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Holy fuck! This was such an extreme swerve that when Bradley displayed his eye, I actually convinced myself that my faulty memory was relating that insignia back to the wrong group, as I couldn't believe he would be in with the Seven Deadly Sinners!! Holy plot twist, Batman! This show is freakin' awesome!! :-D

WATCH FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD ON CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood



Holy fuck! This was such an extreme swerve that when Bradley displayed his eye, I actually convinced myself that my faulty memory was relating that insignia back to the wrong group, as I couldn't believe he would be in with the Seven Deadly Sinners!! Holy plot twist, Batman!



Bradley is gonna give you some good animation later on :3


f'n Bradley he broke all of greed's possessions


If you think that king bradly is the biggest twist, just wait and see what's next.


Bop it - boop, TWIST it - scrrrt


I love how even when you are confused as hell you still say the manditory "Impossibru" after Greed says it.


I think Pride is a bigger surprise


It’s become such an automatic response, I think my head would explode if I didn’t say it! 😄

Killua Zoldyck

finally my favourite character is here lol

Brother E

Between this show, HxH & the titty animes I say your brain is working overtime to try to remember everything that happens in each one. From the twists, the characters & the story development each series has something to contribute that’s causing your brain to somehow manage & retain this much information. Big Brain Curtis For The Win! 🧠

Christopher Johnson

King Bradley has some of the most badass fights I've seen in anime. I can't wait for the rest!


I love how badass Bradley is. This series is so good to watch over and over again, especially with such a good reactor :D


Funny thing Is the huge difference between the two in the first FMA Bradley wasnt Wrath someone else was and ontop of that Sloth wasnt a huge Ugly ass Guy she was on par with Lust and she doesnt have knives for fingers so Handjobs arent fatal

Loro Lukic

While the first FMA was a bit weird I enjoyed it much more, it's such a toss up between FMAB and FMA for me.


I'll miss the first outro. The first line sounds like he's saying "I know he need a soda". I get a chuckle out of it every time.


Bradley one of my favourite characters,also his voice actor is perfect,he will be remembered for his perfect voice acting


Bradley is beyond BADASS, maybe my favorite character, there are a few crazy moments with him, also as you said his voice is so good, the VA did an amazing job.


The part you don't get to see, though, is that my love of these series has my brain prioritizing them above all else. So, while for me I'm able to retain a lot of what's going on due to my fascination with it all, I'm sacrificing certain other memories, like potty training... Oops, gotta go... Where are the paper towels?...


Remember when you referred to episode one as "filler" ? Remember what the freezing alchemist told Edward? "Edward Elric, you've sworn your life to the state as a dog of the military. But do you really know the ones you serve or what their true plans are?" This show has so many layers to it, it just gets better each time your watch it because you pick up on so many little details that you never even knew were there. This episode really does pick things up. The show just keeps on getting crazier and crazier from start to finish.

Lachlan Ferrand

Quick explanation of greed's ability, It is called the ultimate shield and is made up of carbon but the carbon molecules are arranged in such a way that it is as strong as diamonds (diamonds being made of carbon). Ed was able to break through the diamond shield as he transmuted it into graphite (also made up of carbon molecules just arranged in a way that makes the material very brittle).


Nice and HOT just like the flames of HHHEEEELLLL.. Hahaha greeds awesome


It always bugged me tho that greed never used his full shield agianst king Bradley. Mustve been cuz his fight with ed or that king Bradley was to fast for him.


i think its basically Bradly was going too fast by the time he needs to shield he is healing instead.

Phillip Ribbink

It was kind of obvious in hindsight that the Fuhrer was Wrath. Given the history of people with that title.


When Bradely's eye patch falls off and it shows the ouroboros tattoo they're basically saying he's a homonculous, but you're also confused because he's attacking Greed. And then they tie it all together a few scenes later when Bradely is underground with the other homonculi. All of these tie-ins in one episode, while at the same time raising a million more questions. Masterful storytelling.


In the original Full Metal Alchemist anime he was actually Pride. Wrath definitely suits him better though


The first episode will mean much more in future episodes. The leader of the country being an artificially created being and serving what he calls his father is only the tip of the iceberg.


Also, as you were being kicked in the nuts by the storytelling you forgot a point that a lot of people tend to realize when they see this episode. At the end of the episode, you saw the man who is the father of the homunculi as he drank that cup however although we have not seen his entire face in one frame, he resembles Edward and Alphonse's dad.


"Maybe you will help me out someday" has undertones of Shou Tucker.


I know it has nothing to do with the episode but now that I payed close attention Bradley's voice sounds familiar I don't know from where but I know I've heard it before in a different anime. God I hate when this happens


Roy is the name of the "its raining today guy"


All you have to do is look up Bradley’s voice actor and check what other shows he’s voiced.


I had forgotten about Greeds death scene. That was epic!

Killua Zoldyck

yup pride is the biggest surprise of the series. also can't wait to see his reaction lol


"He's not much older than me!" I almost choked on my soda here.


Wow, this episode was such a curveball. I knew there was something fishy about Bradley but I really didn't expect him to just be one of the underlings. I was thinking he was in charge but to know there's someone else controlling him is pretty crazy. I can't help but think Ed and Al's father is behind this but I really have no clue. So many questions going forward and I'm only 14 episodes in. There's still so much of this story left to tell.