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Okay #3's rack is ridiculous! Add to that the penchant for alcohol, which hopefully leads to ill-advised decisions (banging creepy old guys) and you can understand why I need #3 around!

WATCH SEKIREI ON AMAZON: amazon.com/Sekirei-Season-1/dp/B007XAYBLE



Okay #3's rack is ridiculous! Add to that the penchant for alcohol, which hopefully leads to ill-advised decisions (banging creepy old guys) and you can understand why I need #3 around! WATCH SEKIREI ON AMAZON: amazon.com/Sekirei-Season-1/dp/B007XAYBLE



Curtis the reason minato doesn't have "lustful urges" when he should have is because he's the only main character of a harem anime, I believe but not entirely sure, who's not a pervert. He's only a little with those nosebleeds here and there. And Curtis you would have to get her really drunk to let her let you grab her breasts and she can handle her alcohol pretty well and I personally believe she wouldn't mind letting you grab her breasts if you ask her nicely. What girl wouldn't say no to that face of yours. It would be awesome if #3 joined the harem. Hehehehe


#3 is just a fun, Hopeless Romantic. She’s very cute when she’s fangirling over Love.

Phillip Ribbink

It's time for the Another Fact about Japan segment of our program. #3 appears to be able to summon Sakura or Cherry Tree Blossoms. Which is very fitting given her propensity to get drunk. As it is a common annual occurrence in Japan to get drunk with your co-workers or family in the spring when the trees are in bloom. It also seems to be in line with her sentimental/romantic side.

Mighty Snake

If you're going to get her drunk I'd be disappointed in you if you only touched her boobs. Get the full package Curtis.


Get your own drunken big chested girl curtis. Shes mine but we will settle this in the only way known possible.....WITH A CHILDRENS CARD GAME


Her name also translates to Wind Flower (Kaze-hana)


I gotta get working on my Children's Card Game skills! Those are some serious titties at stake!


That Freddy Krueger Sekirei is my kind of woman. I don't care what anyone says.