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I can't believe that I actually found myself moved by Envy's death!... Of course, I can say without question that this is my favorite episode of the series so far! There have been individual events along the way that rank right up there with this (discovering that Salim is Pride, etc.) but there is no better episode from start to finish!

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I can't believe that I actually found myself moved by Envy's death!... Of course, I can say without question that this is my favorite episode of the series so far! There have been individual events along the way that rank right up there with this (discovering that Salim is Pride, etc.)



my favorite episode XD


If you want to know what god hands are you should react to Berserk.


finish the episode


Oh, you missed the last scene!


I honestly didn't feel bad for envy in fact I'm glad for his death. He caused the death of thousands of people so fuck him. I don't know why some people see envys death as a sad anime death.

Chris D. Jones

Keep watching there was one more scene. Its during the credits


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjw92cgY45A" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjw92cgY45A</a>


50ies have the best episodes in the series. The next week is gonna be as amazing as this one!

Ben Wilder

What are god hands? Never let Curtis watch Beresrk


Envy's death scene is a masterpiece of storytelling. The awe of Mustang giving into his wrath, the tension of the others trying to bring Mustang back, the relief at their success, the disbelief of Envy's pot-stirring, and finally the pity of Envy realizing how wretched and pathetic his entire life has been. All one right after another, with no time to process it all, a true rollar coaster of emotion.


I like how the first time Envy actually used Ed's name, has full name at that, was just as he died, other than that, he only ever used "pipsqueak" or the like


I believe episode 30 we saw Hawkeye in the shower and her back tattoo was scarrred this flashback in the beginning was what happened.


I knew it was coming, I tried to mentally prepare myself, but damn my tears still leaked. It won't beat the Japanese version (I'm biased, don't hurt me. I adore the Japanese VA for Envy) .

Michael Aagaard Nielsen

I'm not sure if you will see this comment Curtis, but if you do i highly recommend that you react to Baccano! at some point, and if you do i would suggest that you do the dub for it as i find it just as good if not better than the dub for FMA/FMAB.


There was a scene at the end during the credits. Hope you caught it before next ep.


You will love the end of the Sloth fight that shit is the manliest thing you will ever see. For me FMAB is also next to Code Geass my favorite anime I also love Hunter x Hunter but FMAB is just so good, the fights, the story, the character everything just fits so amazing together.


FMAB really ramps up the quality in the last 10 or so episodes

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

One of my favorite episodes ever! I’m glad that you liked it. It had so many good parts. And you’re right, we can’t fault Mustang for wanting to kill Envy and that’s the problem. We all understand it, but he was giving in to his 'Wrath'. Which is ironic considering he wants to be Führer (like the current Wrath) that’s why he has to be better than Bradley. Fun fact Bradley’s first name is King, and Roy means King too, so they really have much in common ^^ But yeah I’ve watched this episode maybe 20 times in the last year and it’s still as great as ever. Not only because of the beautiful Roy/Riza moments (I mean honestly how can anyone deny that they are absolutely in love) but because of the depth it gives their relationship and the other characters. At the start here we see why Riza really followed Roy. Because she felt guilty. She gave Roy the secrets of flame alchemy because she believed in him and now she has seen what it can do. Every dearth that Roy causes (and the manga elaborates on how many gruesome things he did/he had to do) is basically on her shoulders and that’s the reason that she wants to avoid that there’s ever another flame alchemist. Because every alchemist can kill people but no one as quick and efficient as Roy. Apart of the most Op characters in the show (father/Hohenheim) he is easily the deadliest. (In firepower, if you make him wet or if you’re quick enough and surprise him than of course not) and we’ve seen examples of that. Also do you remember that Roy had Riza swear that she would kill him if he ever strayed from his path? Yeah. I just love their relationship. Concerning the tattoo on rizas back: we’ve already seen it burned but it’s still majorly intact, they must’ve only destroyed vital parts of it. Riza could’ve just let Roy cover it up with other tattoos, but she made him burn her. My headcanon for that is that she wanted to suffer for what she felt were her crimes. And poor Roy had to do it. Also I find it awesome how the show made us feel for envy so much in his final moments. It really shows how great the writing is if we feel sympathy towards a character like him. He, like Lust and Gluttony also died very ironic. (Suicide because he was ashamed of his Envy towards humans) The show liked to do stuff like that :) Armstrong fighting Sloth is as fun as ever to watch. Really awesome that his sister recognizes his strength for once. And then of course there’s the awesome quote by Izumi who for the first time ever sheds her disguise as a housewife: "I am an alchemist!" Man I just love this show beyond words! And I am really looking forward to the next episodes as all of them are easily as good as this one. Sorry for the essay but I really love your reactions as always and I’m very happy that you liked this episode!


Have to say, I agree with HxH being one of the GOAT'S but, its episodes like this that I gotta put it above most anime.


"I lied." A simple line that on itself is awful, but with the context and delivery is pure badass. Probably my favorite Hawkeye moment right there.

Douglas Streck

And that's why people think FMAB is the best anime ever made, it's on top of myanimelist website rank since it's creation. The anime is absolutely great from start to finish.


Reminder that Scar didn't want to kill all soldiers, he was targeting State Alchemists. Except for Tucker, every State Alchemist he's killed on screen has been shown (in the manga at the very least) to have aided in the genocide of his people. Even Armstrong aided before he deserted. Scar wasn't correct in his actions of course, as it comes in the age old debate of revenge vs justice, but I think it's oversimplifying the issue to say "well both sides have done bad things." No matter what bad things the Ishvalans did, they weren't the ones who started a genocide. Even if it were the homunculus who planned and initiated the order, it was the rest of Amestris who carried it out.

Phillip Ribbink

Alchemy Boxing, the sweet science.


Hey curtis, I believe there is a pretty important scene during the credits on this one, just wanted to bring awareness


Envy's power to look like other people makes a lot more sense after Edward pointed it out,being jealous and envy ness of humans to copy people's image

Lachlan Ferrand

However scar did admit he did drown in the sea of Vengeance just wanting to kill all state alchemist example being ed and Al just kids who couldn't have possibly helped in the genocide of his people but since they were state alchemists he had to kill them

Lachlan Ferrand

Yea it's like spoilers for Curtis just in case .......... Koro sensei and karasuma, karasuma never called koro sensei by name till his death scene


Just a little sitenote. Envy had the Ability to take over the body of other people by biting them. But he couldn't do it with Edward in this scenario since he used his Automail arm.

Matthew Moore

Yeah the credits were pretty important!


The envy scene is very jarring if you've seen the 2003 series first

Schmul Sjifris

Quoting a youtube comment: "Hated Envy to death. Cried like a bitch when he died." On another note... FMA is as far as I know (and think) the deepest anime you've seen so far, meaning there's a lot more there if you think about some things, rewatch things with certain knowledge etc. For example, the Author as far as Authors go did a lot of research to write this. Talked to actual war victims, read up on alchemy, symbolism maybe philosophy? In any case, a lot went into this so there is a lot more there than meets the eye at first glance:) *anybody is free to disagree and think one of the other shows have more depth but you cant deny the research that went in:)


The arm he bit was his real arm tho...think you're looking too much into it.


My favourite has always been the line right after it from her. “It was nice for you to fall for it though” lol

The Muddler

You missed the ending. 😢


I'm not the biggest fan of the ordering of the translation in the dub here. The line he uses during his breakdown is actually more like "It's the ultimate humiliation to be understood by someone like you." Which conveys the emotion much better.

Lachlan Ferrand

Yea during his ending breakdown of the ep I was just screaming at the screen continue their is more still


The godly aura is coming out from the real god(SpazChair) ur no god Curtis


So, here's that essay I promised yesterday. First, Mustang. For me, he crossed the line when he actually threatened to harm Ed. That was not hyperbole, it wasn't a joke, he was actually going to attack his own friend if he didn't let him torture Envy further. Again, Mustang's feelings are completely understandable, but if they let him do this right now, completely give in to revenge and then sometime later Hawkeye or Havoc, or one of his other soldiers is killed when he is Furher, he will just go back to this, because it is so easy to give in to righteous anger. Who knows how much damage he could do as leader of an entire country if every time someone he cared about died he went on a crusade of revenge.


Second, Envy. My final thoughts on Envy are that I pity him, but I don't regret that he died. It's complicated. What makes me feel that way has to do with an entirely different homunculus, Greed. You see, Greed proves that under the right conditions, any of the homunculi could have been different, even Envy, or even Father. Greed lucked his way into having real friends who made him see a way past his sin of avarice, or at least to a much healthier way of satisfying it. As Edward beautifully pointed out towards the end there, you can boil all of Envy's actions throughout his life, down into him being horrifically jealous of humans, but not knowing what to do with those jealous feelings. Envy never learned any other way to deal with the sin for which he was named. If things had been different, we might have seen a completely different Envy. So, I pity him, I regret what his life amounted to, but he made his choice, and so he died.




You missed the end-credits scene dude


Oh no you missed the credits scene!


After you’re done watching FMAB you need to see from FMA how Hawkeye got her dog and Ed vs Mustang and how Gluttony is different


Just 2 things that i dont know if you caught but thought id point out 1. when we previously saw hawkeyes back it was burnt in places, this episode explains that the burns are from when she asked mustang to destroy the secrets of flame alchemy. 2. before that awesome fight armstrong had with sloth armstrongs shoulder was dislocated so he let sloth punch it back in to place.


So envy basically homicide himself


did you watch the credits?

Sofie Lingsell



Hey, so I know you're probably a couple episodes ahead at this point. But the during-credits scene in this episode is worth coming back to and watching. It's just phenomenal. Maybe you could bundle it in with a later reaction?


Why do I get the feeling everyone is going to grow a beard in the next episode?


I love how unexpected envy's death is. With all the deadly sins it is easy to see how they embody their sin, but I when I first watched this I never noticed that envy never seemed showed any jealousy of any kind. Then boom suddenly it is all explained in one moment.


The voice acting on Envy holy shit!!! The screams of agony get me every single time! This moment and Lust's death are voice acting heaven! Not to under shadow my guy Travis, but Laura and Wendy are amazing. Sounds like their vocal cords were under legitimate stress. Good effort, holy fuck.