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And I can't say as I blame him. Hughes had his phone booth, now Envy can have his bed of flames... If, of course, Envy hasn't found a way out of this by possibly masquerading as Hawkeye?

WATCH FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD ON CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood



And I can't say as I blame him. Hughes had his phone booth, now Envy can have his bed of flames... If, of course, Envy hasn't found a way out of this by possibly masquerading as Hawkeye? WATCH FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD ON CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood



Absolutely one of my favorite scenes from an anime ever is when Mustang is frying the ever loving holy hell out of Envy. Good stuff Curtis!


waking up to these has been fantastic! man only 11 episodes left 😢


And so we see just how truly powerful Mustang is. And how FUCKING SCARY he is if you ever fuck with those he cares for. It almost makes you feel bad for Envy with just how outmatched and helpless he is...almost HA!


Hey Curtis just letting you know that at the end of episode 54 even though it flows nicely when the credits start watch it til the end


Cant wait for tomorrow its my favorite episode

Schmul Sjifris

A thing to consider here is that Mustang is the worst possible opponent for Envy and Envy the only Homonculus that Mustang could fodderize. Sloth has hard skin and is fast as hell Lust has good longrange attacks Pride has good longrange attacks Gluttony has his extra stomach mouth (without that he would be the most easily fodderized. The weakest Homonculus overall in fact) Greed, obvious. Mustangs strategy here depends on inflicting pain to hinder movement. Good luck doing that to Greed Wrath, he's a bit more of a difficult target than Envy While we're on the topic, as far as Gluttony, Envy and Sloth go they are all bad fighters. They rely on pure specs and stats. They do have good specs but compared to the others they are not good at actually fighting:/ Original Greed also lacked combat skills


A lot of people say that vengeance is bad and all that. But killing envy, torturing him is more than justified for me. For all the shit he's done: Ishval, Huse are the things we know and it's already terrible. So I'm here with you on this one! Envy deserves it! By the way yeah, someone mentioned that in manga it is better explained: Mustang uses one hand as a flamethrower, and another hand as a pinpoint incinerator. So tbh Mustang is probably the most OP character of this whole series.


Yeah, just watch the whole credits until the very end!


The shadow they give Mustang's face for his evil glare is perfect. Nobody wants to be on that bad side. He's out for vengeance.


Personally this has my favorite Envy moment. That Sadistic gleeful smile and tone as they revel in telling what they had done. That sound like they were orgasming the entire time.


Envy is like that one troll on the internet who talks a lot of shit, pisses someone off really badly and starts a flame war. lol

Brother E

Holy shit we only got 10 more episodes left! I felt like you just started this series last week.


Hughes dies in episode 10 and Mustang doesn't find out who did it until episode 53. That's awesome

Dallas Winston

Elric brother telepathy!!!

Phillip Ribbink

It honestly shouldn't surprise you that Scar is so introspective Curtis. After all he was an Ishvalan Monk once, it kind of comes with the territory.


Yo Curtis! You need to watch the outro on the next episode aswell, it's got some very important stuff in it

Lachlan Ferrand

The one thing about this fight is although I do hate envy it was so obvious mustang in his lust for vengeance wanted to torture envy hence why when he pinpointed body parts he went for things like the eyes or tongue for maximum pain


I watched the next episode a few days ago. I'm going to be gone all day tomorrow, so I had to get some stuff done ahead of time.

Coco XLarge

Envy would've had a better chance with a Glock...


Curtis, PLEASE, I NEED you to watch the FMAB Blooper reel once you finish the series, it is the official english dub and it is the funniest shit EVER!


I love pissed off Roy.


Yup, I've already been telling the gang here to make sure and remind me as we finish FMAB. :-)


Hey, I was wondering, when you're done with FMAB do you plan to watch the official bloopers on youtube?

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

This and the next are one of my favorite episodes ever, out of everything. I always like to compare Mustang vs Envy to the fight with Lust. Lusts death was an execution and he killed her within minutes to save the people he cared for and loved (*cough* Hawkeye *cough*) Mustang vs Envy is a slaughter. It’s not a fight. He could kill him in seconds but he wants him to suffer, to feel the pain that he felt after Envy killed his best friend. He’s just torturing him and waits until he regenerates before hurting him again. It’s understandably of course, Envy kinda deserves it and it looks awesome. Mustang is a badass yet again and I love him for it. But it has to be very messy and dark in his head rn. My poor boy. Im really looking forward to the next episode because of my poor shipper heart. Loving your reaction as always, and greetings from Germany <3


Really well said! You pretty much summed up how I felt about it. It was brutal, but understandable.


Watching Envy burn is so fucking satisfying


I'll wait until tomorrow's reaction to write a full essay on the Mustang v Envy thing. I will say though, Envy definitely deserves pain and punishment, but taking joy in hurting someone over and over, even if they deserve it, is a dangerous route to go. Vengeance feels real nice, and like anything that feels rewarding, it's easy to develope a habit and then an addiction for it.

Weiss Schnee

damn I stopped watching the reactions so they could pile up and I could binge but as soon as I saw 53 I rushed right in!


Agreed! And that's one of the things that makes this series so awesome: The depth of the actions of many of the characters.


Man, Envy's voice actress deserves an award for the job she did when she was gloating. Listening to her never fails to send shivers up my spine! The same can be said about Travis Willingham (Mustang's voice actor)!


Roy's vengeance is one of the most heart-wrenching, frightening things I've ever seen. His burning rage and desire for justice are practically palpable. Kudos to Travis Willingham for giving life to such an awesome character!