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Ains having to take out Shalltear kinda bums me out, but on the other hand, it also jazzes me up for the fight.

WATCH OVERLORD ON FUNIMATION: funimation.com/shows/overlord/#videos



Ains having to take out Shalltear kinda bums me out, but on the other hand, it also jazzes me up for the fight. WATCH OVERLORD ON FUNIMATION: funimation.com/shows/overlord/#videos



A Mans gotta do whats a man gotta do when a mans gotta do what a man must do what a man must do when a mans gotta do when a mans gotta do what a man must do when a mans gotta do what a man must do when he gotta do what hes gotta do....or something....what was I talking about again?


the its looks nazi cause it is japan was the ally of the germans so they see them as allies and stil thought highly of them


"defeat". Important word.


Oh that light was from the Window?....I thought Hisoka was sitting next to you....

Lewd Angel

So we're finally at a point where i can properly start explaining things. So first things first you can note from this episode, Shalltear is very strong, the strongest of the Floor Guardians, which is why she is stationed on the first floors of Nazarik since shes supposed to be the first great barrier. In fact when it comes to power and abilities she is stronger than Ainz in PvP (player vs player) combat, Ainz isn't actually the strongest in general in Nazarik though this is due to the fact that when Ainz built his character he roleplayed as an evil Overlord, hence most of his abilities reflect that style, while Shalltear was built as a pure battle machine. Next thing that should be noted are World Level Items, basically you've got 10 tiers of magic spells, (most residents of this new world can only use spells up to the 6th tier, so that should already tell you how above and beyond the Nazarik crew is) then above those you've got Super Tier spell, and above those are finally World Level Items, basically back in Yggdrasil these items were so OP that they could literally break the balance of the game, hence earning them the familiar nickname "Balance Breakers", a few of them literally would allow the caster to contact the game devs and request any change to the games magic system that they desired at that time (so in the case it wasn't clear already Yggdrasil was REALLY broken), though not all of them were that OP, for example the Twenty (strongest of the world level items, currently in Nazariks treasury) could only be used once while some others can be used more. Finally this is also a random good time to mention a character that was never introduced to the anime, the strongest being in Nazarik, Albedo's sister Rubedo. She alone is capable of taking down the actual players easily and possibly the only way to beat her would be to spam world level items at her. Yes, she is THAT OP. Anyways i have dragged this little essay on long enough, still it is fun to know these little tidbits


Nurufufufu its time to explain a few things to you Curtis. First of all pandoras actor as you can see he's a little bit too on the over dramatic side but he is strong (to be the guardian of the treasury of nazarick you have to be strong) he was created by ainz himself and his power and intelligence are in the same level as albedo or demiurge. So don't underestimate him because of his wacky nature. Second as we have told you before that green light that covers ainz from time to time is to calm him down because of his undead status. But I don't know if its just me but I found it hilarious how much overtime the green light did to calm ainz this episode. Third ainz let me tell you why albedo cried. Albedo cried not only because she loves ainz and doesn't want to see him get hurt but because she's afraid of loosing him. You see Curtis the level of loyalty in the npcs is so great that their biggest fear or nightmare is for their beloved ainz to leave them. You see as demiurge said "we were created by the supreme beings (ainz and his guild members) for their enjoyment and for us to obey them. " basically Curtis if ainz left or died against shalltear everyone in nazarick would succumbed to unusfullnes. They wouldn't have a master to serve, that's why they value and love and are extremely loyal to ainz because he's the last of the supreme beings to stay with them and not abondem them. All their loyalty and respect they have for the other supreme beings is focused on ainz alone for still being there for them. If that's not loyalty I don't know what is. Lastly I'm glad Curtis didn't care for that adventures deaths this means he know is a fan of momonga.


To expand on magic tier in the new world, i think its better said that most residents in the new world consider 3rd tier magic to be an amazing feet. Very few can use up to 6th tier and they are revered by the people, whereas most people in Nazarik can use higher tiers than that


All the NPC's were created by one of Ainz's old crew. But now only Ainz is left, so he feels a sort of parental responsibility toward them.


Because he has a Glowing Pen!s....for those that didnt already understand...


Random Character disagrees with Ains. Curtis:"KILL HIM AINS" 😂👌🏼 On point.


my Pen!s is never on point....constant masturbation has left it with a slight bend in the middle...


Pandoras actor got resting 😮Blowjobface 😏


When albedo cried and said "the one who stayd behind with us" really hit my feels and let me forget her slutynes for a sec.


I love how no one is moronic and is spoiling something while explaining, and yeah, "kill him Ains" gave me a good laugh too x) !

Miklar Sihn

I love the breakdown when albedo talks about ains as the one who stayed. It tells you a lot about what is going on with the intelligent beings in nazarick. Having been abandoned by all but one of their lords.

Batman's Pet Goldfish

*Extremely emotional moment* "Dude, you gotta have some magic that'll give you a dick."

Phillip Ribbink

He's fabulous, makes wild gestures and is a Nazi...are we sure that Pandora's Actor isn't a Jojo character?


Awww, you talked over Pandora's Actor's amazing German.


if you where god I'm sure you wouldn't be as bad as zamasu was at it.


i think i remember in the books he gets a human form with a dick, or was that a doujinshi.