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And to all our GOOSHERS from everywhere else in the world, Happy Thursday!  :-)

...I think we, as THE GOOSH, need to lobby for a worldwide holiday - "Bad Touch Day" - where we all make new friends.  :-D



Happy paid day off to you too curtis

Brother E

Happy Freedom of the North Americans Day!


Special friends


Let us celebrate the only war America's ever truly won! :P


I already have a bad touch day its the thanksgiving family reunion


I don't think that pussy, Colin Kaepernick agrees. I swear, if another company releases a line of Betsy Ross sneakers, I'm buying 3 pairs to spite Nike.

Phillip Ribbink

I'm a Canadian and one of my ancestors was a Loyalist. So I won't be celebrating.

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

I shall be using this day as an excuse to party, and nothing less.


"...I think we, as THE GOOSH, need to lobby for a worldwide holiday - 'Bad Touch Day' - where we all make new friends. :-D" And after that we'll be making lots of friends.. in prison xD

Heavenly Demon

USA BDAY going go out and shoot some guns

Richie Roberts

Damn, I wish I had thought of it sooner. I should have said something about you reacting to Thomas Jefferson Vs. Freddrick Douglas for the 4th. It would have been appropriate. Loved your reaction to Obama Vs Romney, just thought that Jefferson would have been more topical on the 4th. Again, not upset over the choice today, just kicking myself for not thinking of it sooner. There was a line about the Declaration from Jefferson that was just amazing, and I only just now thought of it. Makes me smile everytime I think of it. :(

heroic nyco

happy independence day curtis i hope you and your family had a great independence day


Yeah what kind of pussy puts his career and public image on the line for something they believe. Definitely a cowardly move.


Don't forget about the explosions to remind veterans of all the fun times they spent in warzone :)