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This poll is for us to decide if we want to keep going with One Piece after episode 130 (either with or without filler, depending on the other poll) or if we will be taking a break to fit in a short series.

If a break is voted in, it will be for a series that is 25 episodes or less, and we will select it with our usual method of nominations, then a poll.  :-)


interested party

Stop stalling fat man and put out the next episode


For One Piece fans, would a short anime of only twelve episodes be an acceptable compromise?


I think a short series would be great, but what did you have in mind?


I think another short series would be nice. Keep it fresh


We're not looking for compromise. It's simply a case of whether or not people want to take the break. 25 episodes is the limit, and even if people were to agree to a specific 12 episode series in this thread, that doesn't mean it would still eventually win the poll.

Schmul Sjifris

130 is a great breakpoint, totally fine with taking a short break here


Woo! Nominations go go!


I voted for keep going, but if we will take a break from OP, it's fine for me aswell.


I love One Piece but wouldnt mind a break if you watched something else amazing like One Punch Man season 1 - 12 epsidoes or Attack On Titan season 1 - 25 episodes


I'm gonna vote to continue One Piece, but it would help to know which series you're considering, or if it's to go fully in on another you're currently on.


Dont normally complain about stuff but cmon people can we take a break from one piece havent been able to watch my morning reactions and yes in case you were wondering im not into op >.>

Miklar Sihn

I think we should keep going with one piece, but maybe set aside the slot yuyu hakusho has now for short series after. Just so we also get some variety. Right now we are running 3 battle shounen.


I know this sucks for those who aren't OP fans, but the good thing is, we've got Bebop, Hellsing Ultimate and Death Note coming up at the $1 level. Then, when we get those done, I'll be doing short series that are ones that people enjoy, but don't seem to be able to win a poll... Plus, we've got JoJo going, and as soon as we catch up on that, you guys can elect a new series there, too. :-)


The $1 level already has a schedule... It's Yu Yu, then Bebop, Hellsing Ultimate and Death Note. :-)

J Johnson

I'm fine with taking a break for another series, OP is loooooong and 130 is a pretty good point to take a break. Will there be a vote for what series to fill in the time slot?

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

I'm gonna keep voting for One Piece, as it is my all time favorite. I'm not sorry. 👉👌👍🤙🤘🤞🖖☝️👊🙌🤲👏💪🏿


Wait guys hear me out... Let Curtis take a SMALL break from One Piece (my favorite anime of all time) and watch the new season of One Punch Man!!! Come on guys this is a brilliant idea do not doubt my brilliance!!

Nate D.

unless we discuss which 25 episode series it would be, than I will vote for the series I like, unfortunately.


Only 15 episodes of Mob Psycho left for him to watch, so I'm voting for a break for now


Guys remember what the next arc is, taking a break right now is a good idea, the next arc starts off interesting with 2 character intros and then has a mediocre middle till the main villain is introduced


I love the next arc. One piece suffers pacing issues with every arc, but the next one embodies the feeling of adventure like none other. Cant wait to watch it! Let's take a break once we get to the end of the Grandline

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

Bah, I never think of the parts of One Piece as mediocre. Whether they are or not is irrelevant to me, I just love the whole damn series, from start to finish, and so it will always get my vote 💪🏿🖤👍🏿


are the 1 dollar series like hellsing going to be available in the higher tiers like the 5 dollar? also i vote no break i want him to see my boy teach


No brakes on the OP train! Choo choo! Besides, isn't YYH almost finished?


I would like curtis to catch up and watch with us weekly so no break :D


I need my daily one piece drug. so let's keep going ! plus YYH is almost over so..


Straight from the 5$ tier description "You will have all the perks of the earlier level. [...]"

Daniel Gonzalez

So I'm not sure if they're ever going to vote to take a break from one piece too bad season 2 of mob psycho would've been the perfect show to slot in especially you're almost at the end of season one guess it isn't an issue with all the other shows but for me if I'm watching a ton of episodes of the same show ill get burnt out on them even if I am enjoying said show


I’m personally ok for a break that’s 25 or less I wouldn’t want Curtis to get burned out and we know the next arc is a bit hefty

Brother E

I’m a bit late to the thread but I think it’s time for a break with One Piece. It’s definitely fun to see you continue the journey but I’d wouldn’t mind having you check out other series. The next arc in One Piece is one of my Top 5 favorites in the series, but it’s up to the vast majority.


As the schedule stands it looks like it'll be a long while before a poll for a new series. That's why I think a short series 12-24 episodes would be a nice change of pace for some people.


Sheesh not looking too good right now. One piece might be the worst series ive ever read.


? YYH is almost finished. Pretty sure that slot has not been voted for yet


Take a break and do Cowboy Bebop or Trigun!


Noooo keep going on one piece the only reason im patreon i dont watch anything else only one piece


Take a break after war Arc


So I’m super excited for Bebop, it’s a favorite of mine, but I also have seen that death note is coming up. Am I crazy or did we start that and never finish it?


Im fine with either, would love some drifters, grand blue or shimoneta in between alabasta and the next arc :)

Tony Gilbert King

Voted for continuing but the comments convinced me otherwise so changed my vote to take a break hope we can vote in trigun or berserk


I'm actually super surprised at the number of comments I've seen with people wanting to vote in Trigun. I love One Piece, but if we can get a quick few weeks of Trigun smushed between Alabasta and the next arc, that'd be pretty damn sweet.


We started it at RIFF-TV, then they went belly up. :-( With my horrible memory, we'll just start over when it's that one's turn. :-)


Its gonna be a miracle if we get anything other than One Piece in the next year...


lol so many nastalgic fans for this series for some reason i dont really understand the appeal of it besides some world building you should consider ending the patreon like me because i dont think its getting voted out


Guys it should be now because he might make an executive decision to take a break after this next arc and then we are stuck waiting for 💧7 to start and that will suck


Na fuck that i just became a patreon to watch one piece..none of the shows his doing im watching so yh im here for one piece only


I think we should go on ahead. There are 892 episodes as of right now and that's over 2 years of continuous watching.


Hate jojos, dislike yuyu, and havent seen bebop so im voting for more one piece for now especially since theres no guarantee id like what gets voted in

Carson elliott

Want one piece to keep going, but wouldn't mind a short series in between like devilman crybaby


Wow you're like the antithesis to me. I don't care for One Piece, and I love all the anime you clearly hate.


Hellsing Ultimate would be a great show to watch during a break. It's short and you already love the abridged version.


Keep it going, you're in love with it and in no way are you showing any hints of getting burnt out. Enjoy yourself and roll on, the best is yet to come!


Thats hard to believe, especially for a first time watcher, but its true. The best is yet to come.


😇 let’s finish samurai champoo


i think if you keep watching one piece without a break you'll get fatigue, change it up a bit with a new/different short anime, and then jus pick up where you left off, but hey if people rather wanna see you keep going non stop , fine by me , i'm not complaining either way i'm happy ^^


Yes! No break won hehe


Maybe, but so far he hasn't shown or said anything about he's having fatigue or burnt out. I think it helps a lot that he only does 1 episode a day (not sunday) he's doing other series. Hard to get burnt out like that.