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Stealing Aapa, then lying about it, is apparently the perfect way to get Aang "glowing"! These sand folks might want to do their best to calm him down and help him retrieve his bison!

I WATCH AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER AT AMAZON PRIME: amazon.com/The-Boy-in-the-Iceberg/dp/B000GFD4C0/



Stealing Aapa, then lying about it, is apparently the perfect way to get Aang "glowing"! These sand folks might want to do their best to calm him down and help him retrieve his bison! I WATCH AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER AT AMAZON PRIME: amazon.com/The-Boy-in-the-Iceberg/dp/B000GFD4C0/


Jens B



to "get Aang Glowing"....from now on Whenever Aang "glows" someones gotta say SCHWING....because I will forever from this point on Associate his Avatar State with Hisokas Shiny Junk when he fought Gon in Heavens Arena....


An important aspect to consider is that the Avatar State is a defensive mechanism that only triggers when he feels his life is at risk. It triggering when he found out Appa was muzzled, means that, to Aang, Appa's happiness is of equal value to his own life. Really powerful moment when you consider the implications.

Miklar Sihn

This is aang's closest friend that has pretty much been taken and enslaved. The friend he has had since he was even younger and his only real connection to his home. So yeah, that hits him pretty hard.

Lewd Angel

Well Appa IS his animal guide, Avatars and their animal guides are very closely linked

Mighty Snake

1st: I want whatever was in that cactus. 2nd: These is why we kill not just the men but the women and the children too.


This episode really shows the emotional growth of katara. Remember season 1 katara and how she let aang kinda just dictate things? She really steps up here

Gabriel Phipps

Is this anyone else’s favorite moment of Aang being calmed down out of the avatar state


That was some strong cactus juice that Sokka and Momo drank.

Gabriel Phipps

Also the introduction of the white lotus and Iroh is a grandmaster being pretty cool


If I'm not wrong that vulture-wasp was the first time Ang actually attacked something that was on the run and just for revenge. Another sign of how much Appa being taken had effected him.


"Ba Sing Se could end up being a real party town..." .........


I don’t think so, I don’t think Katara never really let Aang dictate her because there was no Real risk to be involve. She always had that motherly Instinct from the start, it just more apparent here since none of these people really knew how to dictate the situation Property, and guided them all throughout the dessert, even when Aang was mad at her for no reason, she never looses her composure, espically when he went to the Avatar state. I feel like she swollowed her pride thier (Aang being angry at her and causing a scene) and calm him down.


This is the episode I feel Katara was in that next level of being such a caregiver and a strong person. Katara does nag a bit in the past, but when they were in a series life and death situation, she pull in all the stops, never complain, and swallow her pride when Aang was being suck a dick to her throughout, and still calm him down even tho I feel she didn’t want to because I feel she had it (the poker face she had when Aang went to the Avatar state) but she still calm him down. Because she needed to.

Jay Hunter

Yup, one of my favorite scenes in the series in general. The music made it hit especially hard


Man Aang having to be the bigger man and not killing them really brought a tear to my eye. 1 single powerful tear...


I’m sure you picked up on it, but a lot of watchers don’t seem to grasp the different layers of significance Appa has to Aang beyond an animal companion. It’s heavily implied that the Avatar is spiritually linked to their animal guide. Roku had a dragon for example. But above all else what really strikes me as huge as far as Aang’s perspective here is that all that’s left of the ENTIRE culture of the Air Nomads— at least that’s living— are Aang, Appa, and Momo. That’s it. Appa is the very last link Aang has to his people, his past, and essentially a large part of his identity. Can’t think of many other kids’ shows that tackle heavy stuff like that. Remember, Avatar tackled GENOCIDE in episode 3. Holy FUCK


Oh yeah. He killed something. Aang is an absolute pacifist, so let it sink in that he killed that vulture-wasp despite it having ceased to be a threat. He killed it because he wanted to, and because he was angry.

Jacob Harmon

This isn’t really a spoiler if this happens because it’s been so long since I’ve seen this that I genuinely can’t remember, so I’m just spitballing, but there’s also a chance Azula isn’t far behind either the Avatar or Zuko. She always seems to be nearby when you least want her around.


Now i understand why Aang is so angry and is in a dark place right now however that doesn't excuse his behavior to his friends and treat them like a guilty party. On a side note Curtis, it seems that, that whole group of Sand benders may not be 100% guilty seeing as that father seems to not have a clue what his son has done. The fault probably lies in a small part of that large group including that son.


Its not really Aang being a man but rather Katara calming him down before he killed the whole Sand Bender group. He wouldn't have been in the right since it seems that a small part of that group kidnapped Appa since the father in the group knew nothing about the capturing and selling of the Bison.


I swear, every. single. time. that Aang speaks while in the avatar state just gives me goosebumps. Definitely one of my favorite moments, even if it's painful to see. Also to anyone who's finished the series... notice anything familiar about Aang's air bubble while in the avatar state? He uh... he was about to kill someone, there.