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This backstory was stunningly good! It also really sets up Sanji's future with the Luffy crew. Of course, first things first, they need to make sure this dipshit doesn't shoot Owner Zeff!

WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece



This backstory was stunningly good! It also really sets up Sanji's future with the Luffy crew. Of course, first things first, they need to make sure this dipshit doesn't shoot Owner Zeff! WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece



Let me be the First to tell you, that he ate his foot in the Manga. It got censored in the Anime.


Backstories are a major part of this anime, and they're done far better than others.... Be prepared for tears later on

Daniel Turner

In the manga, Zeff cut off his own leg on the rocks and ate it.


This is just the start Curtis, so many good backstories and well tied together moments left! Can't wait for the next arc!

Ben Wilder

This is the first time i cried reading one piece.


I don't know if I'd consider it a censor, rather than a change in story-telling. If anything, this version is more graphic. Although, I will say the manga version makes more sense. He wouldn't be able to survive that long without food.


I dunno, eating your own leg to avoid starvation is pretty graphic. Or it would be had they shown it happen.

J Johnson

One Piece is one of the only series that can make just about all its backstories emotional, you'll even see backstories of minor side characters later on that can get you misty-eyed.

Schmul Sjifris

Yeah, as the other ones are saying. In the manga he didnt lose his leg at the ship but used a rock to smash it off at the island and ate it. You were right to question how he had survived for that long having eaten nothing. I mean this is a good story too but in general I cant really support completely changing the storyline for the sake of censorship. It is true that it was really graphic in the manga though but they could have done it another way Here <a href="https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-cdb416268680d7f11b64d80b64d3ef00" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-cdb416268680d7f11b64d80b64d3ef00</a>


Yeah I love this backstory


True but on the other hand it makes no sense he didn't die of blood loss. There's nothing there to patch up a wound that big.


I thought Zoro had a great backstory, but wow!


Every backstory in One Piece is fascinating! But imo there are far greater backstories in all animes and manga!^^


The manga is a little bit different, if i remeber correct. Geezer had food. His leg was dmg but not taken off in the storm he used a stone to chop it of and eat it.


that's what I remembered too, Simon. They had to censor it for the anime.


Day 25 of my oath: I a 22 year old man do solemnly swear to mention how many episode we are away from catching up to one piece on every single episode that Curtis reacts to and I do not care how long that takes. And on that note: We are 852 away from catching up no decrease as a new episode was release yesterday


Fun tidbit: the anime changed what happened to Zeffs leg slightly. In the manga, it was injured when he saved Sanji... but he didnt lose it there. Several days after he gave sanji all the food, it began to grow gangrenous. He took a sharp rock, cut it off and ate it. Not sure why the change, but its the same message either way. Zeff is a badass.


Oh poor little Chopper, oh i mean Sanji.....


Yes, because I remember when Iwas still a kid and I read the manga,I had a strong memory that he ate his own leg,I thought I imagined it !


And that s what make One Piece great too,the backstories are pretty different from each other,which is evidently as we saw,pretty hard to do (naruto ugh flashbacks)


Curtis can u add like 4-5 episodes in 1 video like other reactors for one piece this show is super fucking long and 1 episode in 1 video will take forever


Fun fact in the manga instead Zeff used a rock to cut off his leg on the island and he ate that. I guess that was too dark to show on the anime.


Firstly Baldman loves having a comments section on each video to talk about and explain some of the things he didnt understand or misinterpreted he loves hearing about the comparison between voice actors and coincidences aswell as other works done by the same authors aswell as the weird meanings of certain names and phrases or customs that he didnt know about...ontop of the the way the reacting works he watches one episode a day and is usually 2 or 3 episodes ahead due to not posting on sundays...or something if Baldman did do a 5 episode mashup then hed only be able it once a week it will take just as long to watch and the drawback will be a super fvcking long video to watch every Saturday which minus the fact that the Patreon Media player frequently freezes for no reason and has to be reset(for me anyway) and time constraints it will be offputting to alot of people to watch them that way...just my opinion though


And now you know why Sanji NEVER lets anyone go hungry!