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Semen caught a REALLY lucky break that his loss came at Kuwabara's hands! Big Ginger is definitely a good person; way better than I am!

I WATCH YU YU HAKUSHO ON FUNIMATION: funimation.com/shows/yu-yu-hakusho/#videos



Semen caught a REALLY lucky break that his loss came at Kuwabara's hands! Big Ginger is definitely a good person; way better than I am! I WATCH YU YU HAKUSHO ON FUNIMATION: funimation.com/shows/yu-yu-hakusho/#videos



Big Ging is one of the best supporting characters imo. Too damn lovable

Ryan Gillatt

Ultimate plot twist: Kuwabara is actually important! I love that moment.


I guess you can say he had his Torguro fastfood "To-goro" =D


This is why I love Sensui. He's the perfect example of manipulation in any show. First, he got to know the psychics in order to incite them into joining his side. He used their weaknesses against them, like the Doctor's nihilistic attitude towards human life and Seaman's experiences with bullying. And then, he put the final nail in the coffin with the chapter black video tape to turn them against humanity. And it's believable too, many people would go crazy if they watched a 1000 hour snuff film about every horrible deed humanity has ever done. Calling Sensui a cult leader is an understatement.


Lets just say knowing about a few wars in history in a text book or news is completely different then watching every rape murder slaughter ect in human history in a sitting seeing it all first hand level. A TON of soldiers get PTSD from just one battle or just one war. What do you think watching a tape with EVERY war rape murder ect would do to a person. Like Seaman said he saw his dreams even filled with him as the one taking the actions.


I get the motivation and desired results of the video. The actual result, however, will be different depending on the individuals watching it. Lots of soldiers get PTSD; few of them decide humanity must be eliminated because of what they have seen.

Jake from SF

Earth to toddler bitch is one of my favorite lines in the show and I've been waiting so long for you to react to it hahahahah. First time I saw that I had recorded the episode on TV on my VCR and watched it when I got home from baseball and had to pause from laughter.

Richie Roberts

Now we get to the real meat of this arc. The last arc was a smackdown brawl for personal stakes, but now it's not just humanity at stake, it's also a very real psychological war. And a war of ideas can have more than just physical consequences for either party. I like how Togashi makes his readers think and consider the two sides of the argument of 'are we worthy of life?' Knowing there is a chapter black in this series, I wonder if the opposite is true. If there is a recording of all of humanities atrocities, would there not also be a recording of all of humanities greatest kindnesses? Like a greatest hits compilation to counter our darkest days video? But I like what has been done with Seaman here, this is how someone reacts when they've only been exposed to one side of an argument and can show just how dangerous misinformation really is. I'd say that's pretty relevant even now. Not bad for a show made in the late 90's.

August B Denys

On a positive note, right when seaman gets cut on the cheek the music changes, and although it is very subtle, it is one of my favorite tracks in this anime. It comes back in the right places.


I feel sorry for seaman. He was in unfortunate circumstances and given powers. No one would think normally in those circumstances.


Reminds me of Ichigo & that guy I cant remember his name


I think it’s important to remember that watching the Chapter Black Tape didn’t just convince them to join Sensui in killing all of humanity, it drove them sort of insane. At least part of the way. It’s not like they just decided to start killing people. Sensui/Black Angel targeted them because they were all already either jaded or fed up with humanity at large, and then exposed them to something so horrible their minds just COULD NOT handle it. Supposedly watching even just a few hours of this thing can drive nearly any human completely insane. So these people, like Seaman, already probably in a fragile mental state, we’re so desperate for a solution that when Sensui offered them one, killing all of humanity, it was the only thing that made sense to them. At least that’s my take on it.


That would make sense. One of the most important elements of brainwashing is torture and that video would definitely be an effective method of psychological torture!


Thanos did nothing wrong.


Remember Zamasu? He wanted to wipe out all mortals, Sensui wants to wipe out all humanity. Both of them were suppose to be good. Later you'll have to tell me who you think had the better reason to become deranged, I mean Zamasu was just a sore loser to Goku while Sensui sees all of mankind's sins.


spider legs... you dont know how perfect that name fits him...lol


One of my favorite tracks as well, this show had great music.


Important to note that while not everyone is turned to 'genocide would be fun', the tape shows ONLY the bad things, without any kind of context or even a sliver of human good will. It can't make you turn evil on its own, but if you're on the fence about it, it sure as hell makes a great argument for fuck them all. That's why it shouldn't be watched alone. People can take the evils they see in their life because they can see the good that happens as well. A soldier can keep going because he knows that he fought for his family. You don't get that with just chapter black. The people shown don't have any background or motivation, it's just acts of murder, torture, rape, and every vile thing in the history of the world.