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The Scar vs. Kimblee got off to a fast start and ended in a painful conclusion to round 1 for Kimblee! In the meantime, Ed and Al have found their way to the mighty wall and Armstrong's badass sister! :-)

WATCH FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD ON CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood



The Scar vs. Kimblee got off to a fast start and ended in a painful conclusion to round 1 for Kimblee! In the meantime, Ed and Al have found their way to the mighty wall and Armstrong's badass sister! :-) WATCH FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD ON CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood


Gene Bookwalter

As a fan of both kimblee and Scar, i can say at least Kimblee is very self aware of his path having consequences. Scar much like Sasuke at this point is too mired in tribalism expecting everyone to kneel over for his "clan".

Schmul Sjifris

Hm. I dont think Kimblee is crazy. In the first anime he's closer to a homicidal maniac. But in Brotherhood as you can take note of, with the exception of the officers that knew of the philosophers stone (not good people anyways) he hasnt killed a single person unauthorized as far as we know. He doesnt go out of his way to kill or hurt people, though he does seem to enjoy battle and war as a whole. The things he said there were a just a tad abnormal (just a tad :) ) but to be fair he had just been stabbed through the stomach and bleeding out. He does establish himself as a battle maniac (betting ones own existence in a clash between different sides and people) but there are a lot of those in fiction that wouldnt be considered crazy. But theres more of Kimblee to come (unless he bleeds out:| ) One thing you can take note of though is that all the people who have clashed with Scar so far (homonculi not included) have passed moral judgements on him. Do you think Kimblee would? :) Do you think Kimblee thinks what Scar does is wrong? Or to him, are they merely on opposing sides?

Brother E

I’m glad you finally got to meet Sister Armstrong, She’s a Hot MILF! Now if only she has the same trait as her brother Alex to rip off her clothes so formally. 😁


At this point, I really haven't gleaned enough info about how Kimblee's mind works to have a good feel for his overall world view. It does seem, though, that he definitely enjoys a good fight. I'm not sure what impetus he needs to act on that enjoyment.


Big Sissy Armstrong is so scary lol. I like her, though! This show keeps getting better and better.


Man, Kimblee speech gives me Goosebumps every time!!! I love it!


Fun fact: Olivier Mira Armstrong is one of only two characters in the series drawn with full lips, the other being Lust.


Definitely watch the post credits scenes, but I'd stop before the previews if I were you. They hardcore spoil stuff sometimes.


but full of what? c0ck? cause thats dirty man you should be ashamed


It'll be interesting to see your thoughts on Sasuke vs Scar as vengeance characters once the series is over. Also if you think the Uchiha Massacre or the Ishvalen Extermination was written better


Yeah, I'd say for you not to watch the previews, Curtis. They can be pretty spoiler heavy. I'd just stop the video as soon as the narrator starts talking.

Phillip Ribbink

She's a woman known as the Ice Queen in a region known for being cold and filled with snow. You don't gain that kind of a reputation unless you're a strict badass.


one thing i always thought was funny about this episode is that when a couple of suspected spys of neighboring country are intercepted on government owned land with an important military base bordering said country (with which tensions are very high), they armed the 1 SQUAD of soldiers sent to intercept them with... standard issue side arms... like not even one rifle among the squad. i just never understood that given the situation, lol


Nooo Scar, you messed up Kimblee's beautiful Michael Jackson cosplay!


are you atheist?


Welcome to briggs.


Probably weren't all that concerned. The squad was just there to take them into custody. They almost certainly had riflemen on the balconies above aiming down at them.


General Armstrong still scares me...

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

I don’t know if anyone pointed it out yet, but Kimblee is actually not that great of a fighter compared to what we’re used to in this anime. That doesn’t mean that he’s not a badass but he does rely on his alchemy for most situations, which is a contrast to Ed and Al who are pretty good physical fighters as well. When it comes to close up hand-to-hand combats he just has standart military training. What DOES set him apart is his alchemy and his quite unique mindset. He also can be pretty ruthless but he respects it if you stick to your own ideals. I just love his character but in a hand to hand fight with scar he’s not that useful. The reason why he was so effective in Ishval is that nobody came close to touching him. Apart from scars brother there were almost no alchemists in Ishval because it’s forbidden by their religion and he knows when it’s safer to flee or to fight. He knows his limits. Sorry for the long comment :) I love your reactions and I only got patreon yesterday, to support you.


granny the gilf is the only mature lady you need in this anime

Ben Wilder

The thing about Kimblee is that he is someone who both sticks to his convictions and admires others who sticks to their convictions. He's a monster through and through. but he's not a hypocrite. Make of that what you will.