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This "Scar" dude needs a beating! While it'd be fun to see Ed and Al dish it out, I think Scar's a bit too much for them. My boy, Armstrong, needs to deliver one of those spike-fisted specialties to the vengeful warrior! :-D

 WATCH FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD ON CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood 



This "Scar" dude needs a beating! While it'd be fun to see Ed and Al dish it out, I think Scar's a bit too much for them. My boy, Armstrong, needs to deliver one of those spike-fisted specialties to the vengeful warrior! :-D WATCH HUNTER x HUNTER AT CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/hunter-x-hunter



You’re gonna be really fascinated with the ishvalen war of extermination and what happened. Get ready for even more emotional turmoil


You'll end up liking god boy v.2

King Black

Remember Curtis there is a God in the Fullmetal Alchemist world The Truth Guy


Theres more to the ishvalan war than just their religion to be fair


You aldready know Who the mechanic is from ep 2


Devil advocate. As it was said that Ishvalens were forcibly taken via Annex. Those were women and children in their. How would you feel if your whole family was killed for no reason besisds lets say you had 1 crazy uncle.


Your gonna like envy although jealousy. Is big ugly thing hint hint hint 😘💀


Armstrong and his Lifelong Muscle Buddy(youl know him when you see him) are probably the best characters in this series one upside is that This Version of FMA has way more scenes with him then the Original


The Ishvalan war of extermination is meant to be a direct parallel to the exterminantion of the Jews in WWII. Take that how you wish


Well, some of the conflict might have been the result of their religion (probably mostly bitter feelings and resentment for the whole annexation thing though), but the state alchemists went in there and literally committed genocide. Just like Scar taking out his revenge on innocent people that just happened to be state alchemists, the state alchemists were killing completely innocent people that just happened to be Ishvalan. Edit: This of course, isn't me trying to justify Scar taking innocent lives. It's just that neither Scar nor the state alchemists in the war were really justified in their actions. Some of the Ishvalans being extreme in their religion doesn't explain why the military went in there and started indiscriminately killing all of them.


Hey Baldman The Mechanic is that little girl and her Sawn off Grandma remember?


Armstrong is fucking awesome


This show really has a way of making Lol one minute and cry the next


I'm pretty anti religion too (mostly anti dogmatic thinking and forcing your own beliefs upon others) but in Scar's case his motives aren't really religious. Like Ed said, he's just using his religion as a cloak for his drive for vengeance, and I'm pretty sure he would be on the same path he is on now even if he wasn't religious.


Scar is one of those characters you grow to like overtime,once you learn his backstory and see development,you'll have second opinions about him,me personally he's one of my favourites,however I disliked his character in the original FMA


Lol i love whenever they meet up. They shine like diamonds hahaha


Lol i love Armstrong. Hes vioced by chris sabot the same guy who does ALL MIGHT. Also we got a sneak peak of Envy i feel like either Chrtis will love him or hate him cuz i feel his douche level is past Kabuto.


The voice actor for Scar is also the voice actor for Iida from MHA


You put in the link for Hunter X Hunter.


hey can somebody answer me . if curtis will finish ever death note . i rememebr i watch al he did but then he stop because of problems but would love to see it continue though :sadface:


Actually, the author of FMA said she intended the Ishvalans to be based on the Ainu, not the Jews.


I'd say dont let your opinions of religion influence your judgement too much. You'll find that Scar's religion isn't really a major plot point of his character. Ishvalan is more of an ethnicity than a religion


What do you mean? You know who the mechanic is.

Weiss Schnee

imagine someone who took a break after episode 4 coming back to the show and the first thing they get is that dream sequence lol

Weiss Schnee

I get it guys you want curtis to have the best information but some of these comments are borderline spoilers. just wait and he will find this stuff out


Don't be so quick to spoil things with "you'll find that..." Let the show explain things when its ready to.


Wait till you see how brave Hughes can be. It's only going to get better. I promise you Hughes is far from a pussy.


any ideas why i cant do full screen


Because you touch yourself at night... (Sorry, I couldn't resist)