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Damn, this one wasn't too insanely brutal or anything! I was so concerned that something might happen to Hughes' wife and daughter... I never thought that "something" would be losing their husband and daddy!

WATCH FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD ON CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood



Damn, this one wasn't too insanely brutal or anything! I was so concerned that something might happen to Hughes' wife and daughter... I never thought that "something" would be losing their husband and daddy! WATCH FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD ON CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood



i think you realize now that this show is gonna keep kicking you in the feels over and over again

Brother E

Thank You For Riding Feels Express! Next stop on this train Mournsdale.


Well lets all start our day crying guys!


This episode was the biggest gut punch in the whole series for me.


Someone made a grave mistake.


It came so out of no where too. Hughes had that non-serious main persona which made him just funny/annoying at times, but then he also had that very serious and insightful side hidden away which we would get to see every now and then. Just as we start to see more of his serious side BOOM dead. This show is just packed full of philosophical topics too. The issue of Hughes is how far will you go to chase justice/what is good even if it puts your own life at risk. The fact that this question is so hard to answer, especially when you have loved ones who care about you/depend on you, and Hughes made up his mind so confidently to chase justice makes him one of the strongest characters in the show.


Japanese people are the best at rubbing salt on the wound arnt they.


He wasn't a pussy after all 😢


Hell no. He was extremely brave and extremely kind. RIP Lieutenant Colonel Hughes


i was really sad when i watched this first time. must have been 9 or so

Steven Fechter

Im sure Hughes is in heaven playing with a certain dog girl chimera abomination.


I remember you reacting to the funeral scene in a live stream one time, it is a lot more sadder I bet now you know who Hughes was. Damn you, Envy.


I genuinely teared up while watching this reaction. But paybacks a bitch so envy better watch himself


This is the episode that made me love fma


When I saw the title, I knew shit hit the fan...


Man, Hughes death still is hard to get over and iv watched this scene countless times 😢. Also Mustangs line...its a horrible day for rain always hits me in the heart. Smug ass Envy. I hate him for killing Hughes


Haha Curtis started this episode so happy. Also dont think i didnt notice the "Thank you for all your support" line from gai and might die 😛


I'm going to be honest, ever since I watched your reaction to Vegeta's sacrifice, and how important family is to you, I've wondered what a gut-punch this episode would be if you ever started reacting to FMAB. Nothing is held back in this show.


I will be surprised if this show doesn't manage to wrangle a tear out of curtis


As soon as i saw the thumbnail i thought god i dont want to have to relive this again


6:14... welp that didn't turn out well


UGHHHH no matter how many times I watch this episode, it makes me so sad. Hughes was so awesome. I wish we had more time with him.


Hughes really had it all, a solid job, great friends, a loving family...and he was such a likable guy too. When you think about it, it's pretty easy to envy Hughes a bit. So for him to lose it all to the human embodiment of envy is fitting, in a very trajic way.


I feel like he wanted 2 this episode but curtis has really dry eyes so it might b hard 4 him.

Phillip Ribbink

The worst part is the look of defeat in the Widow Hughes' eyes. How is she supposed to explain to her three year old daughter. That her father that wonderful man who was the light of their lives. Is never coming home again.


cant wait for hxh best hisoka scene ever

Cetacean Needed

There are two things that, whenever mentioned to this day, renew that feeling of the heart being kicked in the dick. Hughes' funeral and Nina.


I think the only thing that hits me as consistently as Nina at the funeral is "Leaves from the vine".


What's even worse is that Hughes seeing his wife kills him, just fucked up


Hey Baldman I saw the last reactions late and I dont think anyone explained this...unless you figured it out shortly after but just incase Im doing it here....since you were a but confused to how Edward Broke that suit of Armor in the Jail after that flashback with Scar you asked where that move came from all of a sudden...well basically Alchemy is just breaking stuff down at the microscopic level and rebuilding it..but to Create you first need to destroy...but since its so complicated thats why some alchemists specialize and only use certain materials like stone or Iron or water since they can achieve more in one area then if they spread their talents thin but...Scar uses his Alchemy differently he doesnt create instead he stops Half Way and leaves his target in pieces alchemy...cant pulverize it just destabilizes stuff makes it smaller or breaks it down to its most basic form and Scar uses that to create chain reactions for maximum damage like breaking a pillar aswell as cracking the roof to make it collapse or sending a thin shockwave through the ground that expands and reaches out at the end...thats mostly possible for all alchemists Any alchemist that can transmute an element to any degree can definitely break it down like that...Ed knows all about the materials in the armor and the Seals aswell as their locations so he was able to control the transmutation to minimize the damage and smash the armor without hurting the Blood Seals...hope this helped


Don't be ridiculous. Clearly they were separated back into a girl and a dog in heaven. Hughes definitely adopted them though.


Oh, God, nobody pointed it out. Roy's line about "it's a terrible day for rain" is double-edged. On the surface, it refers to his tears. But remember, he's useless on rainy days. So it's symbolic of how, despite all his power and alchemy and influence, he was still powerless to save his friend.


Why did it have to be Hughes :(