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Of course I'm talking about FMAB! I just watched it, and what Alphonse did in that one REALLY got to me hard!

Without giving spoilers, are you guys telling me the last couple episodes are even tougher than that?!?!

I ain't gonna make it...


Brother E

Just keep watching and find out. Don’t forget there are extra scenes in both 63 & 64


Happy to see that you're enjoying the story telling. Anime or not, this series is glorious indeed


You’ll be satisfied by the end. I’ll say that.


You will be satisfied with the end. Keep going.

Steven Fechter

Hard to find a series in any literature with a better Act 3 than FMAB. (I think hxh does just as good of a job with its chimera ant arc so you got that to look forward too)


Just so everyone is clear, I made this post simply because I'm SO overwhelmed with how fantastic this storytelling is, and I just felt like I needed to share it with you guys. There's not actually a real danger in me not finishing it, because if even if the emotion of it all did kill me, I'd be perfectly happy going out that way. :-D

Daniel Gonzalez

Especially considering everything over the course of the series that was a truly awesome moment really drives home the brotherhood part of FMAB but yes 63 will also have moments as will 64 but for the most part they are awesome


So glad that you’re getting great enjoyment out of the series. When I first watched this show, it started off as just an average anime to me, but after finishing it and falling in love with it, I’ve now watched it dozens of times.


Nahh dude...It will get WORSE


I believe 63 will be even harder on you. But yeah, Al is an amazing character


That’s such a pivotal moment. But yeah um 63 has some toughies


Oh boy, have we finally found a match for Curtis's legendary dry eyes?


How do I watch I don’t see the video


Ah nvm

Matsumoto Erkin

please don't forget to watch outro of rp63 and bloopers after you finish the show!


Oh yeah! Definitely watch the credits to episode 63. I love that part so much

Phillip Ribbink

I was never the type to set ant hills on fire with a magnifying glass. But after this episode it's looking very appealing. So far my shit-list in order of priority to be killed looks something like this. 1. The Mad Max Reject looking bug who's gun happy and killed Ponzu. 2. Zazan? The big tittied one who knocked out Pokkle and her toady. 3. The Queen for setting this all in motion. 4. The entire species! It's gotten to the point that I think the only good Chimera Ant is a dead Chimera Ant. The only two I actually find myself liking are Colt and Pengy (the one who looks like a Puffin or Penguin), so I guess it's a credit to the writing that I hate the Chimera Ants so much.


Let's see here, 62 is where... oh. OH!


The conclusion is both satisfying but it will ultimately hinder u viewing of anime that don’t have that level of storytelling lol u will be able to pick out trash by the second season 😂😂


All I can say is this: Good luck editing episode 63!


Yes, in many ways I envy you being able to watch this for the first time (I read the manga years ago and remember the feeling...). I do have to say, in many ways you've been spoiled by your first samplings of anime. Compared to FMAB, MHA, and HxH 2011, there are very few anime that even come close. If I may make some recommendations for future viewings however, I would say give Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy Bebop, Death Note, and (to a slightly lesser extent) Trigun a try.


I would say since YuYu and HxH made by the same guy they share emotional pulls and ties. Hell most people who watch both prefer YuYu main characters but like other things in HxH more. Also i find it funny that most ive seen still prefer the YU YU dub due to how the main characters emote and feel so much.


Not sure how people rank MHA up there with these great anime


Was I right? Did you shed a single tear on episode 62? Personally I’d recommend Gurren Lagann if you want hype


Yup, 63 and 64 are very emotional, for separate reasons, and y'all about to find out why. Enjoy the show, and the end to a beautiful and iconic series. Also I agree Peril Snow, Gurren Lagann is a macrocosm of hype, and I fully recommended it, one of my top three of all time.


... wait did you say Alfonse got you hard?


Alphonse is the most honorable character in the whole show.