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Okay, here's the deal: You guys know that I have always worked extremely diligently to keep things within Fair Use. This is why all our vids are edited the way they are. However, I am growing increasingly aggravated and antagonized by the videos that are being blocked and/or struck at YouTube! Things are being attacked that have only a few seconds of Japanese companies' content, and that is ridiculous!

As I've mentioned - endlessly - it's because YouTube has allowed them an avenue to remove these vids despite their clear Fair Use protection.

This has angered me to the point where I'm considering dropping my principles on the issue and saying screw it! They have no respect for me, I feel like a sucker for bending over backwards to respect them!

I am, for the first time, considering posting the full length reactions here at THE GOOSH. I take no pleasure in sacrificing my principles, but on the other hand, I actually have a headache from the anger I'm feeling with the reckless abandon these Japanese companies take towards my rights.

I value you guys' opinions. I honestly want to know if you all believe I should give in to my anger and consternation and post full length reactions or bury those feelings and stick to my principles.

Of course, remember: The way I do videos now, I like my chances of defending them in court (should it ever come to that) as Fair Use. If I am challenged in court on full length reaction videos, I would say my chances of success would be less than 10%, which means THE GOOSH would go on, but with completely different content.

Please give me your votes and thoughts below. Right now, I'm really pissed off, and want some opinions from those who may not be as currently annoyed to get a feel for if what I'm feeling is justified or overly reactionary.



You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain 🙁. As much as i'd like to see your full reactions, I say keep your principles

The Nuclear Reactor

My wants say do full length but my guts saying follow your principles and be the Curtis you’ve always been ! Do what you feel is right. Follow your gut and heart on this.


I don't want you to risk it so I say keep the way you've been doing it


When I watched you Naturo reactions from ep1, I was pissed that some episodes were blocked. Even though you were keeping them under 100% fair use. So why respect them id they don’t respect you? I say screw them, go with full length. They’we cause enough troubles.

Mighty Snake

You know if Japan is pissing you off you could take the American route and nuke em

Ryan McKeon

I’d say keep editing them. I’d hate to see the anime reactions go if you were to lose in court and have to stop doing them. As much as I would love the full reaction I wouldn’t risk it. Keep your principles and don’t stoop to their level of fuckery!


Nuke them with full length reactions! Like good old days... (This is joke but I agree with you)


Two wrongs don't make a right. Be the bigger man!

Brother E

To be fair a lot of people do release full reactions to anime series all the time. I don’t think by you doing this it will effect cause an impetus for Japanese companies to come after you through court since it’s such an occurring situation with other people as well. But at the same time I wouldn’t want you to throw away your own morale & work conduct and not feel comfortable about it.

Mighty Snake

Maybe you could do edited reactions for YouTube and give a full length link for the goosh?


As a watcher of the videos I wouldn't mind seeing unedited full versions but you are the one taking that risk so it is up to you ultimatly. I choose the keep your principals option.


Before i vote, from what ive read on the subject (very likely less than you) full reactions would still fall under fair use. Is there a reason why you believe otherwise?


honestly they wont care if its full length or fair use they treat it the same because they dont like fair use. so i say do the full length why do the work to stay in fair use when they could care less and would take them down either way and it highly unlikely they will take you to court the reason why they love to hit vids on youtube is because its easy they just let bots do it but actually going through court is risk and costly


Take it from the latest MHA opening and "keep your ideals"


Are we talking your full reaction with a timer? or just the whole episode in the reaction? either way, I don't see you ever going to court on this ​there are far too many reaction vids out there for them to even bother


May not be popular, but I'm going to say you should stay your course, and keep doing what you've been doing. As unfair as this crap is, what it amounts to at this point is a slapfight with the company. If you go against fair use, that could open you up to worse things.



Freddy Jimenez

One of my old video from like six years ago with recently blocked because of content. It’s completely voiced over too. I would say go to full length but my opinion is tainted right now


Full Length is much better, more content for the Goosh ultimately, less editing too so less stress for you. Everyone's happy. If it's going to be banned on Youtube anyway you may as well do it.


I've seen other content creators post full length reaction videos, and I've never seen anything bad happen to them. Obeying fair use is important for american companies, but if Japanese companies don't think the law applies to them, then you have no obligation to stay within fair use. It seems like the brunt of the time you spend making these videos is in editing them, so you shouldn't have to sacrifice your time and your content. As long as you're comfortable with it, I say go for full length.


Edited versions of these have already been hit with copyright strikes at YouTube. That, in a nutshell, is what inspired my whole little angry tirade here.


As a person who comes from near Russia and who is very familliar with russian way of thinking, there are so so many videos done in full length against fair use available on Russian internet, and they don’t give a crap about it. Since they don’t have the power as they have on YouTube, they don’t even bother. There is so much potential for them to go to court, and so far I haven’t heard a singe one! As someone said already, they do their shit on youtube because they can, not because they care about fair use. They won’t even bother if you do full length or 5 seconds reactions.

Kyle Bryant

While I would welcome full-length reactions, I don't think you should make that decision in a moment of frustration. It shouldn't be a matter of betraying your principles or not. It should be a matter of how you think is best to perform to your audience and share your insights. For all this time, you've told your fans that you wouldn't do full-length reviews for them, but now you're talking about doing full-length reviews out of spite. I think that if you do move to full-length reviews, it should be a decision to meet the requests of your followers, even if it means you lose out on monetization. If you come at it as revenge and feel like you're betraying principles in doing so, you'll probably regret it before long. That's my thoughts, anyway.


Yes, My Friend, just because - in past Fair Use cases - the amount of original claimant's material used plays a HUGE factor! When I edit them, it would be very difficult to make the case that anyone would watch the series through my reactions. Unedited, not so much.


Full length with timer is the end all be all solution, less work, more content (although not as convenient), and no issues with claims that I know of


Wow! I really appreciate all the feedback, Gang!... It just occurred to me how truly unique this community is, and how much I appreciate you guys: I believe that, in most every situation like this, the overwhelming majority would say make full length reactions, simply because it's a more fun viewing experience for them. You guys, on the other hand, take everything into account and actually have a poll that one would think would be a slam dunk and have it very close to even! Even those of you who have viced support for full length have done so with ideas and reason to back up your stance, not just "hey, I'd like that better"! I CAN'T TELL YOU how much I appreciate you guys! You've pretty much talked me off an enraged ledge right now, simply by your honest support and friendship.


I just remembered. There’s one guy who’s watching Naruto on YT atm. He just started shippuuden. And he’a doing like 4 reactions in one vid. He keeps 1 episode = 5-6 minutes of reaction!!! And last time I checked, 3 or 4 of his latest videos got blocked! How fair is that? It completely doesn’t matter how “fair” you are, they will block the reactions anyway! So why not make them full length then?


while i love the idea of full length videos it is pretty risky curtis


truth be told i´m just as torn as you are, curtis. while i would like to see the full reaction, i als odon´t want you to get into any trouble later on. Patreon or where ever you upload your videos stil lrespects the fair use law and will defend you if you can show your point, right, so i would say, keep your content the way it is and write a letter to TV tokio with all insults you know translated into japanese by google translator or something like that to take your anger out on them. and send Fuck you in all capitals size 28points to youtube. But legal restrictions are legal restrictions patreon respects them, so you should keep to them to. and be it for your own moral integrity. i don´t know you personally but i definitely think i know you enough to say: you would not be happy to give up your principles. Here on the goosh your law is still worth the paper is written on, so i think you should stick to it. For youtube, that is a seperate matter. so despite liking to see the full reactions, i say: keep your old method. I might be not even half as old as you, but i can tell you one thing from experience. breaking with your own self set rules you had for years is never worth it. And something you always will regret. i learned that on maybe a smaller scale example than yours. i am depressive, i tend to sleep extremely bad, i know i sleep well with just a tiny bit of alcohol i´ll sleep like a baby. that sounds like a slippery slope to alcoholism to me, so i made myself a rule "never drink when i´m alone". and while i lived at my parents place, they always drank beer in trhe evening i clearly excluded drinking with them, because it was an easy loophole. and i only took one sip of whiskey in a really bad night and i didn´t get that stuff down. my favorite whiskey just tasted like someone pissed in the glass. And i think blasting out the full reaction despite being an anger reliever and a lot less work i imagine, would feel the same for you.


Listen, at the end of the day, it's your channel and you should decide if you edit your videos or post them full length, but I will throw my two cents into the matter. While I would love to see full length reactions from you, I also don't think it's worth it to say fuck you to these companies. Yes these videos with a second or two of content in them getting blocked is ridiculous, and you could very well win a case against them using that argument. But I don't think it's worth losing the channel over having to edit these reactions.


I mean why waste your time editing these videos if they aren’t gonna respect your efforts. I don’t think you’ll get any copyright problems while posting through Patreon and as you said in the fmab video, editing is taking up so much of your time and if they are still gonna hit you with copyright claims, it just isn’t worth it.


Did you read the part about him having less than 10% chance to defend himself in court if he posts full length reactions?


Just edit the free content fmab and anymore naruto you may do. Everything else at the goosh load straight up to video forget YouTube for premium content. That's fair isn't it?


Thats sucks dude. I would totally say scew it but if the chance of court did happen it would suck. Im giong to have to say stick with the editing just to be safe. If it does keep happening i guess ur going to have to say screw it.


As much as I would love longer videos, I still think you should stick with your principles. You've done a lot for this community, and we really appreciate the work you do and the time you put in. Saying that, I can't vote for you to throw away your principles knowing it could cause serious legal issues for you in the future. For the sake of not only ensuring your own legal safety, but also the safety of the community, I think you should stick to your principles. Don't let shitty Japanese companies push you to do something out of spite. Either way, whatever you choose to do, all of us here at the Goosh will stand behind you

Eric Ballard

Don't break down to these cucks. Do your own thing Curt!


If these vids never hit youtube you might as well do full length


I voted for full length, but honestly don’t choose it if it’s one vote over the other. I wanted to see the community’s opinions and saw they are as split as I am.


I'm torn, if I knew more about how aggressive copyright claims are against patreon content creators that might sway my thoughts. I support whatever you decide, I would gladly watch full episode reactions or edited ones. I know cutting out the editing saves you time too, but I don't want this to haunt you/us later on. :/

Steven Fechter

I say screw em. They give the DBZA guys so much shit despite the fact they created something entirely new and have created new legions of fans to DBZ. None of that matters to japanese companies. You arent "giving into anger". This aint star wars. Youre just playing the same game everyone else is playing finally.


My only concern is that there could be consequences down the line, so ultimately, it's up to you to take the risk or not. In terms of strictly morality, I think it's justifiable.

Jake Young

I'd say keep editing the videos but be a bit more loose. Like posting full or longer content for special occasions like movies or during livestreams.


Don’t get me wrong, I would love to be able to watch you react to a full episode of these awesome anime, but I would rather watch a 10 minute edited version and know that you’ve seen the whole episode and show us your reactions to huge plot points than risk your channel being shut down or forced to create other content.


i would like the longer clips but keeping principles is way more importent


Principles or not, I'd love full reactions


Very true, Flaming shark is one of them, I have always found it weird why some people are targeted and some aren't?


Personally I see it as "better safe than sorry". A number of reaction channels have recently added a partial overlay to the video they're watching (most often a timer displaying how much of the content they've shown so far). Or if you do switch to releasing full length reactions then a sync timer is the safest way to go about that - and people who prefer subs vs. dubs can choose (for example) Crunchyroll vs. Funimation.


Always stay true to your principles. I dont mind the shorter edited versions. In fact, they save me a lot of time so for me its perfect


Hey Baldman...my opinion is you can spend your entire life being an upstanding citizen going out of your way for others but that one time a sweet wrapper falls out your pocket accidentally without you noticing itll be where theres a dozen cops and youl get fvcked over royally....thats just how unfair life is I think maybe you should play it safe instead of sacrificing for our sake or giving in to anger since you can still watch some anime that you cant react to by yourself for your own recreation....I think you should make a set schedule of uploads for yourself and go slower release less videos for a while or forever if you need to...just to give yourself less stress and maybe save more time for your gaming streams to relax and have fun some people on youtube and even here just want to see reactions to certain anime and thats it but the majority of us the community part care more about the Goofy old guy behind the reactor your personal health comes first with no exceptions


i can't weigh out the pros and cons :/


If youtube is going to strike your videos regardless of fair use, then theres not much to be done about that, and they certainly wouldnt allow full length reactions. so if you switched to full length reactions that wouldnt remedy the youtube issue. A potential solution might be to not include the actual video in your reactions, but instead to add a timer in your videos so people can open up the episode and watch with you. this way you could both upload your full reaction AND not worry about getting struck for content. it would also make editing easier.


Stick to your guns, Curtis. I have a sour taste in my mouth that this will land in a courtroom someday, and if you post as much as a single full length reaction, it'll screw the entire thing up.


We've already been over that option with him, alot of the fanbase was highly against it


Don't sacrifice the principals you've worked so hard to keep just because their a bunch of absolute cock suckers! Everyone loves you, so what ever you decide, us bunch of weirdos will be with you all the way.


Full length of course would make everything easier for you, and allow you to put out more content if you wanted to. I'm yet to see any other reactor get hit with strikes for full length patreon reactions, although the slight risk that you might get taken to court does bother me. Regarding principles, I can understand you feeling uncomfortable about it, but to me at least, there are no principles in war, and considering the way the companies have disrespected you, you'd be completely justified in going full length


Plus you do a really good job of editing. I watch other reactors and the cuts are really jarring. I feel like yours are really smooth and keep in the important content. Since I’ve watched a lot of these before I don’t need to see the whole episodes so seeing the best parts again isn’t plenty.


Staying in fair use is Curtis’s ninja way


How dare you you Basturd I know your just a SPY! go back to your masters

Hee Chungboi

Never go back on your principles thats yo ninja way

Peter Milligan

I agree with saying fuck it and sticking the middle finger up at them, but I think you should stay on the safe side in case there is some loop hole caused by posting full length. (Dislaimer: I know nothing about patreon or its rules, so I may just be spouting noncense)


It depends. If you sill get struck with strikes on THE GOOSH. Then don't do it. Tho, if you get struck through YOUTUBE, and THE GOOSH you do not get strikes, I'd say before editing, you slap the full video and upload it to THE GOOSH. And then after that you edit the video to post on YouTube. If that's not the case, or you understandably do not feel like making two videos, then I'd say to just keep the procedures. Like you said yourself if it ever comes to something as serious as court, and you go to full length reactions. You aren't gonna have much of a chance. It may suck but if you just keep following procedures. And have evidence obviously to support it. You can fight them back and prove you are following procedures and there's no way to wrongfully strike or take videos down. It's like a boss at your job setting up damn ass rules, you may hate them and think they are stupid, but if worse comes to worse and something happens, if you followed the rules and things go wrong, you always have 100% chance of getting out in no trouble as you haven't done anything wrong to put you in trouble. Again it may suck, but I'd hate for this to become serious and you lose your chances of ever winning a fight like that just stay smart and strong

James Fiarito

Curtis, all you have to do it post a full reaction but not include the source footage, just a time code and light audio so we can sync the episodes up. Then you dont have to worry about breaking full use and you don't have to go through all the trouble of cutting episodes and deciding the best footage to include


I actually prefer the edited versions to full length, the best parts of the episode with your reaction to it


Those were wildly unpopular when I did them on the YT channel... As far as here at THE GOOSH, I don't have to go that route because if the Japanese companies want to challenge me here, they have to do it the right, legal way, and I welcome that. :-)


Yes please do full length. These reactions are the highlight of my day so I welcome my highlight being longer.


Honestly I really like the way you do it now, and I'm happy to be a supporter of someone who does stick to their principles. I'll stick around either way, but want you to do what you feel is the right thing for you to do.


I'd love full length reactions but maybe increase those full reactions to a higher subscription level. That way you can post the raw footage at the goosh, and then edit it for youtube? Just my thoughts


POST FULL LENGtH! WHoeever picked keep your priciniples doesn't actualy suppurt curtis tsk tsk.


Keep your principles, I don't want you to get into further trouble.

Charlie baker

i say we do patreon only full reactions,it keeps you safe as many people swear by that format with no issues and it encourages people to support you and your family so you can keep doing this

Charlie baker

make it a 10 dollar reward with a link only posted in the patreon only discord for extra security


When I saw “full length reaction” I was all for it but as good as that sounds to me, a supporter of yours, I can’t think of just myself but you as well Curtis. I say ride it out and do the best you can to stick to your principles, I’m sorry it’s stressing you out. It’s unfortunate that they are getting on you about this, something that you’re doing is suppose to be enjoyable for everyone but is giving you more grief than it should. We don’t want you to get into further trouble and potentially harm everything that you have worked for and built. That’s just my opinion though, from someone who is not in your shoes and don’t know how you’re feeling, so my decision isn’t influenced by other things. Regardless, we support you either way!

Michael Aagaard Nielsen

On one hand i would like to see full length reactions on the other hand i want Curtis to be the bigger man and stick to his principles and not stoop to their level.


I'd vote for full length. If it were for something other than content that gets flagged by companies such as TVTokyo and certain others like them, I'd say stick with fair use. But in all honesty, a lot of Japanese companies are terrible when it comes to fair use and literally don't care. You have a crunchyroll subscription as you have mentioned a few times and you always do your best to support the creators and I'm sure a lot of people here do as well. Simply put following fair use isn't going to help you when the term fair use doesn't exist in their vocabulary. Though I'd be lying if I didn't mention me wanting to see full length reactions didn't influence my vote also.

Weiss Schnee

As much as I'd like full length the safety of your channel comes first. If you think you can do it without risking your channel being deleted go for it


Perhaps a bit selfishly, I would really love to see full length reactions. Though on the other hand it'll make them that much more likely to get flagged. If you do end up going full length, I'd recommend doing what a lot of others do and redirect to bitchute or megaupload or something.


what idiots picked the dumb choice fo real. only real intellectuals choose the secoind choice about resepct towards you which is non ixistant -_- you don't ALWAYS HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOUR FANS CURTIS. PEWDIEPIE LEARNED THAT A LONG TIME AGO> HE WAS UNHAPPYY UNTIL HE STARTED DOIN STUFF "HE" WANTED TO DO INSTEAD!!


Yeah, just ignore the potential legal issues and throw away your morals. Sounds good. /sarcasm


Keep 'em edited. I have been a subscriber for years now and you are the only reactor I support because you respect the original content. The people blocking you and causing all this stress don't deserve your respect. But the animators who bust their asses, the mangaka whose livelihood is completely overwhelmed/their health compromised because they need to constantly keep making stories/chapters to publish - they deserve the respect as true artists and have never done anything to wrong any of us. As frustrating as it is and as much as even I would like full length reactions, your video on reaction channels and what set you apart is what made me comfortable with subscribing and joining the GOOSH for these years. I'm not in your shoes so I can't possibly understand how much easier it would be for you if you could skip all the editing and re-editing... but, the people you would be giving the bird to, in my eyes, aren't the assholes sitting at computers that will flag the videos anyway; it's the people that created the art for us to enjoy. Maybe I'm wrong, I have never claimed to be wise or even smart. But, that's my $0.02. Maybe after FMA:B, post edited reactions here going forward and episode reviews on YT? It would incentivize people to join here to see actual reactions and avoid the Japanese flagging bullshit? Not sure if that would be too much work but it might avoid some headaches. Sorry if this sounds especially dumb; I am typing it on the shitter. (posting pics soon)