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Damn, this was a phenomenal telling of how the conflict all began! And that twist about Zuko's lineage at the end was stunning!

I WATCH AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER AT AMAZON PRIME: amazon.com/The-Boy-in-the-Iceberg/dp/B000GFD4C0/



Damn, this was a phenomenal telling of how the conflict all began! And that twist about Zuko's lineage at the end was stunning! I WATCH AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER AT AMAZON PRIME: amazon.com/The-Boy-in-the-Iceberg/dp/B000GFD4C0/



this is one of my many favorite episodes of avatar


You got one thing wrong here Curtis. Avatars are reincarnations, not descendants. Aang is not related to Roku. Zuko, however, is.


i think u got it wrong at the end when u said aang's great grandfather was fire nation


Kind of reminds me of Madara and Hashirama's (1st Hokage) backstory.


Technically, Aang is Roku, which also means that Aang is Zuko's great grandfather.


how long to scary lady

Miklar Sihn

Sokka is an authority on bathrooms and the spirit world. He spent quite a while there and the moment he came back he really had to go. All the way back in season 1.

Miklar Sihn

The way it is shown, sozin wasn't really hungry for power at that point. His people had a better standard of living and he wanted everyone to live like that, so he wanted to expand the empire and in that way spread their ideals that he saw as having been proven better. What he did was wrong, but i am not at all sure you can fault his motives.

Miklar Sihn

I mean his final move vs rokku was clearly a dick move. But it is also worth remembering that it was split second decision after sozin came all that way to save his friend and fight a volcano with him. It seems pretty clear that he was split in his decision, it was his ambitions for the world vs his love for his best friend and he chose what he saw as the greater good... Even if we can generally agree that it wasn't.

Kyle Bryant

That moment where Sozin leaves reminds me of the moment where Zuko attacks Aang in the crystal caverns. I don't think Sozin went there with the intention of impeding or killing Roku, he went there to help his friend... and it wasn't until the moment of decision was upon him, the moment where he could choose his friend or his vision, that he decided to fly away. And in a way, it makes sense when you consider how long he's been waiting. Sozin first tells Roku of his plans at the wedding, and it's 17 years later when he acts on his plan, leading to Roku stomping his ambitions and delivering his threat. It's then 25 more years of capitulating to Roku's threat before he's presented with this opportunity to fulfill his ambition of the past 42 years of his life (+ up to 12 more years assuming the idea seized him before Roku returned from Avatar training). Half a century of wanting his empire, but being unable to do anything about it. It was actually another 12 years more than that, too, since the war began after 12yo Aang was frozen in ice. Even with Roku out of the picture, Sozin took that long to prepare, waiting for the comet so that he could obliterate the Air Nomads and eliminate any chance of the Avatar interfering again. He may be twisted, but damn he was patient.


you can really hear the difference with Iroh's new voice actor in this episode, he does decently but it's really hard to recreate that old smokers voice that Mako had.


"Do you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime?"


Avatar roku and tophs quote about friendship lasting more than one lifetimes is one of my favorite quotes in the series. Also when they dragon laid down trying to protect/cover roku hits me in the feels 😣😢


YAY!! i dont have to wait till 5PM THX u !!! Curtis i love your reactions to fucking much!!

Gabriel Phipps

This episode is the one that the biggest WHAT?! from me when I watched this

Miklar Sihn

As far as i understand, Roku's earthbending master is based on the original designs for Aang's earthbending master. Before people came up with the joke that the master would be a little girl and the creators liked the joke enough to make it real. Best decision they ever made.


One of my favorite episodes and I love how they at 19:25 make it look like it’s Zuko that’s locked in a dark cell and Iroh is out in the light, that scene is so beautiful!!


I never notice those little cinematic touches because I don't have a keen eye for it but I love when it's pointed out!


Fun fact, and Spoiler Warning: Toph is still alive in the sequel series, when Korra is the new Avatar. So, her question about friendships transcending lifetimes takes on a whole new meaning looking back in this episode.


It might be a good idea to put a spoiler warning instead of a ‘fun fact‘.


The whole fire nation citizenship thing that sozin spoke about has always made me wonder just how would that work for the avatar? What I mean is since he or she can master all four elements does that mean that they are also a Citizen of all of the nations? and what would happen if the avatar commits a crime, the reason why I ask this is because if he or she were thrown in jail or worse, then I imagine that all of the other nation may have an issue with this.

Ben Wilder

@Curtis I left you information on the cultural influences behind the Fire Nation on the last Video. Check it out if you like