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Frieza is certainly insanely powerful, however, he unsurprisingly might be a little difficult to trust or contain!

WATCH DRAGON BALL SUPER AT FUNIMATION: funimation.com/shows/dragon-ball-super/#videos



Frieza is certainly insanely powerful, however, he unsurprisingly might be a little difficult to trust or contain! WATCH DRAGON BALL SUPER AT FUNIMATION: funimation.com/shows/dragon-ball-super/#videos



It's about to go down!!

Mighty Snake

As they say he's a spoiled brat through and through


I completely forgot about the Fist of the North Star reference in this episode. That was weird.


Whis said "evenly matched". But well, that was Golden Frieza against a tired out, base form Goku (black hair). Quite unfair for Goku, don't you think?


maybe the writers forgot to colour in his hair and he was Actually Super Saiyan red...yes its a joke....its a callback to a moment in Dbz when Goku goes SSJ against Freeza and Cell in HFIL and the Ginyu force his hair goes up and he has the aura but his hairs still black...I only picked Red cause its the only form that his hair stays down in....I think?....cant remember....I dont love DBS enough to pay too much attention to it all


Saying "screw cheating and playing dirty we are Brutes from another stronger universe"....to Freeza.....is like me telling Ron Jeremy that he can Fvck off cause his D!ck aint as as Big as mine....its roughly five times bigger....and thats me at maximum Power compared to him taking a p!ss with a Flacid D!ck 11PM at night...him in his final form from an angle looks a bit like a Fat Sora taking a stroll with his Key blade...the Guardian Bell one to be specific....


you know Freeze may be a backstabbing Cvnt butt hes Damn Smart....I get the feeling that even though Vegeta is also Smart...Smarter then Goku atleast...hes not as co operative so if Freeza Turned Good...or atleast didnt try to murder Goku anymore...and the hope that he does is the only reason why I even care about DBS...if he did him and Goku would make the absolute Best Team...but thered be more of a chance of Goku turning Bad and helping Freeze take over the inverse then there would be of Freeza joining him on earth....


lol, Goku: are you from a different universe? ninja1: I am not at obligation to say (would like to keep it a secret) ninja1 or may ninja2 they all look the same ninja: but our universe is not weak like universe 7 (dumb dumb, your in universe 7 saying your universe is stronger & saying your not obligated to say if your from a different universe yet you set exactly that) too funny


well you have to remember Goku was in his base form when he was in that energy of destruction and Frieza was in his Golden Form. Also Goku was weakened from that energy and he could have used Blue Kaioken against Frieza.. so I would say Goku is a little stronger than Frieza


over all of that frieza is still able to stay in gold where as goku can't keep his blue up


i still wonder if frieza used all that god energy. He could have taken some for himself. The much weaker guy he killed was holding & using it, so is it possible frieza took in some of the power for himself to save it?


was a comment deleted? I was making a reply & poof


Given this eps at this point I would say goku is stronger but frieza is more long lasting. In a long drawn out fight he could win vs goku, I think


You are going to hate episode ends from now on. Or at least that was my opinion while watching this tournament.


I mean when the “assassins” are that weak they are bystanders to you.


Yeah I know as a kid he tanked them which makes it really stupid. Freeza at least could have said “we designed a super gun to use against you” anything to not make it seem like the most generic laser of all time.

Anthony Corvello

I can’t wait for Curtis to see (insert non spoilerific thing here). But seriously, this crazy (arguably) brain damaged old man has let me see a ton of anime through new eyes, and goddamnit, i’m Loving every second of it. Thanks for everything you do, sir, 👍

Anthony Corvello

And just in case sarcasm doesn’t register in 2019, i’m Not actually insulting anyone’s age, nor am I discounting his years of service in entertainment. Sincerely, Curtis, thanks for all you do.


The feeling is very mutual! I owe you guys a great deal of thanks for, of course, exposing me to anime and then even moreso for accompanying me on this ride. This would not have been NEARLY as much fun without having you guys to watch, enjoy and converse with about all the great stuff we've watched and will watch. :-)


I love how you ignored my fingering comment....dont worry...im actually a guy