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I'd been wondering since very early on about the backstory of Joichiro and I'm not disappointed! I not only like and appreciate his story; I enjoy how it plays off the very cool relationship he has with his son!

WATCH FOOD WARS ON VRV: vrv.co/series/G6QW91496/Food-Wars



I'd been wondering since very early on about the backstory of Joichiro and I'm not disappointed! I not only like and appreciate his story; I enjoy how it plays off the very cool relationship he has with his son! WATCH FOOD WARS ON VRV: vrv.co/series/G6QW91496/Food-Wars



What’s after food wars?


Skunkhead is definitely overcorrecting the system that strangled Joichiro, but his intentions at least now are understandable. Before it just seemed like he was elite abusive snob, but now he's an elite abusive snob with a purpose! :D

Miklar Sihn

While azami is clearly wrong and taking things way too far, it is worth remembering that from his point of view this school squandered the greatest talent it had and might well have permanently destroyed its career. So from his perspective the system is clearly broken and he is trying to make it work. So while he isn't wrong and is an asshole, he does atleast have a bit of a point. He has just happened to draw some horrible conclusions based on that point, these reasons also explain why erina was trained as she was. She was trained so her genius would only further one path of cooking, thereby not overtaxing her and breaking her genius. His way happens to be inhuman and makes him a definite asshole. But it is worth atleast accepting his motives.

Mighty Snake

Curtis since you asked I hereby nickname you "The Demon"


I never draw parallel between Azami and Madara, until now that you mention it! Also, because they are LUNATIC


I don't have any trouble understanding his motives. My issue is, if this is the way he goes about acting on those motives - particularly denying his daughter a childhood - then I think he's garbage. History is filled with people whose intentions were good based ontheir own perceptions and motivations. That doesn't make their actions any less reprehensible. :-)


It's really cool seeing Gin and his relationship with Saiba. He and Jun seemed to be the only students who really cared about Saiba as a person and didn't just put him on a pedestal.


I'll be honest, I teared up before Gin when I first saw Saiba broken down. A person broken down by the very thing they love and all because people just kept looking at his results, not the work that went into making them. I doubt even "geniuses" completed their recipes on the first try. Like simple science, cooking would be done through trial and error.