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Season 3 begins, and it's clear this is gonna be a whole new Aang!... And I'm not talking about just the hairstyle! :-D

I WATCH AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER AT AMAZON PRIME: amazon.com/The-Boy-in-the-Iceberg/dp/B000GFD4C0/



Season 3 begins, and it's clear this is gonna be a whole new Aang!... And I'm not talking about just the hairstyle! :-D I WATCH AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER AT AMAZON PRIME: amazon.com/The-Boy-in-the-Iceberg/dp/B000GFD4C0/



Hi Curtis and crew!


Is Curtis gonna watch the legend of Korra after finishing the last air bender?


i hope so, i know for a fact Curtis will friggin LOVE it

Chris Johnson

Can we all have a moment of silence for the objective best character in the series, Mr. Glider?

Miklar Sihn

What azula did was pretty amazing politics. She got herself the actually safe accomplishment, while putting zuko in a situation where he is somewhat in her debt and he has all the danger of loosing face on his head. She even gets some residual glory from being part of his victory while taking all the credit for winning the city.


here it is SEASON 3, somehow contrary to how show works s2 was better than s1 and s3 the final season was the best ( this was a time when unlike today the final seasons of a show would be great, unlike today when the final season of a show JUST FUCKS EVERYTHING UP >_< )


To answer your question Curtis, yea Azula pretty much made up the fact the Zuko finished the Avatar. She didn't want credit for "killing" the Avatar because in case the Avatar survived, it would blow up in her face, so she gave that "accomplishment" to Zuko. I'm pretty sure that was it. If I'm misunderstanding anything, feel free to correct me guys. Edit: Just finished the video. Didn't realize it was answered right away lol.


@SpazBoysComedy Notice how each first episode of each season started out with them in a ship. Each season its a bigger ship. I guess it shows how well their relationSHIP grew


Man I think that if azula had been born a generation earlier this war would’ve been over before aang woke up, she literally went in with 2 friends from school and captured a city that the fire nation couldn’t breach in 100 years. Can you imagine fire lord azula? Geez


Is it just me, or does Azula look even hotter without the makeup?


Azula isn't just a bitch, she's the ULTIMATE bitch. And she's all the greater a villain for it. But fun fact, Firelord Ozai (dad of the year) is voiced by Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill).


Hey curtis I have a question. So the last few episodes are kind of put together, so are you going to do one big react to the final few or break it up into regular sized parts?


Its the hair and for some reason in this lighting her hair looked brown


my favorite character reveal this episode was the terrifying enemy birds


Senpai finally notice me!!! And yes, This is Defiantly not a kids show, and Season 3 will prove that.


Random but i really want curtis to watch Bleach in dubbed one day idc when but he'll like his Brovado, Dimeaner, and bad assness, hooefully that show comes up sooner or later!

Gene Bookwalter

I know a different version of that scene of Azula and Zuko in the bedroom #sorrynotsorry


They'll be the typical length episodes. It's more enjoyable for me that way, plus more manageable from an editing/uploading standpoint.


I've been thinking this too! I just never said anything. Bleach is so dope


What’s interesting about Azula from here on is that you can obviously see her plotting, but there’s a genuine sense that she is trying to look out for her brother now that he is home. Keep an eye out for it; little chinks in her armor.


They pulled out ALL the stops this season. You're in for one hell of a ride!

Stephen Mailman

Cool juxtaposition between Katara’s warm and loving reunion with her father, while Zuko’s was very cold and distant. Can’t wait for you to see the rest of this season Curtis!!


At some point I think she realized once she gains power from her father she will have no family left. She was always able to manage and manipulate zuko but he is family


It was Azula that took him out, but she probably told Ozai it was Zuko so that he'd be allowed back into the Fire Nation.