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Wait, don't answer that; we all know what the answer is!

But I gotta tell you guys, I find myself REALLY liking the character of Palm in HxH! I'm not even sure why, but her bat-shit craziness, attachment to sharp cutlery and scribbling skills have endeared her to me!

I've seen through episode 88 for those who want to comment, but are wary of spoilers. I'm just curious, though, did any of you guys find yourself to be Palm fans at this point?  :-)




Not at this point but she turns into one of my favourites later on. At this point she's just weird.


I'm thinking palm is OK I guess. Anyone see sherianna reacts? She hates palm so much it almost made her videos unwatchable hearing her complains so much.


Youre crazy Daddy 😅


I remember seeing her and thinking that bitch is crazy! I’d need to sleep one eye open around her


Palm is in my top 3 characters for this anime. I was the same way like "why do I like this crazy ass woman so much??"....that question gets answered as the arc progresses, don't worry :p


Palm is an interesting character. She seems sharp

Steven Fechter

Palm is great. There are too many women like her tho lol.


Palm is best girl. 😍


wait till you see her late big boi, you'll like her even more!


I like palm allot except for her face it weirds me out and yes something is wrong with you Curtis we just don't know what it is


I was weary of Palm at first, but after some certain developments in her character, I really enjoyed her. Course, you won't see these developments until a few episodes later, but you know...


Fitting we get our first Palm post on Halloween.


Palm is great, even if her mess of hair bothers me lol


She cleans up real nice though

Loro Lukic

nah, cunts fucked lmao


She's very likable , you'll probably like her even more


She's someone you don't want to mess around with and would stay away, but if she allies with you against even nastier "things" then you want palm to be your best friend :)


Curtis all i can say is episode 95 there is going to be a chill down your spine that has not been matched in the entire series thus far


Im trying to figure out if she is more or less scary than general Armstrong;-;


Good, now he’ll be expecting it. it sucks when he doesn’t know it’s gonna happen and it’s better to just tell him now so he’s not surprised at all. Thanks man!


Perhaps you'd like a dominatrix?


I’d hit it.