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As many of you know, I used to make my living doing standup. I've been seriously considering hitting the stage again, and I'd love to have some people whose opinions I trust give me some feedback. I turn to you guys rather than the YT channel, as I thing we have a very tight community here and you guys are people who have opinions I trust.

If I post stuff like this on YT, I get a lot of people from 2 different camps that offer no help:

1.) Trolls who have an issue - typically something deep, like I rooted for someone other than their favorite in an ERB - and they just want to be as negative as possible.

2.) Folks who are well-intentioned, but will only tell me how great the material is because they are fans of the channel... Appreciated, but not helpful in this circumstance.

If I post vids of material, I gotta forewarn you that it's tough to really evaluate standup material without a live audience. As comedians we, of course, base a lot of our timing on audience reaction. Plus, it's just weird to hear material delivered to no live audience. So, you guys would have the challenge of getting past that.

I want to get a solid 45 minutes to an hour of material I really like. I would post vids for you guys to watch in individual bits.

Anybody game for this?  :-)

(Oh, and the attached vid is just a bit I did some years ago.)


Curtis Candy Stand Up Comedy | "I'm Not A Retard - You're A Retard!"

This is a stand up comedy bit from a recent show... I thought you guys might enjoy it, so I put it up here, along with at my stand-up comedy channel. ----- Curtis Candy Stand Up Comedy bit - "I'm Not A Retard". -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Our First Reaction Vid ! We React To The Awesome Grapefruit Lady!" ➨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMDf_YPsLn0 -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-



Here's mine: A man is leaning on a farm gate, watching the farmer round up some sheep when he realises that the farmer isn't using a sheepdog, but rather a pig. What's more, the pig, which is expertly manoeuvring the sheep into a pen, only has three legs. "Excuse me," says the man to the farmer, "but why has that pig only got three legs?" "Let me tell you a bit about that pig", says the farmer. "That pig not only herds my sheep, he also crows in the morning, milks the cows morning and night and collects the eggs from the hens." "And that's not all!", he continued, "that pig can count! He counts so well that he does all the farm accounts and fills in my tax forms." "What an amazing pig!" Says the man. "I ain't finished!", says the farmer. "Two years ago, my farmhouse caught fire and the pig called the fire brigade and then fetched water from the river to douse the flames in the hall. He then fought his way through the smoke to where my wife and children lay unconscious and dragged them from the burning house." "Wow!", says the man,"that really is an incredible pig. But I still don't understand why he only has three legs." "Ah, well", says the farmer, "when you have a pig that is that special, you don't eat him all at once.


Yeah I'm down. Keep them coming Curtis!


im down and dont worry if its not funny to me i would be honest

Ryan McKeon

Definitely up for it. I’m sure everyone here will give you an honest opinion, myself included


Pro Wrestler, hypnotist, youtuber, and stand up comic. You have the weirdest resume.


Just don’t tell jokes like this guy https://youtu.be/7bBQE2VHOtI

Miklar Sihn

Ofcourse we are in. You really don't need to add, just throw content at us. If we get to influence it and cooperate with you then it is even better.


I wasn't sure how it's going to feel about this because stand-up comedy is really hard but your material and timing was fantastic.


I'm only 1 min in and it's physically hurting me. Please can we just pretend this is satire? Edit: Oh God, I commented to soon. It gets so much worse. Edit 2: this man needs to be arrested for crimes against comedy. Sorry I'll stop ranting :)


Huge fan of comedy, as well as you Curtis. Would love to help out 👌


A man gets lost in a desert and while wandering he stumbles across this hotel he walks up to the hotel manager and tells the man “sir I am very lost and need to find a way hope do you have anything I can use to get home with” the hotel manager responds with “we have this horse by he only runs if you say thank god and he only stops if you say amen” “that’s pretty weird but I will take it” he then get on the horse “yah horsey yah yah” the horse stands still “ oh yeah thank god” the horse starts galloping “that’s pretty cool amen” the horse stops “thank god” the horse starts galloping once again “thank god, thank god, thank god” the horse starts galloping faster and faster and faster, he then comes over a hill and reveals a the edge of a deep ravine “woah horsey woah, oh yeah amen AMEN” the horse slides stoping right to the edge of the cliff “oh thank god”.


I like your content and I'm always ready to hear good stand up, but I'm also unfortunately part of group #2. (and I'm also a troll from time to time 😂) This is one of the funniest stories I have heard: The Machine - Bert Kreischer: THE MACHINE https://youtu.be/paG1-lPtIXA


Yeah go for it, we´ll do our best to give you honest and useful thoughts about whatever you want to know our opinion off. This clip was honestly better then i expected


Sounds like a great idea

Sean Nelson

Sure I'll see if I can be constructive.... (stretches heckler muscles)


Curtis that bit was gold and i was fully prepared to dish out some constructive criticism, then again i still laugh at the occasional fart joke so i am not a comedy god.

Jake Young

The premise is good. A few things I would do is add more variance in your cadence and take a few more pauses for dramatic effect. Like when you mention everyone going silent on the bus yoy can let the line hang a bit longer to mimic the event. Over emphasis on some words can add to that variance as well as shifting emotions mimicking the act of someone who may have an interesting reaction to the situation. Try to draw the audience into the more physical aspects of the moment, give descriptions of movement and chaos when talking about everyone bursting out to really highlight the funny bits. Just a few ideas I had on the bit but I still thought it was really funny!

Rue Surnameunimportant

I would love to concrit you! This was amusing since it's taken from real life. I swear my bus driver backed into a fence once, knocked it over and casually drove away haha. Bus times are interesting.


I was going to get into comedy myself, and try out an open mic soon. I would love to give you feedback Curtis if you could return the favor for me for 5 minutes worth of material!


As a fan if stand up, im game. And i promise to tell you if and when you suck.

Phillip Ribbink

I'm game, heard that story from you before in one of the live-streams. Still fucking funny. Better than the sex is a game bit I remember you posting. (This is me trying to prove I'm not a brown-noser, for whatever reason that bit just doesn't make me laugh). Also here's my joke my team lead at work constantly tells me to retell this one while we're working. As long as anyone in this Native American village could remember. There'd been this chief who was responsible for naming all the children in the village. One day one brave asked him "Hey Chief, how do you come up with the names for all these kids?" The Chief replied "Oh it is really very simple, whenever a new child is born to the village. I go outside and take a look around. If I go outside and see a hawk flying overhead. I say "This child shall be known as Hawk-Flying-Overhead" If I go outside and I see snow gently falling I say "This child shall be known as Snow-Gently-Falling." Why are you so interested Two-Dogs-Fucking?"