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It's amazing to me how a character who is already my favorite can keep INCREASING his awesomeness! Killua's laying down the law to the One-Arm Pussy was chilling and insanely badass!

WATCH HUNTER x HUNTER AT CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/hunter-x-hunter



It's amazing to me how a character who is already my favorite can keep INCREASING his awesomeness! Killua's laying down the law to the One-Arm Pussy was chilling and insanely badass! WATCH HUNTER x HUNTER AT CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/hunter-x-hunter



"Weird bonerisms ?" Trust me. You haven't seen shit yet. I can't wait😏 and also foe hisokas naked scenes. They are as pewdiepie would say "very nice"👌🏻 (Eventhough he's not a Thicc Daddy, but I can appreciate sexy people)


Gon and killua would have definitely died if wing didn't teach them IMO


your nen could be gooshing


"Tough man, doing a sneakattack on a kid to call out another kid" I love these breakdowns 😂 I mean he's not wrong.


Backgrounds kinda odd imo, but like you said, if you only threw it in every once in a while it wouldn’t be bad.


But they wouldn't get past Hisoka's nen in the first place, so they wouldn't get into the 200's


Hey Baldman when thinking about Nen parts like In and En and Gyo just think of Ironmans suit he puts different percentages of power to different parts of his suit and different systems like offense or defense or speed he charges His Thrusters and back to fly or his Repulsors or weaponry for offense or shields for defense he can either go all in on his Jets and Fly really fast or all on a weapon and hit really hard or focus on his shields or use all possible power to boost communications range or have a sort of Mix but he cant use everything at full power at the same time....Nens like that but with an added twist similar to the Chakra Natures in Naruto but a little less predictable...hope this helps


Nen >>>>>>>>>chakra


How is it confusing when Hisoka likes both boys and girls? There is a word for that.


Those three Morons that want easy wins to become Floor Bosses arent all that Smart killing is allowed in these matches and the Floor bosses arent going to give them a free win the floor bosses are the strongest fighters around they take the matches seriously cause theyre guys that beat other floor bosses all for the sake of competing in the Battle Arena tournament on the roof with other strong opponents so theyd most likely go all out of any new challenger and kill them and even if the Pale guy managed to poison a floor boss then somehow beat him in a match the next challenger would just kill him instantly cause he aint very strong


You think that bisexuality is what makes Hisoka confusing? I was leaning more towards thinking his sexual leanings were based on things so deep and strange that he wasn't the type to be interested in asking someone of either sex out to diner... But thanks for the explanation; I'll hit up Google to see if I can discover that word.


You got a great belly laugh out of me when you said "What are you going to do, sneak attack a kid to call out another kid?" These brave 200th floor warriors


i like the background idea, maybe try making it part of the show your watching, like for this one you can put up a backdrop of the heavens arena since thats the point of the story right now.


He might just be attracted to power.


Wing is pretty awesome.


Sadaso managed to tailor his power perfectly for snatching kids off the street.


Nen>>>>>> Every other shonen power system (with the exception of maybe stands)


Killua goes from friendly to murderous in one fuckwit flat.


The background was a nice change of pace. I just hope the revenue bots don't spoil the fun~


Sweet background dude


Gon is my fav but Killua is a quick second!