. This was bound to happen eventually because up until this point Ussop didn't see Luffy as a captain but just another person on a ship.


Happens to me too sometimes, Gang... Of course, with me, when I first see a comment missing, I immediately figure I forgot to post it. 😄


Well now you know why people are saying this arc is an emotional one. We're not even a quarter of the way through and it's already hitting HARD in the feels.