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I'm confused about what's going on with Shalltear, but I hope she hasn't actually turned on Ains and Company! If nothing else, I like watching her and Albedo duel over their man. :-D

WATCH OVERLORD ON FUNIMATION: funimation.com/shows/overlord/#videos



I'm confused about what's going on with Shalltear, but I hope she hasn't actually turned on Ains and Company! If nothing else, I like watching her and Albedo duel over their man. :-D WATCH OVERLORD ON FUNIMATION: funimation.com/shows/overlord/#videos



I love that opening. Its spoilerfree so you can watch it old man.


I love when Curis goes "NANI" !?


Am i the only one weirded out by boobs without nipples ?

Miklar Sihn

An interesting thing to look at is the alignments of the different characters. They have clear settings of good to evil from the time it was a game and you can see it in their behaviour.

Phillip Ribbink

I know the focus of the episode is Shalltear turning. But man I forgot how much I hated Solution Epsilon. (The Pleiades who dissolved that guy through her breasts). She is such an unlikable bitch. Her only redeeming quality is that she's one of the minority of the Maids that supports Shalltear over Albedo for the position of head wife. (The other being Lupusregina Beta and they're both only in it because they're sadists. So they pretty much only support Shalltear to troll Albedo. This is all revealed in the second Light Novel). But yeah I hate that woman/slime/maid/thing with a passion.


We Need a Nani T-Shirt....I mean I suck at drawing...also im forced to use my mouse with my non dominant hand until that Digital Pen Arrives....but Id take a shot at Designing the Picture for a Shirt if Curtis wanted to make em...np promises though Id either have to do it cartoony or trace his major features....or Chrome could do it....I think I remember hearing she did the banners...yeah shes better then me


If I ever made a Soft Drink itd have written on the side "May contain Spoilers" along with the Deaths of Major Characters from Game of Thrones Harry Potter and the Walking Dead....or something


You've watched the opening, right Curtis? No real spoilers in there and it's about the best opening around.


I think most avid gamers are able to understand what has happened, but I guess since you're not one of us, you didn't immediately understand what happened to Shalltear. But they'll explain it in the next episode.

Lewd Angel

One thing thats worth mentioning right now is that several of Nazariks NPCs have different forms, what you see in this episode is Shalltears true form, built for attack. You also saw another of Demiurges forms in the 2nd episode.


What happened in that last battle was that the old lady used her dress on Shaltear. The dress, called Downfall of Castle and Country, is a world item (the highest rank a magic item can achieve) that allows absolute control over any one being that gets it by the dragon of light. Problem is the effect isn't instantaneous and only the person that used the dress can issue orders to the person being controlled and the old lady isn't felling too good right now.


Nurufufufu fun fact about this episode. Did you guys know there was a scene in this episode were sebas asked shalltear if she was truly capable of handling the mission assigned to her by ainz and shalltear gets incredibly pissed off at sebas were her vampire brides and solution start trembling of fear.


That potion that was thrown at Shalltear was the one given by Ains to that girl when he accidentally broke hers in the tavern. It was a True potion, which is why it was red, as opposed to normal potions, which are blue. It's because he gave her that potion that Nphiera (or whatever his name is) requested Ainz for an adventure. I think Shalltear freaked out about the potion was because she knew it was incredibly rare, and she didn't know that Ains gave it to that girl, so she wanted to get information about it from her.