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This show does an amazing job of developing characters. Little vignettes like this, where we learn about the gang in a fun, comfortable delivery, are some of my favorite parts of this series!

I WATCH AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER AT AMAZON PRIME: amazon.com/The-Boy-in-the-Iceberg/dp/B000GFD4C0/



This show does an amazing job of developing characters. Little vignettes like this, where we learn about the gang in a fun, comfortable delivery, are some of my favorite parts of this series! I WATCH AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER AT AMAZON PRIME: amazon.com/The-Boy-in-the-Iceberg/dp/B000GFD4C0/



I may be super late in realizing this but is tai lee the voice of xj9 from teenage robot?

Ben Wilder

Finally the real wold cultural inspirations for the Fire Nation, again taken from the Avatar Wiki Fire Nation The culture of the Fire Nation is primarily inspired by China, South Asia and Southeast Asia. The topography of the Fire Nation draws most of its influence from Iceland, with photographs of the island being used directly in designing the geography of the nation. In addition, the Fire Nation is located on a series of volcanic islands, similar to a number of real world locations, including Hawaii, Japan, and the Polynesian Islands. The omnipresent red and gold motifs displayed in Fire Nation architecture and clothing are predominantly seen in traditional Chinese and Southeast Asian cultures. The architecture of the Fire Nation draws influences on many cultures, but is predominantly similar to Chinese and Southeast Asian architecture. The Fire Nation Royal Palace draws its influence from Ancient Egyptian and Chinese architecture. In addition, the royal garden is based on classical Chinese garden styles. The Fire Nation Capital is greatly influenced by the imperial cities of the Han Dynasty, and to a lesser extent, is visually similar to the Forbidden City. From the exterior, Ember Island architecture most closely resembles that of Southeast Asian resorts. The more affluent Ember Island residences are adorned with paintings and vases similar to Chinese ones. The architecture of the Bhanti Tribe resembles Southeast Asian architecture. In addition, the statue found in the Bhanti Tribe Village temple most closely resembles statues of Buddha in Thai interpretation. The Fire Temple is nearly a direct replica of Chinese-style pagodas. The military uniforms of the Fire Nation are clearly based on military uniforms of ancient Chinese militaries, as are many weapons. Fire Nation attire often resembles Chinese Hanfu. Zuko is sometimes depicted wearing a shenyi. In Fire Nation royal weddings, the bride has a hairdo similar to the ones worn by Korean Queens. Fire Nation cuisine closely mirrors Szechuan cuisine. In one scene, Zuko and Iroh are shown cutting off their top-knots to symbolize their separation from their family and their Nation, a practice that occurred in ancient East Asia. The Agni Kai is a form of "honor duel" commonly seen in warrior societies in South Asia, particularly South India and Sri Lanka. It literally translates to 'Duel of Fire' or 'Fire Quarrel'. The creators of Avatar have stated that it is the practice of the Fire Nation for potential rulers to have to "prove their worth" through difficult challenges. This is a practice in many warrior cultures. Palanquins, used by Fire Nation Royal Family members, were also used in China by the upper classes. One particularly large and luxurious type of palanquin was reserved for the emperor. Fire Nation propaganda justifying its imperialism is also similar to that of Japan's during World War II, as the Japanese Empire used an ideological construct, "Dai Toa Kyoeikan", meaning "The Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere", to justify invading China and conquering the South Pacific, just as the Fire Nation has invaded the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes. The Fire Nation is the most industrialized nation in the Avatar world and relies heavily on coal, as did historical industrialized empires of the 19th and 20th centuries. The Fire Nation has a strong military-industrial complex and a very nationalistic culture replete with propaganda and cult of personality to their ruler, the Fire Lord. The schoolbooks of Fire Nation children are censored to teach them misleading information about the war, similar to schoolbooks in post World War II Japan. These traits are also commonly found in communist countries, such as Maoist China and North Korea.


Zukos speech at the end is so emotional 😥

Kyle Bryant

Regarding meteorites: people believe swords made from meteorites, while rare, predated swords made from terrestrial iron, because humans didn't have the tools to mine ore until later eras. Meteorites can have all sorts of different minerals in them, many of them only stony, but those with ferrous metals were often more pure than mined iron, making them better for blade-smithing up to the iron eras. However, once civilizations learned to make steel, the quality of the source iron became less vital compared to the metallurgical science to turn it into steel. Short version, since steel is a thing in Avatar's world here, the metal being from a meteorite doesn't automatically make it a better sword, but if the meteorite has iron (it does), it's likely to be an excellent source material.


As a kid watching this I hated azula but rewatching it with you now she’s becoming one of my very liked characters. I love how consistent her characterization is and how affable she can be when she really is a psychopath. I never want her to win really but she’s a villain im always both happy and dreading to see, it’s crazy how this show pitched as a kids show has so many diverse and great characters


I just looked it up and I don't think so but she does sound like her


I love how zuko said that the hitman was very dedicated when he hired him. He does two things on a job to the death. 1. He will keep it secret. Which is why he stops firenation soldiers from warning the firelord. It would break his agreement to keep the avatar secret. 2. He always kills the target no matter what.


I think we have now seen almost all versions of bending in the series except one or two more. So I thought I'd make this. Bending has three teirs imo of levels or diffrences. Let's start with Earth. Level 1 basic earthbending. I think the most unique we see this bending used still and at the highest level strength wise is King Bumi he uses earthbending like no one else in the series he dances and even dissapears underground as if swimming in the earth. Even Toph is more traditional than Bumi. Level 2 This is where i would place bending like sandbending. Level 2 is more like a regional diffrence that people learned to adapt to the environment. Its still earthbending but it still is quite diffrent in use. Sandbenders use it almost like waterbending and airbending. For example one bender used the sand around his feet to steady himself just like Katara used water then ice to hold her standing position. Sandbenders have even learned to bend sand into mini tornados to travel the desert in wind sails like a airbender could make tornados to move sails as Anng proved. Level 3 is where i would put bending that either completely changes how the element is or is just such a greater power than the normal levels. This of course is metal bending which was invented by Toph. The element is still earth but is so different in form its not considered earth as we think it to be. Next in order is fire. Level 1 again is just normal firebending. Zuko, Azula, Iroh, master jhong jhong, and Ozai are basically the strongest firebenders we know. Level 2 is where i would place Azulas fire its really just level 1 with like a extra % of power due to natural talent. A more fitting level 2 would be the exploding blasts by the assassin. He is using firebending as we see him use his stomach and as iroh taught zuko that is the source of a firebenders power. But instead of going from the stomach to the hands feet or mouth to emit the flame his energy goes to his brain and is emitted from the forehead. This could be why its so condensed travels fast and is nearly invisible. Its more mental than physical like normal firebending. It could even be seen as a level 3 and i would say it belongs. Level 3 is lightning aka the advanced and more focused version of firebending that is basically almost always a one shot kill unless your iroh or zuko and learned to redirect it. Only iroh azula have been seen to use it but we can assume Ozai does know it if his brother and daughter do. Next is Air. Air is hard to really do since we don't have any regional or training diffrences to have a level 2 form. Also its hard to have a level 3 form without enough people actually doing airbending to show advanced forms of it. Perhaps in a sequal series or comics we will see a higher form. But air really is pure in form. Last is Water. Level 1 You could basically put normal water bending and even ice bending here. Icebending could be a level 2 but it seems to be alot more common then things like sandbending or explosions. Mudbending is also pretty basic really too. Mud and ice being heavily water like in the swamp water. Katara or Master Pakku are the best waterbenders we've seen with Katara having big feats and Pakku with so many techiques and forms like his water tornado. Level 2 i would consider the swampbenders vinebending. He realized in the swamp all things are connected and living just like the tree was living like him it too was filled with water and so too the vines. He is bending the water inside plants to move them and attack. Quite a diffrence than ice or muddy water. Level 3 is hard to pinpoint but I think if we see anything more unique/powerfull than plantbending we will know what goes here.


You forgot blood bending uses for the advanced waterbending or the use of ones own body to waterbend with perspiration


It sad that Azula can't just live like a normal teen.


Probably my favorite episode in the series


Azula is a psychopath lol

Lyric Laude

did yall hear about the new season that they are doing on netflix next year?


if it is live action my expectations are at zero Im sorry but you cant make me believe that without a multi trillion Avengers: Endgame kind of budget in cgi its going to ever even remotely look good I cant even imagine how they are supposed to realize earth bending or airbending without it looking goofy and unrealistic as fuck They should stick to animation and make another avatar story with another avatar we havent seen yet. Maybe a past one this time (i didnt like the modern style of korra...) But if its a live action it is a waste of time and im not planning on watching it


I love how soicially awkward Azula is when it comes to romance, it’s cute in its own way.


A lot of people see this episode, and assume that Azula is just crazy (so, you're not alone), but, honestly, her behavior here is typical teenager behavior. She displays classic symptoms of fear, both for the future, and fear of being abandoned by her father. When a person is in incapable of facing a fear, there are several ways they can cope with it, and Azula seems to do so with the most unhealthy method: denial, which is showcased when she scoffs, or laughs at the others sharing their emotions. The campfire (which seems to have some sort of therapy effect on them) begins to force it out of her, but she quickly stops it by playing it off as a joke, so she won't appear weak. She's aware that she needs friends and people she can trust. That's why she bothered to gather Mae and Tai Lee, and is also why she appeared sincere when trying to get Zuko to come back to their side. She feels more comfortable and safe around the 3 of them. The reason why she treats them bad, and makes power plays against them, is because she still fears being weaker than them. People always talk about how bad of a father Ozai is, (and he really is,) but, their mother wasn't a very good mother either. When she left, she made sure Zuko knew that she loved him, but she did nothing like this for Azula. A mother is a child's greatest source of emotional support, and being abandoned by that support can cause a variety of serious emotional traumas including a fractured sense of security, which eventually becomes a form of paranoia in Azula's case. While being abandoned by a father figure can cause other forms of trauma, like a fractured sense of duty and direction, which tend to manifest in anger and rebellion, as shown in Zuko. TLDR; Though it's not really shown in the show, Azula's story is actually really tragic from a psychological standpoint.


Aang is so hard to kill that Zuko had to hire an assassin from an entirely different genre.


One of my favorite episodes, I was amazed how it managed to humanize all of these crazy bastards and make me feel for them.


one of my old time favorite episodes =))


love this episode ^^


Next episode is one my favorites. Can't wait.


The amount of character growth in this series is of such magnitude that even after 6 years since I finished watching it I still come back to see it all over again. Hell that is so long ago I was still in high school, now I am in the labor force and a college grad.


Greatest Azula line ever, "She was right of course, but it still hurt." I love the way Grey DeLisle delivers her lines.

Daniel Gonzalez

Can't say that I love her but I definitely admire Azulas commitment to always going full throttle (no wonder some people like Bakugo) but I do love this episode since despite his dickholeness at times I've always liked zuko even back from before I really gave the show a chance and only saw glimpses of the fire lord prince didn't watch the show in full till years later


I just realized this is where aang found the battle field for the finale....