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I don't hate Caulifla, Kale or Kefla, but I just can't get into them at all. I like Jiren a lot better. I'm just curious what you guys think of the Universe 6 little ladies?

WATCH DRAGON BALL SUPER AT FUNIMATION: funimation.com/shows/dragon-ball-super/#videos



I don't hate Caulifla, Kale or Kefla, but I just can't get into them at all. I like Jiren a lot better. I'm just curious what you guys think of the Universe 6 little ladies? WATCH DRAGON BALL SUPER AT FUNIMATION: funimation.com/shows/dragon-ball-super/#videos


Chris Johnson

Kale, Caulifla and Kefla are mixed bags honestly. They are very divisive overall. I for one love them. But there are just as many people that dislike them as there are people who like them. Of course there are some like you who are neutral.


Don't worry curtis most of the fan base hate them


I didn't like them at first either but they grew on me and I like the parralels between vegeta- cabba and goku-kefla


if you would of waited for the english dub you would of liked them a lot more. in the sub they sound like screeching nails on a chalk board to me.

King Black

That's pretty much the exact opposite of how people felt people liked Kefla and didn't like Jiren


thats because jiren is a shit character with the most basic of the most basic backstories

Lewd Angel

Personally i like Kefla and her two pieces way more than i like Jiren, their growth rate is definitely bs but they at least have Saiyan biology and cool abilities. Jiren is just strong because the plot demands him to be strong, there is no rhyme or reason behind his strength, hes just very bland to me. And when you do eventually hear more about him and his backstory you'll be just as disappointed.

Freddy Jimenez

I’m fine with them. I feel like they needed more backstory


It felt super forced, they should have been strong but no where near how they were and their personalities were just a bit bland.


A lot of people love jiren (including myself) and Kefla it's mixed really, like a lot of people can't except universe 6 saiyans are prodigies and the fact that jiren has basic characteristics while others absolutely LOVE it. To me jiren is the definition of badass.


The sayien females were marketing gimmicks that feel like it. The amount of ass pulls and mental gymnastics fanboys do to try to validate them are laughable. Your not the only one Curt id say the fanbase is split 50/50 or 60/40


At least he has a backstory and his power is explained more that the two walking adverts.

Chris Johnson

Most of the fanbase is stretching it. I say it's more split even. Those who dislike her are just more vocal (negatives always are). Of course, these two are loved in Japan, so there is that as well.


Their push down our mouth and i hate that

Chris Johnson

I mean, I'm not trying to change your opinion, but I just want to have a reasonable discussion.


I have a lot to say about this episode First, I absolutely love Katopesla and the fact that he pulls the whole anime "Follow me to a more suitable fighting area" schtick only for Frieza to completely ignore him. I found it hilarious that Vegeta just unabashedly lies to Toppo to hype himself up. He knows that he doesn't even have an equivalent to Goku's Blue Kaioken let alone Ultra Instinct, but who cares about that, to him, he's still the top dog Saiyan. Onto Caulifla and Kale, I'm overall fine with how strong they as individuals are. They can match a Super Saiyan 2 Goku (3 too probably in at least Kale's case), but they get wrecked by God. The thing is that it just really makes me annoyed with how they previously tried to show off Kale's Berserk form by walking through Super Saiyan Blue Goku's Kamehameha and beating on him. This Kale is even stronger than that, as explained by the peanut gallery in the stands, and she's still losing to God. All this means is that Goku was holding back despite visibly exerting even more power during the blast. This brings me to one of my biggest pet peeves with this arc. Stop using Blue if you're just going to hold back anyway! As for Kefla, I find her a lot more annoying than Kale and Caulifla individually because so much of her lines are just talking about how powerful she is. There's one line in particular in the next episode that really set me off. Still, I appreciate Kefla for being one of the few fighters out of these 80 combatants that can actually go toe to toe with and even beat God and Blue. Jiren aside, the tournament didn't really get exciting for me until we saw that there actually were people besides the main threat that could push Goku and the rest of U7's top fighters to their limit.

Chris Johnson

tbh Kefla's main role is to be one of the two mid bosses before Jiren. (The other one comes later)

Chris Johnson

This x1000. Like I said, they rushed their development. Only thing we got was "Caulifla is a prodigy". Nothing more. We needed more backstory overall, and an arc about them beforehand would've been nice. Hence, why I am looking forward to that Sadal arc once Super returns.

Jake Young

I think a lot of the issue is that people assume her shit talking means she's as strong as she says. Saiyans talk shit. Hell Vegeta talks way more shit and barely ever wins. The powerup thing isn't weird either. Saiyans easily get transformations after they know they exist. Goku got super saiyan and vegeta got it off screen, gohan got ssj2 and the suddenly both goku and vegeta had it. Caulifla never goes past ssj2. And Kefla is a fusion which we know from Vegito immensely multiplies the power they have.


1. Vegeta got SSJ by nearly dieing on screen and emotinal trauma. Saying off screen is a lie. 2. SSJ2 was reached by those 2 after YEARS of training hell Vegeta only reached SSJ2 levels after gaining the Majin buff. Not SUDDENLY dont lie. 3. Comparing Vegito to Kefla is a bad argument since fusions are based on the bases and are not equal. Unless you want to say Gotenks should be able to fight like Vegito too


Vegeta got SSj off screen, him getting it on screen is actually filler. Also don’t try to logic fusions, they do whatever the plot needs.

Andrew Lolavar

Hated them ever sense the rushed way they got their power up. Plus was not a fan because we already got goku vs them earlier and would much rather have gotten a team of vegeta and freeza to fight kefla instead


So dont have logic just watch the pretty colors is what your saying. Ok good. And even if you want to say vegetas scene is filler it still took him a year + to get SSJ1 so stop trying.

Jake Young

My big question is why people like Trunks and Goten when they got Super Saiyan and fusion even easier than Kefla. It's just odd that they would be supported yet two older, and stronger people figuring it out as easily is strange.


I'm neutral like you Curtis. I don't really hate them but I wouldn't care if they died lol


Honestly hate some of the fan base. While I love dragon ball some people take it too far. Yes Kefla’s power is unexplained to some extent (so is Jiren’s). But that doesn’t give people an excuse to go berating and shitting on people. It’s a fun animated show, not the be all and end all. Calm the hell down. Now to my thoughts: I don’t mind Kefla. She shit talks yes but so does Vegeta and we all know how that usually goes. The individuals strength is fine (though their growth is ridiculous). They never go above ssj2 and obviously god absolutely wrecks them. Kefla is too strong for what she’s supposed to be but honestly we got some good fights out of her so it’s all good. Honestly prefer her to Jiren because honestly his personality just seems a little flat. Nothing really to it other than “I must be the strongest so therefore I inexplicably get stronger than the god of destruction. Though we do get some good fights out of Jiren too so it’s all good.


Ultimately Kefla has to get powerful quickly as any character introduced now will as you need to be powerful to be relevant to this series. Kefla and Cabba both need to get SS quickly or they can’t really do anything.


essentially they're just gimmicks and plot devices, goku needs so that defeating jiren isn't too easy

Chris Johnson

You know, I will be blunt. Vegeta getting SSJ or SSJ2 is irrelevant. It's basically known that Caulifla getting SSJ2 is an asspull. That is just a fact. Potential or not. That I will not defend.


It’s not really an asspull it’s just how the series works. Once a power is no longer top tier acquiring it is essentially a gimmie.

Chris Johnson

I just realized, Curtis must have like a bag of popcorn right now seeing just how this is going to play out lol.

Kyle Bryant

On the whole, with the way Super (and the Tournament of Power) has been reworking DragonBall power levels to not just be about "power levels," the scaling is hard to nail down. Making Roshi competitive again after DBZ relegated him to comic relief, for example. On a personal level, I'm iffy on Cabba, do not like Kale, and do like Caulifla. At least we establish that (even before attaining SSJ), these three are among the three strongest individuals in their universe -- they're not the strongest because of SSJ, they were already on the line-up before that. Caulifla is introduced as a prodigy, compared to Cabba. Goku is also going out of his way to show Caulifla some of the tricks, and he's using just as much energy as he needs (with the vast difference in their martial arts skill) to keep the fight going, so it's less that she's that good and more that Goku is playing nice (as he does). At least up until the fusion, and it's worth noting that however psyched the people in the stands might be, Kefla fusion does not burn out the Potara earrings like Vegito fusion did. Obviously it's accelerated for plot convenience, but I see it as Caulifla hitting the jackpot on getting Goku as her personal trainer. I mean, bear in mind, Goten canonically hit Super Saiyan by accident while sparring with Chichi. That's almost as lame as getting it by crying.


Yeah, 100 comments? My reaction was "What in the hell...?"

Chris Johnson

You also have to prove they are consistent as well.


Calling them "prodigies" isn't a good excuse every Mary sue is a prodigy


Am I the only one having trouble watching the video?

Harry Jones

If the comments weren't an indication, you aren't alone in your thinking. Kale, Caulifla and Kefla are very polarising topics, haha

Koala Banana

Zero problems with the ladies. I love them. AU Kakarot and AU Broly? Everything makes sense to me.


They suck


Believe me Curtis you're not alone in that opinion XD

Andrew Garcia

I agree with you that it's a bit annoying. The U6 Saiyans power ups just come so easily it feels cheap whereas it feels earned when Goku and Vegeta attain a new level. Kefla doesn't bother me as much as Ribrianne who I can't stand with all that love theme ridiculousness lol


I like Kefla better than Jiren– you'll learn more about him later, but I think he's horribly plain.


The writing was rushed, there is a lot that does not make sense regarding power levels. so things are weird but re watching i've come to appreciate dbs.


It's time for a big fight. Then next one is amazing, just can't remember how log the fight takes. It is a bit slow because goku needs to depend on the fact that a saiyan gets stronger in/over battle. He can't just power to blue with out building up to it over the battle. Red is too weak for this


I think Kefla isn’t as annoying as the two girls together. One is too meek and the other is cocky. This one is cocky but also kinda serious. And I REALLY dislike Kale.

Martin Mendez

You aren’t the first person to dislike them, don’t worry! Lol


Eh I don't mind that they got powered up so easily. Super Saiyan is something kids can get after all.


Yes it's a bit annoying I thought the same thing when I first saw it

The Gimpster 101

It seems no matter what I like I'm (almost always) part of the minority, that being me liking Kale, Caulifla and Kefla for their characters.


I never really care about stuff like this, I just like seeing the fights. That’s not to say I don’t understand where the negativity comes from. Obviously Kale and Caulifla (specifically Caulifla) getting these insane power boosts that the Universe 7 Saiyans had to work hard for, is kind of dumb. I just enjoy the fights and don’t pay attention to details, and I wish other people would do the same. Of course everyone’s allowed to have their own opinion, not trying to attack anyone here.

Chris Peacock

Only counting characters introduced in this arc... they are my favorites. But that's not saying that much.

Marquez Mayes

Same here I mean Z has pulled stuff like this before so I'm just use to it I mean look back at the Android saga and Buu saga like sayians can be born powerful just look at broly


i like them both actually. probably my favorite of this arc besides jren


I think they'd be pretty awesome if there was less of the sis stuff and holding hands or even just less of them being together all the time. I do how ever think your opinion of Kefla will change.


Yeah I mean outta all the previous saiyans we had. Movie or canon why give them all power ups with no struggle? Lol 🤦🏾‍♂️ I feel ya Curtis


from what i have heard there is two theories how the saiyans get the powers quicker 1 is they are actually different in biology betwen super saiyans from universe 6 as they are in fact from a different universe. 2 is that super saiyan is actually easy to obtain if you know how to do it so because goku and vegeta and the rest did not at the time know how super saiyan worked they kinda needed to brute force it but now that they know a bit more is easy to teach. kinda like it's hard to come up with a new and better design for something but once you figure it out every one else you share it to can do it with minimal effort due to your instructions


I mean, I already thought it was stupid that Goten and Trunks could go super saiyan at such a young age with barely any training. Super just took it a step furthur imo. Yeah it's goofy and doesn't make much sense when it comes to powerlevels but I feel like that's how super has been since the start.


I have the same opinion,I don't like them


I really don't care for Kale with her timidness and obvious broly fan service, but Caulifla and Kefla I'm alright with. I don't care for how easily they can power up, but at this point that's a dragon ball super problem, not just a Kale and Caulifla problem. Look at how powerful trunks was who never became a god. And gohan, android 17 so on and so forth. Super has written itself into a corner with how powerful goku and vegeta became, and didn't know how to make characters relevant again while still making sense. So to me, I can't even bash these two based off that.


My thoughts are that the Saiyans grow to match their surroundings when it comes to power, in the past, someone having a power of 10,000 like Vegeta in the Saiyan saga was outrageous by the standards of that era, Frieza was still infinitely stronger but it wasn't like anyone knew how strong he really was, just that he was stronger. If you look back, Goku's power growth between childhood and adulthood is very minimal, it wasn't until he started encountering wildly huge powerlevels that he became noteworthy as far as strength goes, he had like 8-900 power as an adult in this default state and had to go well beyond his limits to match Vegeta who at the time didn't really know much about power growth himself. And then after that Goku grew into the hundreds of thousands in like a couple of weeks on Namek from how strong the Ginyu force was and Frieza. So if you take that and think about the next generation of Saiyans born into an era where Super Saiyan is now a normal achievement and not a mythical legend like it use to be. It becomes clear why they grow so quickly once they are exposed to it. Unlike Goku & Vegeta who had no one and nothing to really go by for reference in terms of strength other than eachother who were both stumbling in the dark, and Frieza. So while I agree it can be dumb I do think it's a result of being around Saiyans that are far stronger than they are.


female power is a little too strong in super, come on it's been like 2 hours since they transformed into super saiyans for the first time and now they mastered it..that's bullshit super saiyan 1 Goku should beat kefla easily


Nah Goku over Kefla all day, but honestly the most characters(including Kefla) barring Ribrianne above Jiren(he is just so bland and boring even his design, he is a huge disappointment after Goku Black and Hit to be frank).


Honestly were you on hard drugs as you wrote this nonsense? Jiren and Goku the both most overpowered characters of the tournament are guys not females, Zeno is a guy, Grand Priest is a guy, more Gods of Destruction are guys and even the Angels are at best close in terms of numbers. And SSJ 1 Goku beating Kefla would be around as retarded as base Frieza beating Goku Blue, something that would only make sense in a parody like Abridged with Popo.