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Just wanted to pop in with some info since we've had a number of new members join our disturbing fold.  :-D

I only take one day a week off from uploading vids here at THE GOOSH, and that is Sunday. It's just a day to let me catch up with family stuff, and also sometimes catch up here if I've fallen behind.

I still occasionally post stuff on Sundays, it's just kinda hit and miss, depending on what I have going on.

Just wanted to let you new Gooshers know, as I didn't want to leave you wondering why my fat ass hadn't made today's vids available yet.  :-)

I'll be checking in with you guys again real soon.*

By *checking in* I, of course, meant performing bad touch... 



nice and have a nice day


"A bad touch" is a good touch for me :3


Just joined about an hour ago, myself! A good morning to you as well, Curtis! Hope your day goes well.


Fvck I was hoping for my 99 HxH vids...well tomorrow maybe...


youl never miss a hit if all your hits are misses cause even a miss lands somewhere...


Aw you should of said delightfully disturbing fold 😁or would delectably disturbing fold been a better choice 😏


I wonder how many of us are the senpais here since some of us have been here longer than others? 🤔🤔 oh and congrats on almost reaching the 7k goal


Oh, I never noticed that. Naruto had me spoiled.


good to know. now I can spen the day catiching up on HxH :D


I was here for the vote for a sunday off and I still always forget about it


Finally joined the gooshe, it’s speedrunner from youtube


Cant wait to share these anime memories with you curtis


I joined for FMA:B, and compared to other reactors, who usually put out 1-2 episodes per week, you've more than earned yourself a day off.


Just when i was about to move on with my life after watching naruto with you. You had to start watching FMAB. Lol


Is it good touch if I bad touch in response to your bad touch? :thinking: