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The Usopp Pirates did a great job of holding off Steven Tyler, but now Zoro needs to get there in a hurry! These fights going on are fantastic!

WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece



The Usopp Pirates did a great job of holding off Steven Tyler, but now Zoro needs to get there in a hurry! These fights going on are fantastic! WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece



You know the best comparison that comes to mind when people say you have no idea just how good One Piece gets is FMAB. It starts slowly, simiar to One Piece and it gets better and better by the episodes. The difference is that FMAB is a very short series so imagine if FMAB kept going for 800+ episodes and kept getting better and better. Try to imagine how INSANE it would be at 400+ episodes, considering the fact that it gets much better later on and the early Arcs of One Piece are that good. Also if you thought Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist were ''sad'' at times and brought you a lot of emotions.. let me just say that One Piece is several times crazier. It's so good that many people cry watching the show.


Damn Curtis, that must be the best "To be continued" reaction I have ever seen! I actually started laughing just from watching you spasm


Quick question Curtis, did anyone set up the filler list of episodes for you to skip?

Mighty Snake

Man Steven Tyler is an excellent lumberjack! I bet he even knows the lumberjack song


He said he plans to watch the fillers because some viewers recommended it but I think he should SKIP them. Not because they are necessarily bad, mainly because the main storyline is just so much better and there's already way too many episodes to be wasting time watching fillers that aren't as good as canon material. It's understandable that fillers aren't as good, they aren't made by Oda, the author. If Curtis reads this, I suggest you make a poll or talk about it with the viewers. The first fillers are at episodes 50-51 then 52-53, 62-92 (THAT'S 30 episodes!!) etc.


Day 15 (typo in the previous episode) of my oath: I a 22 year old man do solemnly swear to mention how many episode we are away from catching up to one piece on every single episode that Curtis reacts to and I do not care how long that takes. And on that note: We are 860 episodes


you may be able to defeat Steven Tyler but the one thing you cannot defeat is his music he will make tons of money and sue your azz for assault


as another fellow 22 year old I must inform you that assuming you plan on living to be 100 like myself you are also 78 years away from death I will not do this every episode because I may not have a life but I do got sh!t to get done


Well the thing is, Curtis if the villain is explaining his plan like Kuro is, either he’s really cocky or he doesn’t believe it matters if they’ve been warned or not. With his “Out of the back attack” it really doesn’t matter if they know cause they’ll just be cut to ribbons regardless.


Do all hypnotist like to pound on kids so much?


I call Jerkin off "Pounding the kids" but im not a hypnotist


the thing with anime is that in 99 % cases villain warn or speak 2 much like for example idk good person lie on the ground and the villain will waste hours on saying things instead of getting things done . its so frustraiting sometimes which is why anime will never be perfect 4 me but i still enjoy series i guess L)


If you tell Zoro right he will either go left or straight ahead lol


Earlier in the series it doesn't get much spotlight, but Zoro has one of the most legendarily terrible senses of direction not just in anime, but in all of fiction. If Zoro had to race a blind kid in a wheelchair down a straight path I'd put money on the kid. If Zoro died, he'd come back to life, because he'd get lost on the way to the light at the end of the tunnel.


i really like this series but im concern with the fact that it will take 2yrs at the current rate to finish it or get even close to the end


I know it will be a while but I hope Curtis stays with the series but he will start to love jango later on and if he gets far down the line he will see a true Steven Tyler look alike

Tony Gilbert King

I thought it was out of the bag attack like cat out of the bag

Tony Gilbert King

If you want to find onepiece just make zoro navigator and tell him to avoid it you'll find it in no time


I like the pace we're going at. I'm not concerned. At least we'll have something to watch after OP ends... but it's not like that'll be anytime soon.