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I love this series, so this satire was absolutely hysterical! 😄

THIS IS BASICALLY COWBOY BEBOP:  https://youtu.be/xviWwea4jvM


GOOSHER 100 VID from RYAN CONSIDINE - "So This Is Basically Cowboy Bebop" - HILARIOUS!

This vid, from our newest G100 member, Ryan Considine, was absolutely hilarious! I love satire, and when it's this well done, and points at something I really love like Bebop, that makes it all that much more fun! 😃 SO THIS IS BASICALLY COWBOY BEBOP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N37jpdRIY2c OUR DISCORD: https://discord.gg/yC5DkQh TWITTER: http://twitter.com/TheSpazGamer FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/SpazBoysComedy



I think you can love something and still laugh at it. See the best in it while recognizing and accepting it's flaws. Sometimes that's the best thing about it. It's kinda like family and friends you know? I'm the same way Curtis. and I think the creator of "This is Basically" JelloApocalypse makes these videos seeing it the same way.


Glad to be part of the Goosher 100 gang, Curtis! But, I didn't see the after-credits of Spike "going outside to smoke", so that was a barrel of laughter! :D

Charlie Sims

So if goosher 100 people get 1 vid a month, that would mean that Curtis was technically earning 2000$ dollars an hour for the 3 minutes he was watching the video