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We are coming up on another one of our potential "break" points in One Piece. After episode 195, we have a filler section, but on this one I'm not going to have a poll about whether or not to watch it. SO many of you guys have said that the G-8 Arc is an absolute must-see, I'm going to go ahead and watch it.  :-)

However, we just need to take a poll to see if you guys want to take a break - and do a short series - after episode 195, and before starting G-8.

I'll be honest, I'm voting to keep going, as I'm REALLY into OP, but I'll happily go with whatever you guys decide... Plus, we have a new series (Mob Psycho 100, season 2) coming up as soon as we finish Death Note, and we'll be voting on a replacement for JoJo as we come to the catching up point on that.  :-)



Full steam ahead I honestly don't want breaks but I understand why you do these polls


Here’s hoping assassination classroom gets voted in soon


I really think a break here to recharge the batteries would be warranted as the next arc is pretty.....yeah.

Brother E

You can’t stop now, especially the next arc that’s coming up. Everyone is excited for that arc & it might even become your favorite One Piece arc so far


I was shocked if people voted to take a break before this next arc. This is definitely one of my favorite arcs coming up and one of the most emotional arcs of the series! I’m glad that so far there isn’t even a doubt if we are taking taking a break or not.

Brother E

Oh wait I misread this, thought you were referring stopping after G-8, but still don’t mind to just go straight into G-8. HOWEVER if you’re having a poll of what we should do afterwards then I’m putting my vote in early and saying to keep on going because the next major arc is about to come up & it’s probably Top 3 in the series


The next 100 episodes of OP is genuinely a masterpiece, I can’t wait to see your reactions for all of what’s to come!


Keep the Merry going! G-8 is a really good Arc. But after that, on man! I can't wait to see your reactions to it and your thoughts on it!


I voted for taking a break last time cause I figured Curtis and all us Gooshers might get burnt out after a couple hundred episodes of One Piece. But honestly, Curtis's affection for the show and overall enjoyment of it seems to keep us all at a good, hyped level. Anyone who's seen the series knows what the next few arcs entail. I want Curtis to get another series in, but I think we can all wait until the next vote. And then I'll definitely be voting for a break.


There's no such thing as breaks on the path of the mighty! lol but nah! Full speed ahead!


there's no stopping now when W7 is in reach


One of my favorite arcs in the series is just one or two arcs away, (depending on what you decide is a filler.) We can't just stop now. Full speed ahead!


We are getting to the amazing stuff in OP so no stopping now ! :)


Yeah we're getting to the real good shit now. No way we're stoppin 😁


G-8? Damn fillers. 😭

Heavenly Demon

Keep going , we about to get into the Sh!t



Benjamin Myers

We gotta watch soul eater after death note

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

On the topic of stuff to watch after Jojo and Mob Psycho, my vote is still with Re:Zero and RWBY. I'll post em again when we do a nomination, but wanted to throw the ideas out there


For a replacement series, I say one of the options should be clannad. You've already seen the first episode and how intriguing it is and it only gets so much better. On the topic of continuing OP, I say keep on chugging. The next two arcs are pretty sweet.


I'd like a break for taking some of the goosher 100 episodes that are stuck at 1 or close to it to finish em off.


Also if you love mystery and crime solving stuff you'll love case closed detective conan all on funimation start on the first episode called "the big shrink"


kinda sucks that for non OP fans, there's one less show to watch for literal years with no breaks lol


The one piece fanbase has overtaken this polls and i love it :D


Sheesh... imo one piece is one of the worst series ever. Bad characters with absolutely minimal character progression, the plot doesn’t progress as the story revolves around sailing from one island to the next fighting off the villains (terrible villains btw with no motives other then being evil). All characters have some type of goal but do absolutely nothing to accomplish it. Considering how the anime paces itself at a 1 chapter to 1 episode ratio and has the worst animation of any show I’ve ever seen, I don’t understand how anybody could like it, let alone 66% of voters. But one piece fans eat Odas shit up year after year... it’s no wonder the series is being milked to the fucking bone.


This nigga said detective Conan like we need another never ending shonen in this bitch


Why ask at this point? If anything it getting voted in over and over is even more depressing.


Keep going, you're loving it so yeah


I'm hoping for Bleach as a replacement for JoJo, I don't think it's fair to make the argument to wait until One Piece is over. Bleach would be finished before One Piece half done. Don't make us Bleach fans wait years


It's no guarantee there will never be a break, it could get a break with votes later on. But the reason it's so one-sided now is that the upcoming filler is the best in the series, and the arc after that is arguably top 2 arcs


Not too bothered with what you end up watching next as I'm sure it'll be entertaining all the same, but has anyone recommended you try Code Geass yet? I'm not the worlds biggest fan of it myself, though it is really good, but it seems the logical thing to watch alongside or after death note, many consider it the only series out there with a somewhat similar feel to death note.


Yup, that show gets mentioned as much as any other... You guys have built a lot of interest in that one for me. :-)


That call is all up to you guys, My Friend... The show following JoJo will be decided by your votes. :-)

Jake from SF

Honestly, I'd be okay with a break after G8. Since starting with episode 207 the format changes to 16:9 and G8 last episode is 206. I'm also okay with keep on trucking along. I'm voting to keep moving forward since the question is stopping before instead of after G8.


I don’t even think one piece fans even watch the reactions and they are just waiting for one or two certain episodes where something actually happens


More fillers, great....


Lets continue on the Cruise and reach our dreams! "We are, we are on a cruise, we are!"


I kind of figure this would happen. Every creator I've seen start one piece ends up watching it non-stop until they finish because their fans don't let them stop. It's a series you will have to take a break from regardless of voter polls etc or you will be watching it every day once a day for 2 years straight. I'm not a One Piece fan so I can't relate but I do enjoy mostly everything else you've posted.


"Their fans don't let them stop" read his description, he doesn't want to stop. So that statement is invalid. Besides if you knew Curtis, you'd know he doesn't give into pressure, if he really wants to stop he would.


Wait replacement to Jojo? After Stardust you still have Diamond is Unbreakable and Golden Wind to watch :(((


Full speed ahead no pulling out 💦


its been fun here at the goosh but this is goodbye from me cant stand one piece and apparently there is an abundance of its fans here ive been sticking around here for a few months waiting until its replaced for a bit but there seems to be no indication thanks for the entertainment curits


Seriously? You're acting like it's the only series he does. Watch any of the others.


Jd im rewatching stuff with the 13 days i have left haha


Imagine coming to this comment section just to complain when there was a "Community" Tab and a Discord Server to discuss this upcoming vote we all knew was going to happen.


In no particular order: Trigun, One Piece, ACCA 13, Cowboy Bebop, DBZ. Now can we get a response other than "I deleted that comment lol. What's your top 5 then???"