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I'm considering something about which I'd like to get you guys' opinions...

When we complete FMAB at YouTube (if we make it to completion there) I was thinking of possibly trying to edit our MHA reactions to let them see them, now that we're caught up with the series.

HOWEVER, it is strictly because of you guys and your support that I even was able to do MHA reactions, so I will not share them elsewhere unless you guys are cool with it! So, this poll is simply to ask if those of you who have supported the MHA series here at THE GOOSH are comfortable with sharing that with the YT crew.

There is no shame in voting either way! Again, it's you guys who have made this series possible, so it's up to you how the vids are displayed... Of course, this is even provided I can post them at YouTube, which is questionable.

I'm going to leave this poll up for 3 days and I will go with the result... Thanks, Guys!  :-)



It’s a big risk, Sony and FUNimation might go after your booty hole for posting that series on YouTube


You're going to have a hard time with copyright I think Curtis. I watch a few MHA reaction channels on YouTube and they are always getting videos taken down and striked. But if you can upload them with no issues then I think you should!


Show them we're a community but be advised I don't think YouTube will let you simply because of how big the show is.


No when you started it doing the mha reaction only those that truly supported you came here. So I say no all they been doing is being toxic


Yea, I should have been more clear in the description. Once I research it, I may find that there's no way I can post these on YT anyway. However, I figured I should start by checking in with you guys because, if you're not cool with the idea, I don't have to spend time trying to figure out if it's even possible. :-)


No that's not fair to those that paid you


I say no because then it’s not really fair for the people paying $5 to have something that was a goosh exclusive become a common shown on YouTube for free, but in the end I’m cool with whatever you want.

Brother E

Honestly lately I’ve been seeing a decline of Japanese companies going after reactions, besides TVTokyo for Naruto. But surprisingly even shows like DragonBall Super & One Piece have been able to be posted on YouTube without disregards to copyright claims. So I don’t see you having a hard time with the MHA reactions


I figured you didn't bother with MHA on YouTube because of their bullshit but if you can get past it I'm ok with it. I support you on here so you can continue to do what you've done since I started following you and you remember where you came from in the form of YouTube but they changed so much and make things difficult which is why you came to patreon in the first place it just became much bigger so if you can share some of it on YouTube go for it. Now I know people will say it's not fair for us who pay but you'll have to cut the video down considerably in order to put it up on YouTube so we still get the majority of the video you watch while YouTube gets cut down edited clips which is fair in my opinion and takes nothing away from the goosh

Brother E

I’m fine with this happening for MHA just as long as you don’t post them too frequently. Do like 1 or 2 episodes a week. If people from YT want to see them more frequently than that, they should join The Goosh and be prepared for the bad touching. 😈


I still think the videos getting cut down makes it fair they'll be getting an edited version while we get the full version besides I think it's a moot point as he'll most definitely get strikes on the channel


I'd say no we paid for them they didn't.


its coool! do itt


No reason not to let them have it especially if it's edited reactions. That'll give them a sample of what we get and perhaps entice them to become patreons so they can get the full reaction's.


Exactly my point. Because of YouTube being YouTube no way they'll get what we get here at the Goosh.


You're right; I most definitely haven't been bothering with it on YouTube because of their bullshit!... I'm not sure at all I can even get these to fly on there, but I didn't want to try without first checking with you guys. :-)

Loro Lukic

Yes, you'll get more at the goosh, making the community bigger.


If you can figure out a way to do it without getting bad touched by youtube go for it


i think it good to give the old youtube community some stuff too since we all came from there anyhow


If it's possible that would be awesome if not due to copyright well sucks to suck. After November 9th everything FUNimation owns is going to be really touch-and-go anyway.


Yeah. I'm on board with it as long as you don't start getting copy right strikes.


I joined the Goosh because of Full Metal Alchemist. I got 1 episode a week, enjoyed it, enjoyed your reactions. And then I learned that you, who are being generous had around 30 out already and are releasing them at one a week. That gave a distinct advantage to me joining the Goosh, the exposure to know and care about it, and lastly showed that you where generous enough not to be one of those 'Patreon Only' douche nozzles basically says 'Fuck You!" to anyone who isn't giving them money. The only reason you should have a Patreon Only series is because of youtube's laws. But you have plenty of exposure and people who love your reaction who come to the Goosh to join you. Honestly youtube is a bag of dicks, but that doesn't mean you have to be. Youtube is a wonderful support platform. Added up... Income Math from Top Tier to Bottom. (Almighty Goosher) $0 + (Pterodactyls) $400 + (Eagles) $460 + (Crows (My Tier)) $4379 + (Sparrows) $3320 + (Fledgelings) $815 = $9374 USD from the Goosh as a whole per month. A massive part of that is from people like me who enjoy what we see on Youtube and want the extra benefits. But if you hold the majority of your work away from your best exposure avenue, you're also going to limit your Goosh's Potential. The great benefits of the Goosh aren't 'exclusive Goosh Only shows' It's the ability to select, vote on, get full and early access to you and your content. I doubt most Gooshers in the top tier would care if you shared their 'exclusive content' if it was them who got the vote and say on it being reacted to. Ultimately the Goosh is about you being you, and us enjoying you, and wanting you to enjoy what we've enjoyed or want to enjoy with you.


The calculations don't include patreon's own expenses, which I am not familiar, just raw tier figures.


Totally agree. I love his reactions, but I don't wanna see him get copy-write slammed.


If I said yes, it would be something I myself can relate to. I mean, I watch you react and feel like you're watching it with me, and you react with the camera and feel like you're watching with me. So, I'd say if you're losing touch with reality, that we're on different ends of the same cruise ship.


And lo, it was known that the My Hero Academia fans were a benevolent sort.


It means the series is working. We were all inspired to be heroes


Even if the channel made it big and we went to the Goosh we should never forget where we come from, I am grateful that youtube introduced me to Curtis and his son and their channel, YES.

Anthony Mosher

I’d say no not because I want it to be exclusive but because I’ve seen other reaction channels struggle with My Hero Academia. The copyright on the show is fidgety at best some episodes are blocked for certain people while others are blocked for other people. I’ve never seen the entire series up to this point dubbed/subbed on YouTube at least 2 or 3 episodes are always blocked so that’s the only reason I would say no is because it’s pretty random which will be blocked and I know the hassle of it all trying to get it unblocked is not fun. If it’s worth trying to you I’d say go for it but if not I wouldn’t hassle with it.