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These ants are progressing along stunningly and terrifyingly quickly! One of the few glimpses of a possible break, though, is it seems that maybe Ant-Boy himself is having a bit of a moral conundrum about killing certain humans.

WATCH HUNTER x HUNTER AT CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/hunter-x-hunter



These ants are progressing along stunningly and terrifyingly quickly! One of the few glimpses of a possible break, though, is it seems that maybe Ant-Boy himself is having a bit of a moral conundrum about killing certain humans. WATCH HUNTER x HUNTER AT CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/hunter-x-hunter


Schmul Sjifris

Im not going to say if this is right or wrong but you seem to naturally assume that ants made from humans are still said humans. With the info we have what actually happens is that the animals get eaten, and then they plop out a combination of different species made from basically the genes and data of the creatures that were eaten. They are indeed from the humans, but dont forget that the humans they are based on were very much killed.


the kings 3 royal guards :3


They are not hippies. They are Amish.


Correct. They are made from multiple creatures. All eaten and therefore killed in the process. Then the traits and characteristics of the creatures eaten are passed to the offspring. Them being multiple creatures is what makes them chimeras. This arc is so fucking good.


Damn, that pizza comment really got me :D


alright gooshers, set the clock for episode 84


LOL! Yea, I should have made that call, considering we have Amish people all over the place around here. :-D


What would you do if an ugly ass ant nigga ran up on you?


When i first watched it, i was so fascinated, about the ants fascination with the concept of "Names". These codes that give us a sense of individuality which makes us strive for glory and recognition. Damn this arc is so well written.


WTF ? My favorite one of the entire Anime is 85. And it will be uploaded next Thursday. :D

Phillip Ribbink

If I had to gander a guess I'd say those guys who attacked the insects. Were the enforcers for a drug cartel that's powerful in the NGL. Not unlike a lot of South American or East Asian militias that trade in Cocaine or Opiates. The village that the Turtle Guy's squadron attacked was probably a village where they grow the plants necessary to produce the drug. In short the Chimera Ants made an amateur mistake and pissed off a bunch of drug lords. In their defence they didn't know, but I've seen enough movies to know that's never an excuse. I can't wait to see how that pans out. Knowing Shonen Anime like I do, it'll probably end with the Drug Cartel flattened. But this show has surprised me before, maybe it will again.


Watching it the second time around, I really got to appreciate the foreshadowing. You guys know what i mean.


I know exactly which episode is gonna get to Curtis the most


It certainly is, My Friend! That fascinated me, too. Plus, that quest for individuality is something I don't think the queen is taking as a serious enough threat.


Kurt is basically an anime protagonist who accidentally fights the Big Bad in the first episode.


dude you got to pay closer attention to the show. i know you probably catch everything in post, but i'd rather actually see you react to it.