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I've never been affected by any form of entertainment like this! I honestly, genuinely felt sick after seeing Nina and Alexander like that! It's a testament to great storytelling, but damn, that was rough!

WATCH FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD ON CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood



I've never been affected by any form of entertainment like this! I honestly, genuinely felt sick after seeing Nina and Alexander like that! It's a testament to great storytelling, but damn, that was rough! WATCH FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD ON CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood


Brother E

And the Dad of the Year Award goes to.....Shou Tucker!!! Congratulations! 🍾


yes!!!!!! exactly the reaction we all wanted to see from you from this episode. Shou Tucker was a messed up alchamist to say the least.


This was the episode that made me stop watching this anime. Took me a month before I could go back and keep watching.


In the original it was more effective because we had nina around for 3 episodes so we cared more about her. That said it is still fucked up.


Fusion ha!


That has to be one of the most depressing episodes,seeing a person do that to his own daughter is heartbreaking


Potara did it better.


Yeah I remember watching this a few days ago. Got me sick too. Had no motivation to watch the next episode...


Hey Curtis. Just to clarify. When Mustang (the commander) told them that they may have to get their hands dirty, and chastised them for "shutting down", he wasn't justifying Tucker at all. He was referring to them doing the ground work on the case, like running the investigation, apprehending Tucker, etc, while they sulked outside. He was basically telling them that he wouldn't always be around to do the dirty work for them on a case like that, and that they can't let their feelings interfere with their work.


No matter how many times I watch this episode, it still gets me worked up! Ughhh. That's what makes this series so good, though.


this episode is so fucking rough. in the end i actually gave up on this anime and haven't gone back to it because of this episode. so hard to keep watching when stuff like this happens. i will probably go back to it eventually though.


well.... the problem with calling it the original is the original Full Metal Alchamist (i think i fucked up the spelling) didn't keep in line with the original manga so it feels weird to me calling it original when it's not really based completely on the original manga. I think a better term for it would be the first anime rather than the original.


I get ya... For me, though, as sick as this made me, the strength of the storytelling that made me feel that way keeps me invested in needing to see more. :-)


Fun fact: in the manga, whenever a character dies, the author would do a cute little image of the character going to heaven (even guys like Father Cornello from episode 3) but Shou Tucker was the only one she drew going to hell.


Poor Curtis. Well, now you know how rough and dark FMAB can get

Mitchell Fanning

That may be the hardest episode for me to rewatch

Mighty Snake

This is why Shou Tucker is one of the most universally hated characters in anime.


I don't think Roy was trying to say so much that all alchemists are as bad as Tucker, so much as that Edward needs to learn to deal with experiences like this without letting his emotions overwhelm him, as well as deal with the possibility of doing morally ambiguous actions himself, such as killing an enemy.


Oh God the most disturbing episode of anime I've ever seen


I remember when I first saw this episode to this very day, it was 2ish in the morning, I don't think I slept straight away after watching it. I watched it from the original series though, still as haunting as brotherhood maybe even more.


That was completely and utterly and ridiculously fucked up.


The train knew that it wasn’t that time


Scar doesnt believe his Will is Gods he just believes that Alchemy is an affront to Religion not all Alchemists are bad but the things that the Sewing Life Alchemist Did to his Wife and Daughter kinda prove him right...doesnt mean he is right though


As opposed to partially sick to your stomach? (im kidding lol)


I've never seen this series all the way through but this was the one episode I saw before and man it's fucked up.


People overreact. This isn't that bad.


Welcome into the world that is Feels Metal Alchemist


Yeah, this is one of the most twisted episodes. But there are mayor feels in this anime, and they dont pull any punches. Look forward for eps 10.


The first time I tried to watch FMA on Cartoon Network, this was the first episode I caught.... I didn't watch the show again for more than a decade


Episode 3= The worst side of Religion, Episode 4= The worst side of Science


Okay so as a man of science, when I watched the first version of this anime, (or the one before brotherhood) and this scene happened. I sat in my chair for over an hour mulling over why this guy did this for the reasons he did. I can fully affirm to this day, this is the only true insane person I have ever known. The value of a job vs. the value of someone's life is so huge, you would need to be truly insane to do something like this. Mainly why I say he is the only true insane person I've seen is because, there is usually at least a fair tradeoff on most heinous acts, and has some rhyme or reason to why it was done. But there wasn't any reason to this. He sacrificed his own daughter for a title. Nothing else that comes with it. Just the damn job.


Cool Fact Curtis. The guy that voices Edward also voice Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan.


<a href="https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1060747-nina-tucker" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1060747-nina-tucker</a>


That episode Curtis made me quit watching the series a while ago


it worse in the original


In the original FMA it hurts a whole lot more coz Nina was in the anime for like 5 episodes so you could build an emotional connection to the character, but here it all happend in 1 episode, which is kinda sad


I love how you kept saying you have a soft spot for bad things happening to kids, while all of us knew what happens in this episode


Ikr that was pretty much the only amusing thing in the episode 😂


Tbh i agree, thats why im personally happy i saw fma first and fmab right after. It gave me more details that fmab skipped or sped up and gave a seperate take on the story too


this episode is famous in all of the anime community




this is the most fuck up this sires gets nothing from here on out gets this freaky. from this point on it gets really good episode 12 or so is when things start really moving though.


This is my true comment by the way and sorry if it's long I just have a few things to say. What scar, the guy with the x scar on his face, did to Nina and Alexander I belive was merciful. Not to tucker, he fucking deserved to die for doing that fucked up shit first to his wife then his daughter and said daughters dog. Tucker is a horrible piece of shit/ garbage/cunt/asshole/insane/monster who I hope is rotting in hell for that alone (sorry I get pissed off whenever I see that). But I digress, it was merciful because from what I've heard and seen from others is that Nina (when turned into that abomination by her own fucking father) was in pain. Her very existence was pain at that point, everything she did made her feel pain. So I believe he just gave her a merciful death for her just not to be in pain anymore, but the thing that left me absolutely speechless and baffled is why she still cried when her father was killed. Why she did that is beyond me and to this day I don't get it. So (I know it's an anime and fictitious and not real) a big fuck you shou tucker from the whole anime community for doing that shit.

Weiss Schnee

as Tucker asked Nina if she wanted to play a smile formed on curtis' face and I was just like, "oh boy"


Please anyone commenting, don't spoil anything for Curtis. Talk about the current episode, not explain what we will see in the future. Thanks.


She likely didn't understand that her dad was the one who did it to her. Or she might have forgotten it in the process of being merged with Alexander. I don't imagine that's a process she could go through with her mind intact.


While I do dislike the last episode due to how it rushed through the story, removing some very interesting observations into fanatic belief, it works a lot better when contrasted to this one. Where the last episode was an example of religion gone wrong, this one is an example of science gone wrong. It is scientific research removed from morality. An example of the horrors that can be committed when people no longer fear divine punishment for their actions. Even as a secular person who do not believe in God or divine punishment myself, it is an interesting subject I am glad and grateful the author of this story made me aware of.


Hey Curtis after watching 4 episodes of FMAB do you finally recognize the voice of Obito in Edward Elric?


Welcome to Feels Metal Alchemist


Don't worry, she was secretly a furry.


RIP nina and Alexander


FYI I. The manga the author at the end of each volume would draw the characters who died as little angels, even the villains. The only one she didn’t was Shou who was drawn going straight to hell.


<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/emlurker/media/In%20Memoriam/volume2memoriam.jpg.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://smg.photobucket.com/user/emlurker/media/In%20Memoriam/volume2memoriam.jpg.html</a>

Sean Nelson

I first saw this as a kid. Totally fucked up when you can out yourself in the kids and elrics shoes easily enough


Son of a bitch. I just watched this episode for the first time and it's so soul crushing. Nothing in entertainment I've seen has given me this emotion while watching. I wanted nothing more than to attack this guy even though he's a fictional character. The rage/hatred/sadness I felt while watching this is going to stick with me for a long time. What a powerful anime. I can't believe I haven't given it a chance until now.


Couldn't agree more... I don't think I've ever hated a fictional character more than I hate this piece of shit!


looks like all the videos are down :(. Any alternate links by chance?